****November Testing. 4 BFP SO FAR! FX ALL******

Well I'm on cd10 and opk almost positive :happydance:
We didn't get to BD last night he had to work. But will today/tonight and tomorrow hope that will be enough. My period is already due again in 2 weeks ..uggh.. Hate having such short cycles.
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Nice Positive OPK!!! Good luck and baby dust to you in your 2WW! :dust::dust: Time to get in lots of :sex:
Hi ladies and welcome to @wannabeprego
Cd6 for me today and gonna start the OPKs and Macca Root.
Hubby is keen to try this cycle but I am unsure.
My bleeding has stopped now.
I've a feeling I'm not going to ovulate until my normal time of day 13 so we cud try if that's the case.
Urghhh I just don't know.
I'm just so scared of having a 5th loss.

When I was getting the darker lines last cycle I ordered 2 boxes of Frer off Amazon.
Then when I new it was another chemical I contacted the seller as the items had not been dispatched, and I wrote to them saying.
,item no longer needed because I'm having a miscarriage, and sure enough I had a email saying that the order had been successfully cancelled.
Well low and behold but what shud turn up in the post yesterday?
Only the Frer tests so I think Amazon made a boo boo.
I said to my DH maybe its a sign?
Do u know what I mean ladies or am I being stupid?
Thank you for the warm welcome! Good luck to you as well for this cycle if you guys decide to go ahead and try! :dust: :dust: I am so sorry about your previous losses! I hope that this next one will be your rainbow baby! Big hugs to you! XOXO I can relate because my last FET cycle was a miscarriage, so it took me some time to heal from that cycle before I was ready to try my FET cycle that I am currently in the 2WW with! I also had a chemical with a previous FET that I went through before my last fresh IVF cycle before I got pregnant with my youngest daughter. It's such an emotional roller coaster!!! IT's very hard!!!
Hubby just said he thinks we shud try this cycle because this cycle cud be the one and then if we don't try we will miss the opportunity.
I can see where he is coming from looking at it that way.
Oh what to do ladies.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You will know when you are emotionally ready to give it a try again! Just take your time and go at your own pace hun! :dust: :dust:
Hey! Can I be added?!

I am on my first official month of ttc #2. Dd turned 5 last month. I’ve just had a very early loss (5w) and has two mmc and an ectopic before dd was born.

I’m on cd 4 and I’ll be testing on/around the 26th of November.
Welcome and good luck to you! :dust: :dust:
My Hubby and I are trying to recover from all of the Halloween festivities from yesterday! We did a Halloween Egg hunt/party for my 3 kids yesterday and that was a blast, this was a first for us, but because of COVID, I didn't want to take all of the kids trick or treating due to COVID, so this was a way for everyone to have fun safely! It went really great and the kids had fun! I did take my 7 year old twin daughter trick or treating later, but she is very mature and kept her mask on! She got cold though and wanted to quit early! It was really chilly here last night! The egg hunt party had toys and candies in the eggs! We also made surprise bags with larger toys and candies that wouldn't fit in the eggs! We had halloween balloons and the kid's halloween crafts that they had been working on to decorate our basement hanging up on the walls for the party! I think hubby and I have a Halloween hangover today! We are all pretty worn out! LOL!

I did test today but it was BFN. However it is very early still! I am only 4 days past a 5 day transfer, so I still have time to get a BFP! I'm trying to keep up the PMA and not let those negative thoughts creep in, but I don't have a good feeling about this cycle! It's hard to not psych yourself out! I am going to keep testing every day and I will start sharing my tests on here soon! Sadly today there was nothing to see yet! They were stark white! I went crazy and I ordered over 150 IC's, I also have 3 FRER that are being saved for additional confirmation if I get any lines on my IC's! Looking at the bright side I know my ICs aren't giving false positives since they are totally white right now! Ugghhh!
LOL! Good luck ladies!! Send me some good luck vibes also!! :dust: :dust:
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Awwww you ladies are just the best.
Thanks so much for all the replies each and everyone of you.
I think I'm gonna throw caution to the wind and just continue to try.
Depending on ovulation as long as it holds off until at the very least day 12 I will give it another shot.
So AF shud be due around the 24th November depending on ovulation. Its been day 13 the past 4 cycles so hopefully it will be the same this cycle.
Stick me down to test on the 22nd hon.
If pregnant I shud get a blazing dark line by then as that will be 2 days b4 AF.
Gonna try my hardest to hold off even tho I know by 10dpo I will be itching lol.
So I will be 14dpo when I test and AF normally shows at 16 dpo.
Gonna try my hardest not to cave but I do have plenty of cheepies say if I have a bunch of symptoms and do decide to test a bit earlier.
So I'm guessing I'm joining you all now in the November testing group.
This will be my 9th cycle ttc.

@wannabeprego thanks so much hon. I'm keeping everything crossed for you my lovely, what a journey u have been on.

Also wanting to wish the lovely @JessaBear36 the very very best of luck this cycle.
That opk is so close hon go catch that eggy:spermy:

And thank u @babybears25 for ure lovely comment. Keeping it all crossed for you to.

And @FTale and @Mum42crazy

And all u over ladies.
Let's do this and let's get some :bfp:s
Hey! Can I be added?!

I am on my first official month of ttc #2. Dd turned 5 last month. I’ve just had a very early loss (5w) and has two mmc and an ectopic before dd was born.

I’m on cd 4 and I’ll be testing on/around the 26th of November.

Hi hon welcome and good luck
Awwww you ladies are just the best.
Thanks so much for all the replies each and everyone of you.
I think I'm gonna throw caution to the wind and just continue to try.
Depending on ovulation as long as it holds off until at the very least day 12 I will give it another shot.
So AF shud be due around the 24th November depending on ovulation. Its been day 13 the past 4 cycles so hopefully it will be the same this cycle.
Stick me down to test on the 22nd hon.
If pregnant I shud get a blazing dark line by then as that will be 2 days b4 AF.
Gonna try my hardest to hold off even tho I know by 10dpo I will be itching lol.
So I will be 14dpo when I test and AF normally shows at 16 dpo.
Gonna try my hardest not to cave but I do have plenty of cheepies say if I have a bunch of symptoms and do decide to test a bit earlier.
So I'm guessing I'm joining you all now in the November testing group.
This will be my 9th cycle ttc.

@wannabeprego thanks so much hon. I'm keeping everything crossed for you my lovely, what a journey u have been on.

Also wanting to wish the lovely @JessaBear36 the very very best of luck this cycle.
That opk is so close hon go catch that eggy:spermy:

And thank u @babybears25 for ure lovely comment. Keeping it all crossed for you to.

And @FTale and @Mum42crazy

And all u over ladies.
Let's do this and let's get some :bfp:s
Yeah!!! You go girl!
November Testing.
So we have gone through the summer and now the time is to get cozy under the covers :sex:and see if we can get that :bfp:!​
I'm a bit scared of doing this but I didn't see a new thread so I thought I'd start one as the others have been great help to me, so most of you know the drill let me know your testing day and I'll pop it on this page.
(remember to quote this post so I don't miss anyone) good luck all!

1st of November
10th of November

12th of November

20th of November

1st of November

22nd of November

25th November

27th of November

28th November

I'll be testing on November 10. I'm not sure where I am in my cycle really since my miscarriage last month.
Cd11 opk and last 1 I have need to order more. Had pink mixed with CM yesterday and O pains. Sad thing is we were only able to BD last night...:(... So now I wait. Hope next month we can get more BDing in for a better chance.

❤Baby dust to all of us trying this month❤
Here to root you ladies on!

@JessaBear36 Do you temp as well to confirm O? If you did ovulate yesterday, the egg sticks around for about 24 hours so you might be able to BD again today and still catch it. Regardless, I hope that did the trick and you'll get your BFP in a couple of weeks!
Hi ladies, I'd like to join this November testing thread if that's ok.

I've been ttc long term now. Not trying/not preventing since late 2008 (daughter was born early 2007) and actively ttc since 2012. Got nothing until 2018, when I had 2 chemical pregnancies (hate that term) within 5 months, 1 natural cycle, 1 clomid cycle.
Been diagnosed with unexplained secondary subfertility. It's just not happening for us, but not really sure why. I do have a polycystic ovary but not PCOS. I'm nearly 39 now, so time isn't really on my side anymore.

I've been MIA off the testing threads for a year or so, after my husband was involved in a very nasty industrial accident, resulting in PTSD. But he's mostly through the other side of it now, and ready to start ttc again.

So, please add me to November 17th - I should be about 11dpo by then.

I'll be testing on November 10. I'm not sure where I am in my cycle really since my miscarriage last month.

Good luck hon.

Cd11 opk and last 1 I have need to order more. Had pink mixed with CM yesterday and O pains. Sad thing is we were only able to BD last night...:(... So now I wait. Hope next month we can get more BDing in for a better chance.
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❤Baby dust to all of us trying this month❤

Good luck hon, I really hope this is finally ure month.

Hi ladies, I'd like to join this November testing thread if that's ok.

I've been ttc long term now. Not trying/not preventing since late 2008 (daughter was born early 2007) and actively ttc since 2012. Got nothing until 2018, when I had 2 chemical pregnancies (hate that term) within 5 months, 1 natural cycle, 1 clomid cycle.
Been diagnosed with unexplained secondary subfertility. It's just not happening for us, but not really sure why. I do have a polycystic ovary but not PCOS. I'm nearly 39 now, so time isn't really on my side anymore.

I've been MIA off the testing threads for a year or so, after my husband was involved in a very nasty industrial accident, resulting in PTSD. But he's mostly through the other side of it now, and ready to start ttc again.

So, please add me to November 17th - I should be about 11dpo by then.


Awwww bless you hon,
Welcome back to the testing threads I'm so sorry u have been through so much and really hope u get ure BFP this month.
Dee dee I can see something faint I'm sure.
I'll be testing on November 10. I'm not sure where I am in my cycle really since my miscarriage last month.
I will be testing on the 10th too if I can be a good girl.... but I’m already having to stop myself testing!!! FX

Hi ladies, I'd like to join this November testing thread if that's ok.

I've been ttc long term now. Not trying/not preventing since late 2008 (daughter was born early 2007) and actively ttc since 2012. Got nothing until 2018, when I had 2 chemical pregnancies (hate that term) within 5 months, 1 natural cycle, 1 clomid cycle.
Been diagnosed with unexplained secondary subfertility. It's just not happening for us, but not really sure why. I do have a polycystic ovary but not PCOS. I'm nearly 39 now, so time isn't really on my side anymore.

I've been MIA off the testing threads for a year or so, after my husband was involved in a very nasty industrial accident, resulting in PTSD. But he's mostly through the other side of it now, and ready to start ttc again.

So, please add me to November 17th - I should be about 11dpo by then.

I’ve put you on the front page..... so wish you all the luck after your difficult time!
Hi ladies! I just did a FET cycle and I transferred two frozen embryos yesterday! I might start testing this sunday which would be the 31st, but I am going to try to wait until November 1st if I can control myself! LOL! Wish me luck! I am sending lots of good luck wishes and sticky baby dust to all of you ladies testing! :dust::dust: I hope to see lots of BFP's soon including my own!

A bit of a background about myself! I was an LTTC girl and I have done two IVF cycles and this will be my 4th FET cycle. My BG twins and my daughter are all from fresh IVF cycles. I haven't had any success yet from my FET cycles, although my last FET ended in an early miscarriage. I'm hoping that this FET cycle works out because these 2 embryos that I transferred are my last two that I had frozen!

I included a picture of my two embryos in this post!

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How did you get on? Hoping everything is ok sending a hug
Here to root you ladies on!

@JessaBear36 Do you temp as well to confirm O? If you did ovulate yesterday, the egg sticks around for about 24 hours so you might be able to BD again today and still catch it. Regardless, I hope that did the trick and you'll get your BFP in a couple of weeks!
No I can't temp anymore because of my insomnia. I uses to tho.
We managed to sneak in another session before our son got home ,so hope it helps.
Hi ladies, I'd like to join this November testing thread if that's ok.

I've been ttc long term now. Not trying/not preventing since late 2008 (daughter was born early 2007) and actively ttc since 2012. Got nothing until 2018, when I had 2 chemical pregnancies (hate that term) within 5 months, 1 natural cycle, 1 clomid cycle.
Been diagnosed with unexplained secondary subfertility. It's just not happening for us, but not really sure why. I do have a polycystic ovary but not PCOS. I'm nearly 39 now, so time isn't really on my side anymore.

I've been MIA off the testing threads for a year or so, after my husband was involved in a very nasty industrial accident, resulting in PTSD. But he's mostly through the other side of it now, and ready to start ttc again.

So, please add me to November 17th - I should be about 11dpo by then.


Welcome to the group! Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust to you! :dust: :dust:

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