November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Jordypotpie - welcome :wave: wishing you the best of luck this cycle. I hope this is your month. I've put you down for the 9th! So a little about me - I'm currently 6dpo and this is our 16th cycle TTC#1. I've had 2 x 21 day progesterone bloodtests done which were both normal, a pelvis scan which was normal and hubby's sperm analysis came back normal too. Im just waiting for an appointment through now to have a HSG done to check if any of my tubes are blocked. After that there are no more tests we can have done on the NHS in the uk so we will have to just keep trying. Then after three years of TTC we'll qualify for free IVF, but if we can save up enough money we may consider paying for IVF privately after two years of trying. So where abouts are you on your TTC journey? I think I have sorted the dress issue now thanks! :thumbup:

Rockinghorse - what is your sister having? I'm sorry you think your mum has bipolar. My mum has suffers from depression which can be difficult to deal with at times. :hugs: I can't wait for you to test! I don't know how you are waiting it out. I'd be going crazy! GL!

Atalanta - I will put you down for testing on the 8th! GL to you! I hope the symptoms are a good think!

MJsBaby - my periods are usually
1.5 to 2days so I was worried it meant I had a thin lining. My acupuncturist recommended taking a supplement called Floradix (it's a B vitamin complex) and eating lots of blood making foods like spinach, red meat, beetroot etc. I've also been drinking red raspberry leaf tea and pomegranate juice until ovulation, and taking a vitamin e supplement as well as my pre natal supplement. The month after doing this my period was 2.5days long and heavier. I was over the moon! If only it was easy to "relax and stop trying"! :haha:

Lozano - welcome :wave: I hope AF didn't show up. do you want me to put a testing date down for you on the front page?

Mama - I'm praying your little bean is a sticky one. Thanks for asking about the lamp post - no I wasn't hurt thankfully! :haha: thanks for the advise on the dress. It's really helpful to know you can take a dress in up to 3 sizes! :thumbup: I hope you managed to wash your sons feet! :haha:

MrsBallard - welcome :wave: I have you added! GL and I hope November is your month. I jealous you have snow! I love snow but we didn't get any last year in uk. FX'd we will this winter.

Mommastork - welcome :wave: I have you added.

Miss406 - I often get cramps and twinges after ovulation so I don't think it means much (well not for me anyway). If you don't usually get them anything different could be a good sign. :thumbup:

Crystal - I hope your well! When do you usually ovulate. I often find the first two weeks of my cycle easier waiting for ovulation as I'll try and eat healthier and just have fun! I hope it starts going quickly for you!

Lou - I'm glad something appears to be happening for you! Has the flow got heavier/redder yet?

J&J - sorry but I don't see anything on those test pics. FX'd you get a darker line soon.

Turtle - Yes the bridesmaid dress dilemma is a bit of a nightmare. Sorry AF got you. :hugs: how long was your LP this cycle? Is it still going up? Got your testing date moved! GL!

Orion - I hope your sleep improves soon.

Eclaire - THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have decided to just keep the size 14! As there really isn't much room in the 12 to grow. And you've put my mind at rest about what can be done to the size 14 if the belt area does get too tight and that I can take it in back to a size 12 if necessary (hopefully not though!). I don't really want to keep 2 dresses as they were quite expensive and I don't think I'd get my money back if I sold it on eBay or something. I owe you one! :thumbup:
Miss406 - I often get cramps and twinges after ovulation so I don't think it means much (well not for me anyway). If you don't usually get them anything different could be a good sign. :thumbup:

Woop woop! I'm hoping my temperature dip today is implantation related :D Fingers crossed :D
Ok ladies, need a little advice. Yesterday was the only day I've really had symptoms so far...very nauseous, tired, achy, headache, and last night some twinges around my right ovary. This morning, my temp fell about 0.5 of a degree, but still above my cover line for sure. I'm 9/10 dpo. AF isn't due till early next week. Does this sound like Implantation? If so, wouldn't the symptoms come up afterwards? I guess otherwise, they are normal AF symptoms coming on early, or I'm getting sick. Is it normal for your temp to drop five or six days before AF is expected? I guess she could be planning to come early instead, too....but i hope not! That would make my lp super short this cycle.
Bing - that is awesome that NHS will cover's like $12-$18k here in the US and hardly any of it covered by insurance. Sounds like you have a good plan for the dresses situation! My acupuncturist did some special needles plus electric stimulation in order to build up my lining this month, so hopefully that will work. She also changed up my herbal formula. I will try to incorporate some of those blood making in iron is what it sounds like. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ok ladies, need a little advice. Yesterday was the only day I've really had symptoms so far...very nauseous, tired, achy, headache, and last night some twinges around my right ovary. This morning, my temp fell about 0.5 of a degree, but still above my cover line for sure. I'm 9/10 dpo. AF isn't due till early next week. Does this sound like Implantation? If so, wouldn't the symptoms come up afterwards? I guess otherwise, they are normal AF symptoms coming on early, or I'm getting sick. Is it normal for your temp to drop five or six days before AF is expected? I guess she could be planning to come early instead, too....but i hope not! That would make my lp super short this cycle.

The timing of 9/10 DPO sounds about right for implantation, though it is on the later end. Unfortunately PMS and early pregnancy symptoms are all pretty similar...I have convinced myself far too many times that I was pregnant only to get a bfn so now I just ignore them and wait for AF. Give it a couple more days - if you did implant you would need another 4 days or so in order to see a positive pregnancy test.
Bing - the last 2 cycles I have O'd on CD16 and CD18 so I have a while to wait. I'm sure it will go quickly as things just got a little more crazy in my life. My BIL passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning so I'm just trying to help out my sister and nephew. Apparently this is meant to be a year for sadness for my family since we just lost my dad 2 months ago. Boo for unhappy things happening!

I hope everyone else is having a better week than me!
Crystl I am so sorry for you bil's sudden passing. How awful.

Mrs that could be a possible implantation. It is in the right time frame for an implantation dip. Now we just need the rise tomorrow. Fx it is what we hope.

Miss I hope that is an implantation dip for you too. 6 dpo is a little early, but not unlikely. Fx for you.

Bing I think you made the right decision on the dress. I am sure regardless of the situation it can be made to work for you.

Afm 5 dpo and not much going on. I have had some minor cramping and twinges in my breasts, but nothing to strong or uncomfortable. The odd thing is my temp has been the exact same every morning since ovulation. I was worried my thermometer was broken so I tested a couple of hours after my normal test this morning and it was almost 2 degrees lower, so I know it works. Just odd. Anyone else ever have this happen?
Miss I hope that is an implantation dip for you too. 6 dpo is a little early, but not unlikely. Fx for you.

Afm 5 dpo and not much going on. I have had some minor cramping and twinges in my breasts, but nothing to strong or uncomfortable. The odd thing is my temp has been the exact same every morning since ovulation. I was worried my thermometer was broken so I tested a couple of hours after my normal test this morning and it was almost 2 degrees lower, so I know it works. Just odd. Anyone else ever have this happen?

I really really hope so hun! I've had a few pains and cramps and know the earliest implantation can occur is today, so fingers crossed! Going to start testing on Friday with IC's and on Sunday with FRER :D

You're only a day behind me? :D Not sure on temperature thing, at least your thermometer works :D
Bing - please put me down for the 15th (4 days post mirena) as that will be the last day logical for a bfp to explain my crazy symptoms.

Orion - insomnia sucks; remember to stay away from computer/cell phone screens for at least and hour or two before sleeping as they can worsen your insomnia.

JandJ - please see my new test on the poas thread.

Jordy - I have been eating big dill pickles and tootsie rolls together for the last couple days. And liking it..

MrsBallard - from what I've read other women write and from their charts (first time charter here) it sounds like an implantation dip to me. Are your cycles regular? Also, sometimes a women can start feeling pregnancy symptoms as soon as 24 hours post fertilization.

Miss406 - Good Luck!! FX for your BFP!!

crystal - so sorry to hear about your family. Hopefully you can soon bring some joy back into your family with new life to help heal the wounds left by the departure of loved ones. :hugs:
Has anyone else had trouble with REALLY sore and ache-y bb's and colostrum production out of nowhere and nip stimulation that causes uterine contractions?? Has it ever happened when you weren't pregnant?? My symptoms are driving me crazy!! I am NOT going to be a happy camper if all this is the result of the expired mirena and cysts wreaking havoc on my body! :(
BTW ladies, if I thank you for a post that doesn't mention me or answer my question, I often use the thanks as similar to the Facebook like button, for instance: because I can relate, or because I was going to give the same answer, or even because I am stalking you and happy to read an update. lol
This is my second cycle off BC for about a year (went off right after 10 years of being on after our wedding to see if it would increase my sex drive, and then have been back on for about a year) "regular" is still up in the air for me. But, I the rest of my cycle so far has been pretty standard - I O'd on CD 15 or 16, I've been temping and its going pretty normal. I guess the bottom line is that I have to wait and see what the next few days bring! Either its cramping, etc., and temp drop from AF's early arrival, or its an implantation dip and that could mean great things. Oh the joy of waiting and having no idea what's really happening in your body....

Thanks for the words of support everyone!

Querida, I read your full story on your other thread - I can't believe you're dealing with all of that! No fun at all. FX that once the mirena and cysts are taken care of, things are normal and you get a BFP!
Thanks! It's so nice to have support here, I am now most worried about the ob trying to just do a yearly and tell me I have to schedule separate apts for mirena removal and ultrasound follow-up, esp since I made the apt for mirena removal, not a yearly and his nurses refused to give me a separate apt for the cysts.
Thanks! It's so nice to have support here, I am now most worried about the ob trying to just do a yearly and tell me I have to schedule separate apts for mirena removal and ultrasound follow-up, esp since I made the apt for mirena removal, not a yearly and his nurses refused to give me a separate apt for the cysts.

Poor you hon. I had a dreadful time with my mirena but thankfully no cysts that I am aware of. Though they did find something small outside my womb. I did however manage to miscarry with it in place and had to then beg them to remove it!! I bought myself mirror torch and speculum to do it myself and had to say if you don't take it out I will!!!!
WOW miss!! I haven't really had problems with the mirena, (a few symptom scares over the years, but never felt truly pregnant before.. Oh and the scare when I lost the strings) until now (a year overdue for removal), I actually was one of those few who loved it. Now I just want it gone and if I had visible strings it would have been gone weeks ago. I bought myself a speculum so I could observe my cp and cm (and teach my bf the wonders of the reproductive cycle lol) but it's too small, must have moved the mouse when I clicked. Oh well, only seven more days of torture before my apt. I hope that when they go to remove the mirea they do an ultrasound to locate it and find a placenta or two! That would show everyone who tells me I'm crazy!
Hello ladies, I hope you don't mind me joining this thread! I am moving over from the October one because AF came yesterday. I was so hopeful so I feel really let down. I am on my 3rd cycle of Clomid 50 mg. I have taken it starting on Day 3 the past two cycles but am considering taking it Day 5. My doctor hasn't responded to me but from what I've read online, it might help with a stronger ovulation. In addition to the PreSeed, Soft Cups, opk and prenatals I've been using every month, DH and I have decided to try the FertilAid for Men (We don't know if he has a problem but it would only help his swimmers) and I am going to buy Evening Primrose oil and Robutussin to help my CM. Any advice is much appreciated. :) I look forward to chatting with you!
Querida- haha i was pigging out on dill pickles at work the other day! I stopped when i got a gut ache and couldnt even look at them anymore lol. So far the only other thing i cant seem to gonwithout is spicy food. My SO loves rooster sauce and i cant usually stand it...i smothered my dinner in it last night lol. Anyway, my main thing i wanted to say to you is that I just had surgery a month ago to remove a large cyst from my right ovary. 4 years ago on my 20th birthday a large mass was found in my tummy (we sadly took it as a pregnancy we were unaware of). After the first apt of the doc knowing nothing another office saw me and told me that I don't have just one..but two large cysts. When they were discovered the one on my right overy was 10 cm and the one on my left just 5 cm. I had no work and no way to pay bills..about a year or two later I called and made the apt to get the ball rolling on their removal as the main one had expanded above my bellybutton( I was told to do this if they expanded that far). The day before my apt they sent me to collections and refused to see me. Now another two years later I have a loving SO who I live happily with along with our dog, cat and adorable fish (never mind the five million houseplants I have around the house to satisfy my mothering needs LOL). About 4 months ago I got state insurance and they paid for everything and a month ago I had the surgery to get the right cyst removed (somewhere alone the line the cyst on my left ovary absorbed and went away). Unfortunately I lost my right ovary and tube and am now dependent solely on my left ovary getting the job done. My SO and I aren't trying but more non as I am not in bc and we would be happy if it happened. Plus we aren't looking at marriage for another 6 or so months. Anyway if you need anything let me know! I have had my share of cyst adventure and can wholeheartedly relate! [EDIT] my cyst was a little larger than a football but about the same shape only more round and wound up weighing about 10 lbs (sorry if tmi but she actually had to drain it before she could pull it out through the incision) I recovered faster than the allotted 6 weeks and am back to my normal routines.

Bing- I do hope things go well for you! I sure hate seeing people have a tough time with this.

Crystl- I am so so sorry for your loss! We just lost a grandmother in august and now 2 more aren't doing well. My prayers are with you and yours. (My SO and I celebrated day of the dead this year and that really helped wonders) I am just so sad for you ):

If any of you feel left out I am so sorry. I am without any other means of being on here except my phone and it is very hard to jump around pages and type everything that needs typed.
Crystl I am so sorry for you bil's sudden passing. How awful.

Mrs that could be a possible implantation. It is in the right time frame for an implantation dip. Now we just need the rise tomorrow. Fx it is what we hope.

Miss I hope that is an implantation dip for you too. 6 dpo is a little early, but not unlikely. Fx for you.

Bing I think you made the right decision on the dress. I am sure regardless of the situation it can be made to work for you.

Afm 5 dpo and not much going on. I have had some minor cramping and twinges in my breasts, but nothing to strong or uncomfortable. The odd thing is my temp has been the exact same every morning since ovulation. I was worried my thermometer was broken so I tested a couple of hours after my normal test this morning and it was almost 2 degrees lower, so I know it works. Just odd. Anyone else ever have this happen?

Me!! I had flat temps after O the one and only cycle where I was pregnant! My temps stayed at 97.9 from O until 11DPO...on 12DPO they went up to 98.2, so I tested and I got my BFP. Unfortunately, it ended in an early m/c but I don't think that my temps had anything to do with it. Good luck, maybe this is a good sign!!
Oh man the cat and dog have been glued to me the past is the first day that only the cat is in even the same room as me. It feels so relaxing..don't feel quite so crowded. They have the whole house to be in but they feel my lap and feet are THE place to be...probably for the better..crying at Eliza being shipped to boarding school on the wild Thornberrys movie last night was a bit unexpected and sissy looking on my part lol..their comfort was certainly appreciated. I've really been crying a lot lately...weird..
So I'm inclined to say that these tests just give really wonky lines and if I'm pregnant my body has not fully registered it yet. Because there is like nothing on the two from today. Not out until the :witch: shows her ugly face though.

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