November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Phew!! Just read through the last 10 pages, its been a busy few days and I fell behind.

Eclaire - I used opks from the 9th to 14th, had a line every test but the darkest thickest line was the 9th. Other darkish lines were on 12th and 14th, so who knows, i couldve Od later than i say? I was more using them out of curiosity than necessity.

Mamabee - Congrats!! Do you know a due date yet? Mines est. July 1st, but it may change once I go to the dr.

Rockinghorse - totally understand the frustration, it took me 10 days after af was due to finally get a +. Hoping you get the same results!!!

Olive & Turtle - this may not help your symptom spotting, but for me I had weird pinches and twinges from about 5 dpo all the way up until about 2 days late. Random couple days of being super tired.had a slight sore throat at 10 dpo-12dpo. No bb soreness. No nausea. Honestly I felt pretty fantastic (and still do) I keep having to look at the tests because I keep thinking I should be feeling worse. Lol the only consistent sypmtoms I had was my jeans band felt very uncomfortable(never experienced that before) and had watery cm (also neer have and had to wear a liner for about 2 weeks)
Hello ladies, I hope you don't mind me joining this thread! I am moving over from the October one because AF came yesterday. I was so hopeful so I feel really let down. I am on my 3rd cycle of Clomid 50 mg. I have taken it starting on Day 3 the past two cycles but am considering taking it Day 5. My doctor hasn't responded to me but from what I've read online, it might help with a stronger ovulation. In addition to the PreSeed, Soft Cups, opk and prenatals I've been using every month, DH and I have decided to try the FertilAid for Men (We don't know if he has a problem but it would only help his swimmers) and I am going to buy Evening Primrose oil and Robutussin to help my CM. Any advice is much appreciated. :) I look forward to chatting with you!

peachcheeks....just curious how long you have been TTC (how many cycles)? And if it's been a while, why not get your DH do do an SA? If only for peace of mind....I just had mine get one done and found out that his :spermy: are fabulous and plentiful! :happydance: It's good to know, too, because now we can BD more often around ovulation instead of only sticking to every other day...since we know his SA came back perfect. I don't have any advice on the Clomid situation because I don't know that much about it, sorry! :shrug: Good luck to you!!
Hello Ladies,

I would like to join the testing party. I plan to test on Saturday the 15th if AF had not arrived yet. this was my first month back temping after 12 month of WWT and a couple months of NTNP.

I Thought it would be a slightly long cycle because I had a but of a fever on CD3 and 4 and then I just got my crosshairs on DC18. I will be watching like a hawk for signs of AF, Good Luck everyone!!!
So AF arrived today, so can you please change my testing date to November 30th ?

Good Luck to everyone testing soon !
Querida- haha i was pigging out on dill pickles at work the other day! I stopped when i got a gut ache and couldnt even look at them anymore lol. So far the only other thing i cant seem to gonwithout is spicy food. My SO loves rooster sauce and i cant usually stand it...i smothered my dinner in it last night lol. Anyway, my main thing i wanted to say to you is that I just had surgery a month ago to remove a large cyst from my right ovary. 4 years ago on my 20th birthday a large mass was found in my tummy (we sadly took it as a pregnancy we were unaware of). After the first apt of the doc knowing nothing another office saw me and told me that I don't have just one..but two large cysts. When they were discovered the one on my right overy was 10 cm and the one on my left just 5 cm. I had no work and no way to pay bills..about a year or two later I called and made the apt to get the ball rolling on their removal as the main one had expanded above my bellybutton( I was told to do this if they expanded that far). The day before my apt they sent me to collections and refused to see me. Now another two years later I have a loving SO who I live happily with along with our dog, cat and adorable fish (never mind the five million houseplants I have around the house to satisfy my mothering needs LOL). About 4 months ago I got state insurance and they paid for everything and a month ago I had the surgery to get the right cyst removed (somewhere alone the line the cyst on my left ovary absorbed and went away). Unfortunately I lost my right ovary and tube and am now dependent solely on my left ovary getting the job done. My SO and I aren't trying but more non as I am not in bc and we would be happy if it happened. Plus we aren't looking at marriage for another 6 or so months. Anyway if you need anything let me know! I have had my share of cyst adventure and can wholeheartedly relate! [EDIT] my cyst was a little larger than a football but about the same shape only more round and wound up weighing about 10 lbs (sorry if tmi but she actually had to drain it before she could pull it out through the incision) I recovered faster than the allotted 6 weeks and am back to my normal routines.

Wow, sorry to hear about your difficulties. My cysts, according to the u/s tech were small and not related to pcos and apparently not likely to damage my fertility, so I am thankful about that.

Peach welcome aboard. May I recommend Fertili Tea? I love it and it's great for ttc and cycle regulation and boosting libido. I drink it hot and mildly sweetened twice a day.

Nadia, FX this is your lucky month. I will also be testing on the fifteenth.
crystal - so sorry to hear about your family. Hopefully you can soon bring some joy back into your family with new life to help heal the wounds left by the departure of loved ones. :hugs:

That was beautifully said.
Querida I haven't had those symptoms. How long have you had mirena in? How long have been experiencing these symptoms? Did you stop bfing in the last few months?
Querida I haven't had those symptoms. How long have you had mirena in? How long have been experiencing these symptoms? Did you stop bfing in the last few months?

I have had it in for 6 years, 1 month. I stopped bfing when my 6 year old was 6 months old and stopped pumping when he was a year old. I had colostrum production upon stimulation up until about a year ago, but less than now and only in the right bb. Now the left is more sore and full and is the one producing more, but they both produce a little bit, mostly from being stimulated or ribbing against my shirt. I started having symptoms 5 1/2 weeks ago and got 4 faint bfp's right after noticing symptoms over 3 days with two brands off fmu. Since then, no more positives (although a few maybe's with v faint lines showing up by time limit and disappearing after) but progressively worsening symptoms.
Hi! Hope all you lovely ladies are having a nice day. CD1 for me today. :cry: Oh well, onward and upward. I have a serious POAS addiction so go ahead and put me down for testing on 11/30 . If I O late again, I'll only be around 5/6 dpo so I'll have to switch over to the December thread but hopefully I will O early and get an early BFP.

Eclaire - Thanks for responding with the foods to eat if you want a girl. I love them all (especially chocolate) but I'm afraid I'm a HUGE meat eater so that might be my downfall. lol.

Bing - Yay for more BD'ing. That is a fantastic plan. I love the name Edith. If we have a girl I want to name her Jocelyn as a nod to my grandmother. Her name was Joyce.

Mamabee - Congrats on the BFP! I'm so happy for you. Also, lol to the stinky feet.

Crystimcd - So sorry for the loss of your BIL and your dad. :hugs:
Querida I haven't had those symptoms. How long have you had mirena in? How long have been experiencing these symptoms? Did you stop bfing in the last few months?

I have had it in for 6 years, 1 month. I stopped bfing when my 6 year old was 6 months old and stopped pumping when he was a year old. I had colostrum production upon stimulation up until about a year ago, but less than now and only in the right bb. Now the left is more sore and full and is the one producing more, but they both produce a little bit, mostly from being stimulated or ribbing against my shirt. I started having symptoms 5 1/2 weeks ago and got 4 faint bfp's right after noticing symptoms over 3 days with two brands off fmu. Since then, no more positives (although a few maybe's with v faint lines showing up by time limit and disappearing after) but progressively worsening symptoms.

Here is something i found from someone else going through the same as you:
Has anyone else had trouble with REALLY sore and ache-y bb's and colostrum production out of nowhere and nip stimulation that causes uterine contractions?? Has it ever happened when you weren't pregnant?? My symptoms are driving me crazy!! I am NOT going to be a happy camper if all this is the result of the expired mirena and cysts wreaking havoc on my body! :(

My daughter is 18 months and I can still squeeze colostrum out. My husband has to be careful or he gets a mouthful lol. I've had every pregnancy symptom and not been pregnant, although last month that was probably due to some left over hormones from my miscarriage. Hopefully your symptoms are bc you are preggers though!
Well it's nearly af time... Still nothing. I've talked myself into feeling pregnant. So now I'm convinced. Got 3bfn this morning.... :( not out until the witch is here. Gl ladies baby dust! X
My phone is being very odd and won't let me see page 45!!

Rocking did you test yet?

My 'blood' yesterday has gone completely!! Clear today. Gutted :(
Has anyone else had trouble with REALLY sore and ache-y bb's and colostrum production out of nowhere and nip stimulation that causes uterine contractions?? Has it ever happened when you weren't pregnant?? My symptoms are driving me crazy!! I am NOT going to be a happy camper if all this is the result of the expired mirena and cysts wreaking havoc on my body! :(

My daughter is 18 months and I can still squeeze colostrum out. My husband has to be careful or he gets a mouthful lol. I've had every pregnancy symptom and not been pregnant, although last month that was probably due to some left over hormones from my miscarriage. Hopefully your symptoms are bc you are preggers though!

I haven't breastfed or pumped in over six years. While I could still squeeze colostrum out if I tried really hard for a few years after, I haven't had any in over a year. I've also never had all these symptoms together like this. I have had symptom scares in the past, but have never truly felt preggers and been wrong, so FX they find out I was right when my mirena comes out next week. If not, I'll test on the 15th and then jump over to the December thread soon as I get a period.
Just checking in again. Today's OPK was negative but I noticed some really clear, mega stretchy EWCM when I went to the loo earlier. If DH wasn't away for the night on business I'd be jumping on him. Instead I'm sitting here watching Dexter and drinking strawberry milk.

My life is so exciting!
Mamabee - Congrats!! Do you know a due date yet? Mines est. July 1st, but it may change once I go to the dr.

According to the calculators, my due date is July 14th. I would LOVE a July 4th baby as I already have a New Years baby and my niece is a Cinco de Mayo baby! My first appointment isn't until December 1st. I suppose I'll know more then. Thanks for checking in!

Thank you all for your congratulations; they mean so much. I know I should move over to the pregnancy boards, but I don't want to leave you behind. I want to stay and pour you each a tall glass of the Kool-Aid! :dust: to everyone!!!!
Loobs - sounds like a great sign!! FX this is the lucky month!!
Phew!! Just read through the last 10 pages, its been a busy few days and I fell behind.

Eclaire - I used opks from the 9th to 14th, had a line every test but the darkest thickest line was the 9th. Other darkish lines were on 12th and 14th, so who knows, i couldve Od later than i say? I was more using them out of curiosity than necessity.

Mamabee - Congrats!! Do you know a due date yet? Mines est. July 1st, but it may change once I go to the dr.

Rockinghorse - totally understand the frustration, it took me 10 days after af was due to finally get a +. Hoping you get the same results!!!

Olive & Turtle - this may not help your symptom spotting, but for me I had weird pinches and twinges from about 5 dpo all the way up until about 2 days late. Random couple days of being super tired.had a slight sore throat at 10 dpo-12dpo. No bb soreness. No nausea. Honestly I felt pretty fantastic (and still do) I keep having to look at the tests because I keep thinking I should be feeling worse. Lol the only consistent sypmtoms I had was my jeans band felt very uncomfortable(never experienced that before) and had watery cm (also neer have and had to wear a liner for about 2 weeks)

Thanks Rach!

I have been feeling really good. My AF is due in 3 or 4 days, no PMS symptoms so far and usually I would feel them by now. My BB are not sore just a little if I really give 'em a good squeeze LOL. My CM is a creamy colour and my cervix is quite low and soft. I haven't really ever monitored this stuff so I'm not sure what it all means. I did test yesterday evening 9 DPO (even though I promised I wouldn't test so early) and it was a BFN. I bought a few tests and ended up caving and taking one. I'm hoping it was just too early & being the evening probably wouldn't help. I'm trying to hold out till Saturday before I test again.
Ill take that tall glass of kool aid mama bee!

How is it that some of us are such pros at feeling pregnant? I caved and took a test this morning, bfn. Still really early, but couldn't resist!

Love you ladies! Hoping for more BFPs soon, baby dust for everyone!!
Bing - the last 2 cycles I have O'd on CD16 and CD18 so I have a while to wait. I'm sure it will go quickly as things just got a little more crazy in my life. My BIL passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning so I'm just trying to help out my sister and nephew. Apparently this is meant to be a year for sadness for my family since we just lost my dad 2 months ago. Boo for unhappy things happening!

I hope everyone else is having a better week than me!

Crys~I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that the year ends on a positive one for you. Sending you a big hug. :hugs:

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