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November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Bing I took the fish oil and vitamin c usually around midday. Hubby took his regular multivitamin and vitamin c. I really think the trick for me is the wine, which really helps me to relax. The night I ovulated with dd I had 3 glasses of wine at a holiday party that night. Hope that helps.
Hey everyone I should get my results back today. If I hear nothing it means there's nothing there. If I do there's aomething. Even if I hear nothing I will probably call just to confirm. Anyway, I didn't start last night, or early hours of the morning. I really thought I would have done. I still keep getting the period like pains, just no period.
Congrats Eclaire !!!

Bing my friend had a hsg done fell pregnant straight after so fx you get that bfp in Dec !!!
Good morning ladies,

Got my first ever crosshair this morning :happydance:
Last month I started temping, but I think I started too late in the cycle so I never got one.

I'm so excited to see it. (little things that makes you happy)
Leti - YAY :sex: marathon time! GL!!

Bing - everyone has been talking about this hsg, forgive my stupidity but what is it?

Rocking - FX for you and anxiously waiting with you for the update.

Eclaire - I don't care for wine, think I can do a strawberry daiquiri instead? lol

AFM after a temp so low yesterday that FF wouldn't let me chart it, my temp has hit a record high at 97.9 today, so I think I O'd today. The pain from the mirena removal is manageable, so if the bleeding slows, I might try to dtd today. I dtd Monday and Tuesday, but not Wednesday or Thursday. I might not today though. After all, I am swaying for a girl..
So I have had my results back. Definitely negative. I have an appointment on Wednesday to see if I have any underlying problems. Starting to think that it being late is stress related.
Sorry to hear that it was negative rocking :( Hopefully af comes so you can move onto the next cycle. Fx that there is no underlaying problems.
Talked to another of my midwives tonight. She suggested we do bloodwork for LH, FSH, and prolactin to help determine if I have pcos and need metformin, or if I have a pituitary problem. I like having a plan! Will find out around Thanksgiving if I ovulated a few days ago. My progesterone the day before ovulation came back at 2.1. But now I don't want provera if I may have ovulated on Wednesday.
Hey ladies, happy Friday (Saturday to those in further timezones!)

Lots of BFPs on this thread, keep 'em coming!

Pinkee - yep I've been pretty much symptomless apart from today and yesterday - here's hoping for both of us it's a good sign!

Eclaire - I'm loving the idea of wine before BD'ing - as if I need another excuse to drink wine :lol: :wine:

Think I'm going to test in the morning. Have been feeling a bit woozy and off today and yesterday. Could all just be in my head but I'm going for a few drinks tomorrow night with friends so I think I should test just in case. I've mildly sore boobs but not as bad as they were last month.

Good luck to anyone testing soon!
Rocking - aww. So sorry to hear that. :( :hugs: Hopefully your tests come out ok and you can relax a little.

Irish - GL testing. We'll all be waiting (not very patiently) to see the results.
Thanks. Hopefully they will be able to sort them out for me. I am really late. Never been this late before
How do I put my chart on my signature?

What do I look for to spot ovulation? X
Querida - a HSG is where they insert a dye into your uterus and take an X-Ray to check whether your tubes are open or blocked. I've heard the procedure can help flush out anything small that may be blocking your tubes etc hence why alot of women fall pregnant after having it done, as it help create a clearer route for those spermies!

Anyway I rang up the hospital yesterday to book my appointment and got one for Tues 18th Nov. Only for the hospital to ring me today to say the radiologist had hurt her shoulder and can't perform the procedure so I have to wait until December. Even then I'm not guaranteed as they have limited availability each month and it's a first come first served process! IM FURIOUS! :angry: I was so optimistic about December but now everything has just been crushed :cry:
Bing that is awful news. I am hoping they get something figured out and you can get in sooner than expected. Maybe a cancellation.

Rockinghorse sorry your test are negative but glad you are going back in to try and get some answers.

Querida glad they finally got the mirena out. Here's hoping you ovulate soon.

Drjo so glad to hear you are getting a plan in place.

Afm, not having a good day. I tested again this morning and my line looks lighter than yesterday. Almost started crying. Went to call my midwife group and found out the are closing the practice as of tomorrow. I am crushed and don't know who to call now. I think I will take the weekend to think it over and research then call someone on Monday, that is assuming my tests get darker. I have decided not to test again until Sunday. Never thought a bfp could make me feel worse than a bfn.
Eclaire - I've heard fish oil & vit C supplements are good for TTC so may add them into my diet! Oh and the :wine: too :rofl:

Rockinghorse - sorry your bloodwork came back negative :hug:

Emski - nice to hear from you. How are you and baby doing?

Leti - congrats on the crosshairs! :happydance: FX'd you caught that eggy!

Querida - I thought you get your temp rise AFTER ovulating. So if you got a rise this morning then you most likely ovulated yesterday. I hope you caught that eggy! :thumbup:

Drjo - I like having a plan too! When are you getting your bloodwork done?

Irish - GL with testing tomorrow.

Also GL to Hollylooyah / NadiaSweety / moonWomb & Stardust! Let us know how you all get on.

Lou - I can't remember how you add the chart to your signature. Maybe someone else can? your temp should rise the day after ovulation. FF give you crosshairs if you have three consequence days of temp rises.
Bing that is awful news. I am hoping they get something figured out and you can get in sooner than expected. Maybe a cancellation.

Rockinghorse sorry your test are negative but glad you are going back in to try and get some answers.

Querida glad they finally got the mirena out. Here's hoping you ovulate soon.

Drjo so glad to hear you are getting a plan in place.

Afm, not having a good day. I tested again this morning and my line looks lighter than yesterday. Almost started crying. Went to call my midwife group and found out the are closing the practice as of tomorrow. I am crushed and don't know who to call now. I think I will take the weekend to think it over and research then call someone on Monday, that is assuming my tests get darker. I have decided not to test again until Sunday. Never thought a bfp could make me feel worse than a bfn.

Were the lines on the same brand of test? Im praying your test on Sunday is darker. Thinking of you :hugs:
Bing they were the same brand I have been using. I dipped two in fmu this morning and they look like they did two days ago. I am hoping I just drank too much water overnight and it was more diluted. The hard part is that I no longer have a midwife to call so I could get blood work done to put my mind at rest.:cry: I am trying to stay positive though because my cervix is so high I can't feel it anymore and everything I eat upsets my digestive system.
Has anyone gotten a slight nose bleed only when blowing and just very little and had their bfp? Its been like this for a few days, and it keeps feeling runny/stuffy. I did read that it could possibly be a sign. Going to the dollar store tomorrow and will be grabing a test then. And i dont think its because of the colder air now because its never happened before.
Orion I had tons of nose bleeds and sinus problems when I was pregnant with dd. That is a really good sign. Fx for you.

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