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November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Rocking - good luck with the next cycle.

Bing - you need to stand up to those dummies. You didn't cancel, they did. That means you are high priority and should get one of the very first available apt. You tell them they can't play games with you!! :mad: And I honestly don't know as this is my first time ever charting. All I know is that I got a record low yesterday and a record high today and I have no idea what it should look like tomorrow. I will probably start testing on the 19th even though my official test day is the 28th (when I THINK I might get my first post-mirena AF).

Orion - GL!! Can't wait to see your test.

Eclaire - I'm so sorry your having to go through this. FX everything is alright and you have a sticky bean in there. (Maybe you have twinkies making so much HcG that they are already shorting out the hpt's??) :hugs:
I'd like to invite everyone, esp those who are 3DPO or less to join me in my tww thread that I just started. Cutie , Bug, and Loola have already sounded off!! IDK how to share a thread, but the name is: EVERYONE 3DPO-O-DAY WELCOME. I thought it would be fun for those of us who are hoping to receive our BFP's on about the same day to have a special place to talk.
Querida multiples is a scary thought to me. I honestly don't know if I could handle 3 kids under 2.
Querida I would join but I won't ovulate until around December 1st so still a ways to go!
JandJ - That's ok I'll still be stalking you either way girl!! Honestly, anyone is welcome to join, especially you!!

Eclaire - my two older children are six and seven and they love helping with babies so I would love it. They love helping mommy wash dishes and sweep and getting to use the microwave and move the laundry and fold their clothes; and they entertain other people's babies when the mothers are busy.

My bleeding is almost gone, just a bit of pink/orange when wiping, but my insides are very tender, and I have horrible (sorry tmi) diarrhea since I came off the anesthesia.. Also having some nasty heartburn, Idk what THAT'S about.. I feel really optimistic though..
Drjo - I like having a plan too! When are you getting your bloodwork done?

Not sure yet. I can call anytime. Probably before thanksgiving since I'll need to request the next script for clomid anyway.
I am doing well thanks 11 weeks on Monday nearly done with 1st tri !! Got my scan on 27th Nov bit nervous about that.

Still lurking around here to see how everyone is doing that is awful about your appointment being cancelled its like 1 step forward 2 back it must be so frustrating :hugs:

Eclaire I had days when my tests seemed lighter to behonest mine always seemed darker in the afternoon I think I must have tested for another 2 weeks after bfp lol just to make sure
So it's a BFN for me today at 11DPO. AF due tomorrow or Monday. Feel like I'm getting minor cramps this morning like AF is coming so not holding a lot of hope at the moment. I'm amazed at how much I had convinced myself that this was the month, I genuinely felt woozy the last couple of days and I've a bad pain in my lower back since yesterday evening. Guess I am officially losing it :lol:
Still testing, still BFN. My PCOS is obviously messing with my body and my mind. It is so frustrating. I am hoping there are no further problems other than this as I have had really bad cramps the last 10 days or so on and off. My body is playing tricks in me. I am feeling very stressed by it all.
I have been here so many times and it's still as frustrating as it was the first time!

I hope I find all you ladies well. Xx
Eclaire really hope those lines get darker for you xxxx

Emski...11 weeks already!!! That's mad!!

Bing...I can't imagine how frustrated you must be right now. That is ridiculous. Anyway you could have it done privately so you can get results or treatment quicker? No idea how expensive it would be :S Sounds like an effective thing... never heard of it before, hope it helps you! x

AFM...I'm going to NTNP this month as an August baby for me would not be ideal...as a teacher I worry about the implications for the child academically and sstarting school so young. Also my maternity leave would start in the summer holidays even though I would have had the holidays off and fully paid regardless of pregnancy!! My ideal is to ovulate late December...that way I will have the 6 weeks summer holiday and then can start maternity leave on 4th Sept when school starts again and my due date will be mid September. I can then return from maternity leave just before the 6 week holiday the year after and then I will get paid for the holidays again despite having only just returned!! This is the ideal anyway...so I will hang about here anyway but will be back properly in the Dec/Jan thread!

The December one has already been created hasn't it? Can't remember what I am looking for!!
Emilie made a December thread. I actually haven't seen anything from her since she linked that thread. I need to go back a few pages and find the link so I can check on her.

I think I'm coming down with the flu, and this heartburn is AWFUL. 2DPO here and worried about this cycle. My temp dipped back to baseline 96.9. That can't be a good sign, can it????
Ecaire-I hope your lines get darker again!

Orionfox-can't wait to see your test, those sound like very good signs :)

Bing-thank you, I am hoping some :spermy: stuck around to catch that egg!! I really hope you are able to get in to the hospital soon so you can have a BFP for Christmas ;)

I hope everyone else is doing well today!!

AFM-I am somewhere between 5-6 dpo, nothing to really report. sore breasts yesterday, but there were AF type sore, not BFP sore. I am ready to move on to December....will wait and see though. I originally put down Nov25th as my testing date, and I am thinking AF is due 23rd, so I will see if I feel any symptoms by 23-24th and maybe test then if AF hasn't shown up.
Querida-I don't temp....mostly because I get up really early on work days and then on days I don't work it's a little later. So I figured it would be off.:shrug: I usually do OPK's and I know I have 12 days between ovulation and AF....pretty much like clockwork. I didn't this month because I knew I would be out of town....I will prob try them in December since I have some left.
Emilie made a December thread. I actually haven't seen anything from her since she linked that thread. I need to go back a few pages and find the link so I can check on her.

I think I'm coming down with the flu, and this heartburn is AWFUL. 2DPO here and worried about this cycle. My temp dipped back to baseline 96.9. That can't be a good sign, can it????

I am okay. Just been busy. I do have weird symptoms. I had a spot of blood just one spot earlier this week and now I have really heavy watery to egg white discharge sometimes has a brownish tinge to it. Still no af and I last tested a week ago and it was a bfn. No clue what is going on.
So I tested this morning and it was bfn no surprise...so im betting its just this crazy early cold weather we are having now. At this point im not worrying if i dont get a bfp as its all about relaxing and being stress free. I know when the time is right it will be a lovely surprise :) So for now im just awaiting to see if af comes in two more days. At least I get one more chance for an early xmas present lol.
Emilie - I'm glad to hear that you're well. Remind me when AF was due again? Are you planning on testing again, or going for blood work?

Orion - I love your attitude!! From what I've seen, it's hard to think that way when you've been trying for a while. I am blessed that, if my cycle is about the length I estimate it will be (and if I don't get my BFP this month) I will likely get a chance to get my BFP on Christmas Day.. I would so test early and frame it and stick it in my bf's stocking!!
Thanks :) Its only this month that ive really realised it. Its been really hard on us this past year with no success. Each month just got more depressing. So I can totally empathize with others trying for a long time. Now with being on this break its got me thinking. Luckily ive never been a crazy tester since it only lasted the first 3 months of trying, so its not hard for me to go a long time without testing. And Ive gotten used to the fact that there will always be more bfns than bfps. Even though its hard still for me to see a bfn, i just remind myself that the time will come.
Hey everyone sorry I haven't been on for a while. Been packing, all ready to move for tomorrow now. AF still hasn't started. I know I'm not pregnant but I'm around two weeks late. I keep having period like cramps, but no period.
My partner and aunt has said that I have been under so much more stress then I usually am that it could have made me miss it. The only thing with that though is that usually when I sm late because of stress it is only 2/3 day. However, I sm under a lot more stress and pressure then what is usual for me.
Ah well... I only have a few days then I might have a bit more of an idea. I will keep you all informed if AF shows up, or any news from the doctors on Wednesday.

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