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November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Feeling so down about deciding to not try this cycle. Feel awful for wasting an egg. Need to hurry up and ovulate so that I can look forward I next month rather than feeling crap about ignoring this month :'(
Feeling so down about deciding to not try this cycle. Feel awful for wasting an egg. Need to hurry up and ovulate so that I can look forward I next month rather than feeling crap about ignoring this month :'(

:hugs: For what it's worth, I'm a July birthday and was young for my grade, and I excelled in school. Even finished a year of college classes before graduating high school, with honors. If you're not comfortable with your child being young or are worried about him/her being behind, you could always wait a year and the child would just be older than most. Just an idea!
Anyway, I totally understand what you mean about your maternity leave and summer; would be nice to have more time off! :)
Ladies I need help. I think I might be having a chemical. I tested again this morning at 16dpo and got another faint positive. And after having my husband ask me in the middle of the night if I started my period or if he dreamt it, I am bleeding. Cervix is still pretty high and I am cramping really badly. And to make matters worse my mil will be here this afternoon for dinner. I didn't have any pregnancy bleeding with my dd so I am not sure what to make of this.
My son is the youngest in the school. He is 31st August. He in reception and doing really well. I did say to the midwife before pushing that I needed to hold on longer! I have worried for 4 years but he is doing so well that the worry is going. Xx
Emilie - I'm glad to hear that you're well. Remind me when AF was due again? Are you planning on testing again, or going for blood work?

Orion - I love your attitude!! From what I've seen, it's hard to think that way when you've been trying for a while. I am blessed that, if my cycle is about the length I estimate it will be (and if I don't get my BFP this month) I will likely get a chance to get my BFP on Christmas Day.. I would so test early and frame it and stick it in my bf's stocking!!

No blood work because I sometimes skip a month. I took a cheapy last night it was a bfn. November 6th. Today I am really cramping. I think the witch is coming.
Could I join and be added for the 22nd? :)
Ladies I need help. I think I might be having a chemical. I tested again this morning at 16dpo and got another faint positive. And after having my husband ask me in the middle of the night if I started my period or if he dreamt it, I am bleeding. Cervix is still pretty high and I am cramping really badly. And to make matters worse my mil will be here this afternoon for dinner. I didn't have any pregnancy bleeding with my dd so I am not sure what to make of this.

Awww im sooo sorry to hear that. That is sounding a lot like a chemical :( Especially with the bad cramping. Prayers for you.
Eclaire - OH NO!! I sure hope that's not what it is!! FX for you. :hugs:

Lou - don't feel too down, as you weren't garaunteed to catch the eggie this month anyways, so it's not really any different than trying and missing, except that you don't get all depressed that all your hard work was for nothing.

Emilie - sending you some super big :hugs:

rw - welcome! GL to you!
Eclaire-oh no! I am very sorry if that's what is happening. I understand completely as that is what I went through last month ;( I didn't test until after AF was due and I had a faint positive which turned negative within days....then spotting one day and heavier than normal bleeding for the first few days after that. I really hope that is not the case, but if it is we are all here for you!!

orion fox-I am still hoping this is your month. I like your positive outlook even if it isn't. I am trying to be more relaxed about things. I can't believe it's been a yr for us (1mmc and 1 chemical)...it will happen :winkwink:

I hope all you lovely ladies are doing well tonight!

afm-I am 6-7 dpo, had some weird twinges, light cramping on and off yesterday and today. A fuller feeling and gassy yesterday and today also. I am really trying not to read in to this too much as it could just be regular AF symptoms. I can't help but hold out some hope though:flower:
Hi lovely Ladies! I have missed you terribly! Apologies for being MIA for the last couple of weeks, but I have been working a lot and traveling for work. :flower:

Bing~Sorry to hear about them canceling your test. I would call every day and ask if they have any cancelations and hopeful get slipped into a spot. I had that test done this year and it went very smooth/did not hurt and I hope the same for you. You might have already done research online and read there are a lot of different experiences that ladies have with that test. If you are concerned that it might hurt, think about taking a pain killer before going. GL!

Eclarie~So sorry to hear you stared bleeding! Sending you a BIG HUG! :hugs:

Turtle~Thanks for asking about me! You are sooo sweet. Also thank you for the update on MnG. I hope her hubby is back to feeling well soon.

Querida~Congrats on finally getting that pesky IUD out! GL this cycle!

Lou~Congrats on your great Dr appointment! Whooo! :happydance:

AFM, I traveled to TX for work to conduct research last week. The trip went so well, I did not want to come home. The trip was part of a promotion I got this summer and I am really enjoying the new gig. However, I recently got pulled back into my old job, which has required me to put in very long hours. It also has me back working with a toxic person. Any positive thoughts you could send to me, I would gladly take.

I have been crying more than ever lately. Since being on the break from the fertility meds & appointments, all of the coping mechanisms have come down. I was in TX in the middle of conducting research. The lady we are interviewing has a mic on, the session is being recoded and there is a group on us around this lady. She mentions that she has grandkids and her daughter is due on xmas day. She is beaming from ear to ear….and I about loose it and burst into tears. I kept telling myself, keep it together. This is being recorded and I do not know these people. I called my sister that night and told her about it crying. She said it’s ok to let it out. It’s what you are feeling…just not in front of the mic guy, which made me laugh. At least I am feeling again and letting it out.

Well ladies, I hope you caught the eggie this month! Welcome to the new gals! I hope this is everyone’s cycle. Baby dust to all! :dust:
Nah im out this month...just having teeny bits of bleeding, so expecting af in full force tomorrow. So onto the next relaxed month of trying.
Orion - sorry to hear that hun. Emilie made a December testers thread; I'll be checking on you, regardless of when I get my BFP. :hugs:
Oh, eclaire, I really hope it isn't. :( Hang in there
Rocking- It's probably stress! Moving is hard!
Bing- any updates?

Checking in, I decided I couldn't hold back and bought a test at 3 this afternoon.

There is a whisper of a shadow there. I'm about 10 dpo, so I'm going to test again Tuesday with fmu before I get ny hopes up.
Orion - sorry to hear that hun. Emilie made a December testers thread; I'll be checking on you, regardless of when I get my BFP. :hugs:

Thanks :) Im going to still hang in here for a while to keep a watch on everyone else until i decide to move over onto the other thread.
Got my crosshairs today so officially 3DPO. I'm not getting my hopes too high this month since school and work had hubby so exhausted we only BD'd twice but it's nice to know I ovulated.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Well that was officially a chemical. Much heavier bleeding today and cramping. Dh and are very sad but ready to move on to next month. So my question to all you lovely ladies who have had chemicals before, what does the cycle immediately following look like? Should expect to ovulate around the same time?
Well that was officially a chemical. Much heavie r bleeding today and cramping. Dh and are very sad but ready to move on to next month. So my question to all you lovely ladies who have had chemicals before, what does the cycle immediately following look like? Should expect to ovulate around the same time?

I have had 2 but each time they were different. My first I went right back to normal and this time I still haven't gotten af.
Well that was officially a chemical. Much heavier bleeding today and cramping. Dh and are very sad but ready to move on to next month. So my question to all you lovely ladies who have had chemicals before, what does the cycle immediately following look like? Should expect to ovulate around the same time?

Eclaire, I'm so sorry this has happened. My heart goes out to you and your hubby. :hugs: I have had three chemicals myself and I know it is never easy. My first two, the cycles that followed were pretty standard. This last one I had last month was a little stranger. It took me forever to get AF after and then I O'd a bit later than normal. I think it's different every time. I hope you get yourself a super sticky BFP in December. If you need to chat/vent let me know.
So sorry eclaire! I hope things get back to normal quickly for you.
Orion I had tons of nose bleeds and sinus problems when I was pregnant with dd. That is a really good sign. Fx for you.

Has anyone gotten a slight nose bleed only when blowing and just very little and had their bfp? Its been like this for a few days, and it keeps feeling runny/stuffy. I did read that it could possibly be a sign. Going to the dollar store tomorrow and will be grabing a test then. And i dont think its because of the colder air now because its never happened before.

Is that really a sign?! I've had the same thing the last few days! Slight bloody nose, stuffed up... Would much rather have a nose bleed than a bleed down south. :winkwink:

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