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November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Eclaire, I'm so sorry!!! :( Big, huge :hug: headed your way. I really hope everything is able to even out for you cycle wise so that you can be Oing at a time when DH isn't away this cycle; they say you are more fertile after a mc, so I hope that this will be your month for a super sticky bean! :hugs:

Querida, I'm glad to hear your mirena was finally removed! I hope you're starting to feel better from it, and good luck this month! :thumbup:

Kantele, how did your Dr appointment go yesterday?

Amigone, congrats!!! How did you break the news to your wife, and how ecstatic was she when you did? :happydance:

Rocking, glad to hear you found somewhere to live! I hope moving day went smoothly for you yesterday! :)

Pinkee, congrats to you as well! :happydance: Looking good!!! :thumbup:

Leti, yay for crosshairs!!! I really hope that you caught that eggie! :)

Bing, that's terrible! I'm so sorry! I would be devastated too. Is there another clinic or hospital you can go to in order to have it done, or are you stuck with one specific place? I'm not sure how all of that works in the UK. I really have everything crossed for you that they find a way to get you in much sooner than they're now saying! :hugs:

Emski, I can't believe you're almost into the 2nd tri! Crazy! Glad to hear you're doing and feeling well though!

Lou, glad to hear that you decided to try this cycle after all! :)

rw7y, welcome! Good luck, I hope this is your month! :)

Yoga, so nice to hear from you! I'm really glad that your trip went well! So sorry about feeling so emotional lately though. :( We're all here for you, please feel free to vent when you need to! I can't remember for sure, when are you scheduled to try your next IUI again?

Crystl, yay for crosshairs for you too! I have my FX that you caught that eggie! You may have only bd twice, but that's definitely enough! :)

Hi, Loobs! So sorry to hear that you've been sick! I really help the meds start helping and that you start feeling better SOON!

So sorry to everyone else that the :witch: got, and I'm still crossing everything for those of you left to test!!! :dust:
Eclaire - I am so so sorry. I know is really painful :(

Congrats Pinkee, it is def getting darker!

I'm really confused. I'm on the lutheal phase, 7dpo, and I seem to have a spike in estrogen??!! I have a serious case of skin break out and lots of CM. I don't get this much CM before or during ovulation. Is my body backwards or what?
Eclaire, so sorry to hear about the chemical. Wishing you a speedy sticky BFP. X

Pinkee, that line is definitely darker after just 12 hours. Congratulations. X

AFM, currently CD34. I am now awaiting AF so that I can go for day 21 bloods and have a scan on my ovaries once again. I just know this will be a long cycle as I am hoping everyday for AF so that I can get on with tests and get an idea as to what is going on this time around. I have had cramps on and off for 2 weeks to the point where I thjnk 'this is it, here she comes' but nothing. I am now so frustrated.

I know I have a serious POAS addiction as I am now using OPKs. For no other reason whatsoever than it clears my craving to POAS at least once a day! Lol They are only IC ones so I don't mind wasting the money. In my head I am justified as it's the only way to see 2 lines on a test. Am I weird or does anyone else do this?!

Good luck to all the testers in the next few days. Xx
Eclaire, so sorry to hear about the chemical. Wishing you a speedy sticky BFP. X

Pinkee, that line is definitely darker after just 12 hours. Congratulations. X

AFM, currently CD34. I am now awaiting AF so that I can go for day 21 bloods and have a scan on my ovaries once again. I just know this will be a long cycle as I am hoping everyday for AF so that I can get on with tests and get an idea as to what is going on this time around. I have had cramps on and off for 2 weeks to the point where I thjnk 'this is it, here she comes' but nothing. I am now so frustrated.

I know I have a serious POAS addiction as I am now using OPKs. For no other reason whatsoever than it clears my craving to POAS at least once a day! Lol They are only IC ones so I don't mind wasting the money. In my head I am justified as it's the only way to see 2 lines on a test. Am I weird or does anyone else do this?!

Good luck to all the testers in the next few days. Xx
Well definitely start of a new cycle fornme and the witch came with a vengence ugh :( Feeling like crap and wishing i could be home in bed instead of at work. I felt bad for hubby last night as he wanted me to cuddle with him, but i was in a mood and not wanting a thing. And my emotions seem all over the place this morning, so im really trying hard to keep myself in one piece today. Why did the witch have to hit me this hard this month :(
I had that last month. I really thought it was my month for a BFP. I tricked myself into believing I was pregnant I think. I was excited waking up on my birthday with no AF and tested just for a BFN. The witch came the day after and I was gutted.
I hope you feel better soon. Xx :flower:
Congrats on that BFP pinkee!!

Feeling so much happier today now that I am not wasting this month!! BD last night just in case ovulation is near! No idea when it will be as I haven't had a normal cycle yet! Temperatures have been all the same...still don't know how to post chart on to here. Will it tell me if I have ovulated?

My 'friend' at work asked me...'so when is this baby happening then?'....
As though this an 'order now' button somewhere that I missed!!
Lou this is how you add your chart to your signature. Hope it helps.

You have to use a URL/IMG HTML link like this (i added the spaces in url & img to show you what the code should look like, yours should use url & img without spaces):
[u r l=https://FertilityFriend.com/home/4efbb2/][i m g]https://FertilityFriend.com/home/4efbb2/thumb.png[/i m g][/u r l]
Pinkee - congrats on the progeressing lines! FX you get a clearly visible pink line tomorrow!!

Loobs - sounds great girl!!

Orion - sorry you're feeling so down. FX for next cycle :hugs:

AFM after not getting enough sleep I temped late and was surprised to see a very low temp, low for that time of day. Adjusting it made it lower than baseline. Idk if that means I got ID (I'm 5DPO) or if it means I'm not preggers or if I should just ignore it..??? I bought pregnancy safe anti-nausea medicine today, sure hope it wasn't a waste of money.. :(
Thanks :) im not feeling down per say...its more pms then anything ;) For some reason the witch just decided she wanted to be meaner this month than usual as she normally doesnt affect me. I couldve called in sick, but didnt want to call in over pms lol. Im sure i will be feeling better tomorrow.
Lines were getting darker but this morning It's not

I'm pretty sure by bfp is turning out to be a chemical. :cry:


  • 1416342619066_opt.jpg
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Pinkee, you have to test as the same time everyday in order to see the progression, preferably FMU. You pee is probably diluted so the test is not picking up as much HCG as in the morning. So I will say keep testing in the morning.
Lines were getting darker but this morning It's not

I'm pretty sure by bfp is turning out to be a chemical. :cry:

You only need to test using FMU once a day. You will not see line progression by testing throughout the day as your urine is more diluted with less hcg. Fmu has the MOST hcg and that is the onky test you want to go by. I suggest saving the rest of your tests only for fmu especially since you arent using the cheapie tests and those ones are expensive. So chances are VERY high you not having a chemical as those other tests are irrelivant. Only count your very first morning test.
Pinkee - I agree with Leti and Orion, you're worrying without good reason at the moment. Also, sometimes the line will stay about the same or seem a little fainter if you keep testing and this is also perfectly normal. Some have less dye or are the oldest in the batch etc. etc. Try to relax darling. FX for a sticky bean and a h&h 9 months.
Hello ladies!

Pinkee-I am hoping this is not a chemical for you!! fx

afm..so I have had this weird feeling in my lower abdomen all day. almost like a pinching feeling but not a sharp pain, more on the middle left side, kind of like when you run and get that pain in your side, but not as bad. It has been off and on all day. Now it has switched to, well-you know how you can sometimes feel gas bubbles moving though your stomach?-that's what it feels like, but lower. It's prob just pre AF bloating or something.

I did cave and buy some cheapies on my way home from work. I really hope this isn't all in my head lol I will be so disappointed if it is.......:dohh:

Hoping everyone is having a good Tuesday.
Thank you so Much you guys. I really feel better. I'm going try and lay off the testing. I don't know why I didn't think ofbthe same time testing. Duh. I've had two other bfp in a whole 4 years and they both ended before I saw a first appt.

Thank you.
Thank you guys for chilling me out. Im done with testing until I get an appt.


  • 20141118_144654_opt.jpg
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Pinkie it can be hard when you have already had a chemical before. You become sooo nervious that you will have another. Try to relax and hopefully this will be a nice sticky bean for you to enjoy :) too much stress can also cause issues.

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