November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Hi ladies! I'm back after a long break. DH got stubborn and outright refused to BD at the right times this month, so it was a long, frustrating month. In the meantime, my CD3 blood work came out normal and I just did the CD21s today. Please put me down for 11/18... hopefully we can get it together at the right times this month!
:growlmad:Hubbys flight is delayed. He won't be home until 10 tonight which means I will have to wake up my toddler to go and pick him up. Grrr...
Bing- Hi please add me :) I will be testing around Nov. 21st, although my cycles are irregular. I might change the day once I figure out when I ovulate. Thank you!
I'm CD18 and 1dpo I think. After BD tomorrow (for good measure) hubby will be so glad to have a break for a while LOL. The 2WW is going to be torture! Someone needs to just put me on a cruise ship for 2 weeks so I can be on vacay and then I can just test when I get home :)
Cd23/2dpo here. So excited to have testing buddies. I must admit that I'm a huge POAS-aholic. I probably won't make it past 8 or 9 dpo before testing. That's when I got my BFP with DS.

Mama - that costume is super duper cute and so is your LO. I hope the time flies by quickly as well.

Turtle - love the your costume concept. (Lol, mama "hit that thing". You crack me up)

Eclair - is this your first month on vitex? I read it can mess up your cycle for the first few months. Have you had any issues so far. Considering taking it next month if this month doesn't pan out.

Bing - jealous of the new furniture. I bet you are excited for it to get there.

Is 2dpo to early to test. Lol

Baby dust to all.
Hello everyone!

I just inseminated with frozen donor sperm... so now I'm in the tww officially! I'm a little obsessed with hpts to be honest... I love to poas haha!

How many DPO are people waiting to start testing?
Hello everyone!

I just inseminated with frozen donor sperm... so now I'm in the tww officially! I'm a little obsessed with hpts to be honest... I love to poas haha!

How many DPO are people waiting to start testing?

I think I will be starting at 8-9 dpo! :hugs:

Fingers crossed hun!
Megan I have been on vitex for 30 days. I started on cd6 last month. I did ovulate about two days later last month, but my lp was 2 days longer which is what I was hoping to achieve. I have been lucky and haven't had any side effects with the exception of spotting the night before af started. I take 2 400mg tablets in the morning. One positive change I saw last cycle was a very clear difference in temperatures. My post ovulation temps were 1 to 1.5 degrees higher making it very easy to pinpoint ovulation.

I see you have a lo. Have your cycles regulated since his birth? Do you temp? I know my cycles were a hot mess after my dd was born (almost 14 months ago). Last month was the first time my lp was long enough to allow implantation. So although we have been trying for 5 months, the first four cycles could not have led to conception. I credit the vitex with getting me to this point, and finally weaning from bf. Good luck.
Hi ladies :wave: CD1 here for me. I'll be testing around the 26th of November.

We had a cycle off last cycle cos I was quite ill with shingles and had to take a course of antiviral medication. I'm ready to get back to charting and using OPKs! X
Megan I have been on vitex for 30 days. I started on cd6 last month. I did ovulate about two days later last month, but my lp was 2 days longer which is what I was hoping to achieve. I have been lucky and haven't had any side effects with the exception of spotting the night before af started. I take 2 400mg tablets in the morning. One positive change I saw last cycle was a very clear difference in temperatures. My post ovulation temps were 1 to 1.5 degrees higher making it very easy to pinpoint ovulation.

I see you have a lo. Have your cycles regulated since his birth? Do you temp? I know my cycles were a hot mess after my dd was born (almost 14 months ago). Last month was the first time my lp was long enough to allow implantation. So although we have been trying for 5 months, the first four cycles could not have led to conception. I credit the vitex with getting me to this point, and finally weaning from bf. Good luck.

Thanks for the reply. My cycles have actually been pretty regular since DS was born. I did not BF so I've been trying for #2 since my first PP AF. I'm an old lady (37) and don't want to have any after 40 so only have a limited time to get pregnant. My cycles before DS were crazy due to the PCOS, sometimes I wouldn't get an AF for 6 months. I lost all the weight I gained with DS right after he was born and I really think that helps keep me regular. Now if only I could lose a bit more, lol. I don't currently temp. I tried but I'm a bad sleeper and with DS that has only gotten worse. I'm usually up every 2-3 hours every night and DS wakes up at different times so I fear it would be pointless. I just use and OPK to confirm O. I think my lp is normal, although on the short side (usually 10-11 days). I saw that Vitex is really helpful in regulating hormones so it is good for PCOS, that's why I was considering taking it but since my cycles are finally regular-ish I would hate to take something that makes them go wonky. Anywho, sorry for the rambling response. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Hi ladies :wave: CD1 here for me. I'll be testing around the 26th of November.

We had a cycle off last cycle cos I was quite ill with shingles and had to take a course of antiviral medication. I'm ready to get back to charting and using OPKs! X

Welcome back!!! So glad you are better. Good luck this cycle, pulling for you to get your BFP!!
Hi Lovely Ladies! :loopy:

MnG~So happy your appointment went so well. Very exciting!!!

Bing~The book you are reading is very interesting. Thank you for sharing the fun facts. Congrats to Mr Bing for winning! Those cakes look like a slice of heaven. My husband is very good in the kitchen too (insert sarcasm). He makes a mean P&J. :haha:

Turtle~Great to see you back. Hopefully, taking it easy this cycle will lead to a BFP. Good Luck! Enjoy the Halloween party this weekend. You and hubby’s costumes sound like a hoot. Thank you for asking about my hubby.

GSM~Welcome back!

Eclaire~Good Luck with SMEP.

MamaBee~DS costume sounds really cute! I love Halloween. It’s such a creative holiday.

Mammasboys~I am happy to see you back. :hugs: How are you feeling after surgery? I am right there with you in regards to cm. I rarely get cm when I am not on meds. Now that I am on a break from meds I had 3 days of fertile cm, but we can’t bd since hubby is recovering from surgery. I am so frustrated.

Mamabee~Love the pic of your son! So very cute.

Wow I had a lot to catch up on! This thread moves fast. My hubby is recovering nicely from surgery and his follow up appointment went really well. So thrilled he is doing better. It really puts things into perspective. I am enjoying the break from the fertility meds and I feel like I getting back to normal. I have gotten back into my normal workout routine, which really helps me get out my frustrations with not being preggers yet. I am still working through the emotions of the last IUI not sticking. Most days I am fine and I hold it together in public settings, but there are waves of sadness that come and I am not sure what to do with it.

Good Luck to all of the ladies testing this month! Did anyone remember to bring the good Kool Aid from October to get the November party started? :dance:
Hi ladies :wave: CD1 here for me. I'll be testing around the 26th of November.

We had a cycle off last cycle cos I was quite ill with shingles and had to take a course of antiviral medication. I'm ready to get back to charting and using OPKs! X

Welcome Back Loobs! Glad you are feeling better!
Thanks girls :hugs: I tried to have a quiet month on here while I was ill cos I felt I would be frustrated with not being able to try. But I missed everyone so much!

Glad your hubby is on the mend! X
I'm coming over. No AF but BFN at 14dpo. No idea when testing as I need to wait for positive ovulation test which happens whenever it feels like it.
MamaBee, yes! The Royals for sure. It has been really exciting and fun for us! I will definitely post pics of the costume! DH isn't into costumes AT ALL and sent me a pic of it a few weeks ago online. He said if I would make that costume, we could do that combo. He thought I wouldn't look into making it and that I would think it was too hard....much to his surprise, I looked into it and saw how easy it was and said ok! He's actually really into it now and excited for it too. :) Please do steal the idea some time, it's been fun! And "hit that thing"...:rofl: Too funny!!! Oh, and I love the pic of your son in his costume! You did a great job with it, and he's so handsome!

Juscause, nice to see you back! How frustrating on DH refusing to bd at the right times! :( I hope he gets his act in gear this cycle! :thumbup:

Mirandala, welcome! :hi: Good luck, I hope it works for you this month and that you get your bfp! :hugs:

Loobs, welcome back!!! So glad to hear that you're feeling better! I was just thinking about you the other day and hoping you were doing okay. :hugs:

Yoga, so glad to hear that hubby is still well on the road to recovery! I'm sure that's a huge relief to both of you. I'm glad to hear that things are starting to normalize for you in your life. I can totally imagine the waves of sadness at times. :( Just don't forget that that's NORMAL and that it's okay to feel like that. And that you WILL get your bfp, hopefully soon!!! :hugs: Oh, and good question on the Kool Aid! I sure do hope someone remembered to bring it! :haha:

Raise those glasses, ladies! :wine:
Haha!!! MamaBee, you're just too funny! I love it!!!
Thanks for the sweet comments about my boy and his costume. He is such a sweetheart; I just wish you all could meet him! We went to a costumed birthday party today and he chose to be a ninja. It must be so much fun being 7 during costume season ;)

I'm so glad to see familiar faces. Loobs, welcome back to the game! Lou, I hope things regulate soon for you. Yoga, glad to hear your husband is on the mend and Turtle - go Royals!

My uterus hates me today and is cramping something fierce on and off. It hasn't happened often, but stops me dead in my tracks when it does. I'm only 3dpo so I'm not real sure why it is being so mean.

I'm excited to get a chance at the early KoolAid this month, and I promise I'll try to leave some for the rest of the month!

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