October Sticky Beans!

So it looks like my body is doing a "slow rise" with my temps. Blah. I was hoping for a shoot up today so I could easily say "yeah, I definitely O'd". We made sure to BD yesterday and the day day before. Funny enough, after 2 days of almost 2 CM what so ever (even checking at the cervix itself), and what little I got was almost creamy not so much EW, yesterday I had TONS of EWcm by the afternoon.Not sure if it was my body just sorting itself out, or if the large amount of grapefruit juice helped (freshly squeezed myself - so nothing but pure grapefruit).

By SMEP we should do it again today, take tomorrow off and then do it Saturday. I don't know if I'll be able to do today. I'm so exhausted, didn't get to sleep as early as I would have liked, and even last night I was so ready to go to sleep but "rallied" because I desperately want this BFP this month.

DH told me yesterday he thinks I'm being too scientific about the whole process. Funny, coming from him, who is very science based. I pointed out that thanks to my low libido combined with our busy lives (I have work + grad school + lesson plans and grading; he has work + his family's estate + classes for his apprenticeship + overtime) we average about once a week, sometimes twice a week of sex on our own. And that always falls on a weekend, and if we look at when I'm ovulating, we would have missed the window every month so far. Sooooo I'm going to continue to be scientific about it.

Besides, I like knowing what my body is doing. Sorry for the rant guys. Lol

Pnut - I'm going to see if she wants to join. She's not really into the "online socializing" like I am but she might want the support. For now the whole idea is overwhelming to her, so it'll probably take awhile. She told me she's skipping the OPKs for hte moment until she figures out temping first. It's all a lot for her. But, in her case she has an incredibly high sex drive (honestly, we are completely opposites, if I Could have some of her drive, just a little, then we'd all be happier :p ) and so they don't usually have to worry about not BDing enough. :p

todmommy The doctor told her to temp and track and go back in 3-4 cycles with her charts. So there may be a chance that if she tracks for 3-4 cycles and things look really wonky they might do something a little sooner.

Your OPKs DO look like they are getting darker! That last one anyway looks def darker than the previous ones. The blinky smiley face mean high fertility, but not yet Peak, right? I do the same thing though, feel silly if we didn't DTD the night before and then I get a +. Funny how we all know it's sort of irrational, but we all feel that way anyway. :)

cupcake I suggested the Vitex to her (agnus castus). She said that her cycles were regular(ish) the lat couple and then this one was really long. I pointed out that this last cycle is when they started dealing with custody issues with her DH's ex so it's very possible that delayed her O which would delay AF. She wants to try a cycle or two naturally. I think she's afraid if she uses the vitex to regulate and then has issues getting pregnant they'll take longer to help her but I don't know. We'll see. :) Vitex ahs done such amazing things for me that I just want to tell everyone to take it! LoL! And, I don't know what it'll do if she has PCOS so I'm hesitant there without doing a lot more research.

Ivksa Wow. What a different world. Kind of cool, but definitely different. It's a little hard for me to imagine, except to remember college days when we stayed up late and then got up to go about life the next morning and took naps in the afternoon to make up for it. Now I want my 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. LoL! I guess thats going to change once I get my BFP. ;)

Are you originally from that same area/culture ? Or did you have to adjust when you married your husband? Do you mind me asking? I'm just so curious. :)

cscbeth Yay for TWW! I love getting the CH and then being able to say "I'm 3 days into TWW". So exciting. :)
Angel science is the best! :haha: when it is the last possible month before a break do anything and everything you can! As far as the BD'ing I know its hard to want to sometimes but just keep in mind that it's only a couple more days and then you can slow down :)

Yep the smiley is high then solid is peak. I have read on here that some ladies will get the flashing ones for five or six days which I am really hoping doesn't happen. There is probably an equal amount that get their solid smiley the next day but I always look at the bad replies :haha: I am thinking that with my opk being darker yesterday and flashy smiley today that I will O within the next day or two, hoping anyways haha.
@todmommy - I don’t know as FF hasn’t confirmed O yet. But the predicted days were CD7-9 and my temps match that time frame. Currently CD 22 so possible 14-15 DPO if the prediction was right. Should have had a positive by now if it was though. So idk.
AND yes! Those OPKs are so getting darker! Yay blinky smiley!

@csc - YAY crosshairs! :dust:

@Angel - That’s good they don’t have libido issues. I hope she gets the hang of temping and they all come out ok. FX for her. We’d love to have her :) She can always just stalk for a while and only talk when she’s comfortable.
And I am totally taking the scientific approach too. We are about the same as you about BDing, and would probably have missed the window completely too. It’s work, but it will be totally worth it.

AFM, no signs of AF yet. I keep going back and forth between wanting her to just show up so we can move on to the next cycle already and wanting her to stay away until we are back from our trip this weekend. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL

I'm actually not originally from the same culture or religion as my husband. I converted to Islam and met him afterwards. I've been living/working in his country since Jan 2014. I miss my family, but I feel at home here :)

Feel free to ask me anything :). I'm happy to share.
I grew up in the Adirondacks of NY and I went to university in Burlington, VT. Our reception is in Essex. Vermont is beautiful and I'm looking forward to the cooler weather. It's HOT here :P.
Ivska - I can't imagine being that far away from my family. The farthest I ever moved was about 500 miles and that was considered moving far away from home :haha: That's amazing that you are able to experience another culture in such depth!

I am SOO confused!! So a couple days ago I was looking for my cervix which I couldn't even feel, which is actually typical for me. Now yesterday I felt my cervix(just barely) while checking CM so it was clearly lower than normal and very soft. Now today I just felt it and it feels much harder than yesterday and is easily reached. I'm worried that I might have missed my O. My crazy TTC brain is creating crazy scenarios in my head :haha: To O on CD 14 or 15 would be pretty early for me but I am also taking stuff this month that is said to move ovulation forward. I probably could have missed my surge on the IC, the test today is not any darker than yesterday, I would say its a tad lighter but I think my brain is playing tricks on me haha. But that leaves the CB digi unexplained, I think the first day you use it is is typically low because it needs something to compare samples to but you won't move on to flashing or solid until there is an increase in hormones so that wouldn't make sense. Okay I think I have rambled enough, oh yea and my CM has more white in it today rather than clear like it has been the last 4 days. Now I have rambled enough :haha: I need some opinions before my brain explodes!! LOL
Okay so now I have calmed myself down after some reading and what not :haha: I am seriously considering the possibility of missing my surge. I have been having lower right side pain for the last three hours or so and with my temp dip it could be possible. My temps will tell me what happened but I am inclined to believe that this pain I am having right now is me O'ing! I will be so excited if it is! We have BD'ed enough in the last couple days and will tonight so if it is happening now it will be caught on both sides of O :dance:
Ivska sorry if I missed this but where do you live?

Ok guys I'm confused I got what appears to be a positive opk today. So confused. Possible I'm ovulating later than usual? I didn't see a totally positive one earlier but temp rise said o happened. And temps back up past cover line.
Sorry to add -- Normal Ov is around day 14, I'm at CD 18. Charting BBTs and FF gave me dotted crosshairs on CD 12 (temps have mainly been up since then). So is it possible to get a positive OPK after ovulating?

I'm actually not originally from the same culture or religion as my husband. I converted to Islam and met him afterwards. I've been living/working in his country since Jan 2014. I miss my family, but I feel at home here :)

Feel free to ask me anything :). I'm happy to share.

Wow, that's so cool. I'd be terrified to up and move to another country. That's so brave. :)

Okay so now I have calmed myself down after some reading and what not :haha: I am seriously considering the possibility of missing my surge. I have been having lower right side pain for the last three hours or so and with my temp dip it could be possible. My temps will tell me what happened but I am inclined to believe that this pain I am having right now is me O'ing! I will be so excited if it is! We have BD'ed enough in the last couple days and will tonight so if it is happening now it will be caught on both sides of O :dance:

It is possible you missed the surge. Looking at your temps, I wouldn't be surprised if you O'd today or yesterday.

Ivska sorry if I missed this but where do you live?

Ok guys I'm confused I got what appears to be a positive opk today. So confused. Possible I'm ovulating later than usual? I didn't see a totally positive one earlier but temp rise said o happened. And temps back up past cover line.

Do you have a link to your chart? Sometimes you can get a +OPK for a couple days in a row, so I've seen people get 2-3 +OPKs in a row but never one way after O. However, I've been told that a +OPK very late after O could be a sign of pregnancy. But I don't know how true that is.
Here's my chart. Let me know what you think!

MsRipple - I agree with FF on your O date. Also what Angel said about OPK's picking up pregnancy is true. It is not a particularly reliable way to tell if you are pregnant or not but pregnancy can cause OPK's to go positive. Although at 6 DPO I don't know if an OPK would show it yet or not.
though if i put in positive opk, ff takes away crosshairs. oh well, can only bd on sat so if I am o'ing later, hopefully it's not for another 36 hours!

i have heard the thing about opk being used as a pregnancy test, but i wouldn't expect to see anything on any test evening of 6 dpo (well, possibly o ;) ) I also also took a wondfo pregnancy just for fun (that's what happens when you order a pack of 40 o tests and 10 hpts!) and it couldn't be more negative!
Generally OPK's will not show positive until after a HPT would. 6dpo is still really early as would just be starting to implant, but no idea why it would be positive now.
Okay so now I have calmed myself down after some reading and what not :haha: I am seriously considering the possibility of missing my surge. I have been having lower right side pain for the last three hours or so and with my temp dip it could be possible. My temps will tell me what happened but I am inclined to believe that this pain I am having right now is me O'ing! I will be so excited if it is! We have BD'ed enough in the last couple days and will tonight so if it is happening now it will be caught on both sides of O :dance:

Hope you are Oing now! Really hard to say for sure, but all signs point to ovulation IMO (though for me CP is not a good indicator-was pretty firm and low when I ovulated). Very possible to miss your surge though
Good morning :) i can't seem to keep up with you ladies haha

MsRipple that is actually confusing.. but i think i would temps are more reliable than an OPK, it could be a faulty test as well. Temps on the other hand are usually quite reliable :)

I'm 6DPO today and my temps have been a bit lower yesterday and today.. still above coverline so I'm not worried too much but i still hope that they'll get back up again tomorrow.

As for symptoms, my boobs feel the way they do just before my period. They're enlarged and feel heavy. I hope it's not pms symptoms already, combined with lower temps i'm a bit scared i'll have a super short luteal phase this month.. even though the LP doesn't really change all that much from cycle to cycle and last cycle i had a 13 day phase.. so let's hope temps will go back up and my boobies are an actual pregnancy symptom :)
Ivska sorry if I missed this but where do you live?

Ok guys I'm confused I got what appears to be a positive opk today. So confused. Possible I'm ovulating later than usual? I didn't see a totally positive one earlier but temp rise said o happened. And temps back up past cover line.

I live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia :)
This am - 7 DPO, I got a positive OPK and just the slightest line on a wondfo HPT. Both OPK and HPT were negative after 2 or so min, then I forgot about them and didn't look until 20 min or so had passed. OPK dark (positive or very close) and a very very faint line appeared on HPT. So - evap lines?

I'm pretty sure they are evap lines. Wish I had not tested today as I think am just setting myself up for disappointment (because even though I know they are likely evap lines, there's part of me that doesn't believe that).

Editing now after some google research to say that I think I may have caused the false pos by putting tests next to each other. sigh. ok, makes sense. Still not sure about ovulation though!

Cupcake - FX the ta-ta's is a good sign!! :dust:

Ripple - I wouldn't trust a test being that early. Maybe try an HPT tomorrow by itself and see what happens. That's what I would do anyways because I am a POAS addict! :haha:

AFM temp went up this morning to slightly above where I think my cover line will be. There are mixed opinions all around lol some think I am gearing up to O (although that wouldnt explain this mornings temp) and some like you ladies think I O'd which is what I am leaning towards. Very anxious and excited to see what the weekend brings!
The 7:15pm looks positive right?! Ewcm today too!

Cupcake - FX the ta-ta's is a good sign!! :dust:

Ripple - I wouldn't trust a test being that early. Maybe try an HPT tomorrow by itself and see what happens. That's what I would do anyways because I am a POAS addict! :haha:

AFM temp went up this morning to slightly above where I think my cover line will be. There are mixed opinions all around lol some think I am gearing up to O (although that wouldnt explain this mornings temp) and some like you ladies think I O'd which is what I am leaning towards. Very anxious and excited to see what the weekend brings!
My guess is FF will have you O cd 16. But the opks are negative....hmmmmm

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