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Opk now negative over here. Guess in the morning I can count myself as 1dpo
7dpo- crampy- boobs sore and feel huge- cp is high- had brown cm (like 2 dots) and nothing since. And my pee is really cloudy- never seen that before!!! Thoughts??

That sounds VERY promising! The cloudy urine thing was the real signal to me in March when I was briefly pregnant!
Hi Sholi, could I ask a couple questions about your progesterone supplements? I was convinced I was pregnant last month because I got a couple of very faint lines then later found out that the test I was using was a huge offender of false positives (though it could also have been a chemical). Anyway the second I thought I was pregnant I emailed my doctor and asked for progesterone supplements. She called some in for me but told me I was supposed to start them on cycle day 21. I never had an appointment or got to ask questions so maybe you could give me some information. Do you start yours on cycle day 21 and continue until AF or BFP? I stopped mine after a couple BFN's and AF didn't come till 3 days after I stopped. I wasn't sure if AF would come or just be really late if I continued using them.

Margo I have everything crossed for you. I will be soooo excited if this is your month. You deserve this so much.

AFM I came across a few left over internet cheapie ovulation sticks while I was unpacking a box. I figured I wouldn't ovulate until cd18 or 19 but I thought I'd take one yesterday morning(cd13) just for fun. It was super super light as expected. I took another this morning and it was so much darker, completely unexpected. I don't think it was quite a positive though. I was crampy today and took another after work. It was with diluted urine and it was almost as dark at this morning. I don't know if that means I missed my surge or not. I'll try again in the morning. I always thought the days I was really crampy was the day I ovulated but if I surged today then ovulation shouldn't happen for another day. Does cramping occur before the egg is released? I guess I will see what the temperatures say over the next couple days. Either way I think I am going to ovulate earlier than expected so that makes me happy.
Thx crystal...I'm trying not to get too excited....don't know what I'll do if it's another bfn this month!!!! Argh!
9dpo today, honestly thought AF had come in early, felt damp n icky but when went to the toilet just have yups of white discharge, it isnt foul smelling/thrush like n i dont have any other symptoms of a prob so just wondering, as havent had it previously, is this good bad or not remotely relevant to ttc?


I am also 9dpo and had the same things this morning......phew....sounds promising i think ....at least i hope :thumbup:

Me too, 10dpo and for the past few days I have been feeling like AF is here, only to see tons of creamy white cm. Literally enough of it to be a on and off light flow day if it were to really be af. Fingers crossed it leads to bfps for the three of us!

our charts are slightly comparable but you got the cm. GL to you!
Does cramping occur before the egg is released? I guess I will see what the temperatures say over the next couple days. Either way I think I am going to ovulate earlier than expected so that makes me happy.

I have ovulation cramps up to 4 days post-o, and a couple days leading up to, too. But some people only get it on o day. Just make sure your making these days count ;) FX'd!!
Thanks! I'm praying it stays up tomorrow. (please please please)

My nipps are itchy, plus slight cramping for the past couple of days. Nausea yesterday... Headache today. Extremely gassy (even DH commented on it lol). But patiently waiting. I'm not symptom spotting - these are just big ones I'm noticing.
Hi Sholi, could I ask a couple questions about your progesterone supplements? I was convinced I was pregnant last month because I got a couple of very faint lines then later found out that the test I was using was a huge offender of false positives (though it could also have been a chemical). Anyway the second I thought I was pregnant I emailed my doctor and asked for progesterone supplements. She called some in for me but told me I was supposed to start them on cycle day 21. I never had an appointment or got to ask questions so maybe you could give me some information. Do you start yours on cycle day 21 and continue until AF or BFP? I stopped mine after a couple BFN's and AF didn't come till 3 days after I stopped. I wasn't sure if AF would come or just be really late if I continued using them.

Margo I have everything crossed for you. I will be soooo excited if this is your month. You deserve this so much.

AFM I came across a few left over internet cheapie ovulation sticks while I was unpacking a box. I figured I wouldn't ovulate until cd18 or 19 but I thought I'd take one yesterday morning(cd13) just for fun. It was super super light as expected. I took another this morning and it was so much darker, completely unexpected. I don't think it was quite a positive though. I was crampy today and took another after work. It was with diluted urine and it was almost as dark at this morning. I don't know if that means I missed my surge or not. I'll try again in the morning. I always thought the days I was really crampy was the day I ovulated but if I surged today then ovulation shouldn't happen for another day. Does cramping occur before the egg is released? I guess I will see what the temperatures say over the next couple days. Either way I think I am going to ovulate earlier than expected so that makes me happy.

I think you should speak to your doc to make sure. I take them on day 17 through to 26, vaginally in themorning and orally at night. It has to be after ovulation as proesterone can act as birth control before ovulation. Perhaps day 21 is right for you because you ovulate later? Please,make an appt and make sure.

AFM - what does everyone/anyone think of the random bleeding? I'm a bit spooked
Was it a lot or a little bit? And how much longer until AF?
went to the loo for a wee and when i put my underwear back on i noticed it was cold and wet, had a look to see and i had blood! i wiped again and there was nothing there. called my husband, showed him my underwear and then wiped again and nothing. so weird. Maybe i nicked myself when i put in the progesterone pill this morning?? very strange

Hi Sholi.
Are you only mid cycle? Might it be O bleed?

I am due today. BFN yesterday. Had a pinkish tinge to CM yesterday after lunchtime BD with OH. Probably rattled the period which is due.... Must try not to :cry: and focus on next month........
Sholi I can't say for sure. I agree could be O bleed if you're near mid-cycle. If you near the end, then perhaps implantation bleed?

AFM- Temp is down a little bit today and I am noticing more EWCM this month. Can the B-Complex cause that? CD18 and just waiting to O. Sadly, DH and I were both exhausted last night so BDing did not take place. Typically I O CD20 or later but last month was CD17. Definitely BDing tonight. DH was funny... he said we should do it twice to make up for last night... men! haha
I agree could be implantation bleeding or you could be right and maybe scratch yourself with the progesterone. I bled the first time I used a soft cup so things must be sensitive in there. Thanks for the info.

AFM- I'm kinda mad at DH right now but he doesn't know it yet. I was really looking forward to this mornings temps because of my cramping yesterday and he decides to come to bed at 3 in the morning. Of course it woke me up and my alarm goes off at 5:30. Ugh I don't know how much good sleep I got inbetween. My temp went from 96.8-97.2 so I'm pretty sure O happened yesterday but I don't know if I can trust it. Yes I know I need to be making all these days count but I've decided to do the every other day BD this month and stick to it so we did not BD yesterday.

I'm feeling a little discouraged about my CM. I had to get a biopsy of my cervix in May after my last mc cause I had an abnormal pap. Since then I feel like I've had no EWCM at any point during my cycle. I don't know if this can be related or not but before the biopsy I had gobs of EWCM around O time. I used to have to run to the bathroom to wipe. The first cycle after I was dry as a bone and now we can get a little CM if we work really hard at it lol. Sorry for the TMI portion of my message. Have any of you ladies had a cervix biopsy and experienced problems with CM? I just know its hard to get pregnant with out fertile mucous so it bums me out a little.
Still BFN!!!
Even though it looks like a line trying to show. Hahaha
I have a great imagination.

Good morning girls, cant wait to see all the updates today:)
My update is as follows- Temp was up today, but it's still at what it was around 3 dpo. Could just have low progesterone? I dont know. But if my period is coming, what is happening? Crazy dreams last night, BFN this morning, obviously and my nipples, still HURT! I'm super confused, but, I am emotionally 100x better:)
hi all can i please join in here i will be testing about the 15th if af doesnt show, good luck and baby dust to every one

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