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Question ladies, my oh doesnt want to do the ap em annalysis, doctor said he should do it just to see, but he is refusing. I also higjly doubt its him if i have pcos. What should i do?

Dont just jump right to if you have PCOS, thats the reason you're not pregnant. That may not be the case and assumptions dont get anyone anywhere. For my experience, since I have pcos also. When our Dr mentioned for my hubby to do a SA, right away he said no problem. He did have concerns at first but his reasons were valid. He said he was worried how I would react if his sperm were so good that he should be able to impregnate concrete, how that would affect me. You know what, it would hurt me, of course cause you feel "broken." But when TTC, I personally feel all information known, is valuable information. If he is the issue, as well as the PCOS, for months and months (that I've been on here with you) you constantly beat yourself up about your lack of BFP's. I would wonder what his refusion is about? I know some men, worry that if it isnt ideal, their numbers or motility, they feel like less of a man. But, on the flipside, dont think twice about letting us as women, feel incompetant as women who cant give them offspring...
Question ladies, my oh doesnt want to do the ap em annalysis, doctor said he should do it just to see, but he is refusing. I also higjly doubt its him if i have pcos. What should i do?

Liz, my husband actually suggested having the sa done and i said no because i was worried for him should it have been negative. He wants to be a dad so bad, he couldn't care less. After i had my hsg last week, he told me that it was terrible of men to refuse doing sa's and not doing it first thing, when women have to have so many uncomfortable tests done. We went to a private clinic, he had a room for himself with what he claims is the best porn he's ever watched!!!!

All i can suggest is that you explain to him what you need to have done and what you need to go through and maybe he'll be able to see it from a different perspective. It's all men need to do and considering they'll get pleasure at the end, it can't be that bad. I hope this helps :hugs:
I know its me that cant conceive duw to pcos now, but im going to try to talk to him again. I think hes just had enough if me talking baby and us not getting pregnant.
Liz I know you don't want to but why don't you guys take a break and relax.It could help the situation a lot.Perhaps a break will give him time to think.Do you think it's possible he is going back and forth on a baby? I know most men do not like to share their true feelings or maybe he is afraid to tell you.I really do think you two need a break.Even if its just for a month or two
Also this situation reminds me of my brother in law.He wants a child but is not truly ready.he is just going a long with it because his wife is nagging him to death.Its really dad he can't stand up for himself!I just thought if that because if post you've made awhile ago.Now I don't know you two but I think you two should have a serious heart to heart talk if you have not yet.A child is forever and holy heck they can be challenging lol.Hope I'm wrong on all of this but please just make sure he is 100% ready :)
LIZ- you're making me frustrated hon! Please do not think, especially say out loud the reason you are not pregnant is because of you because you have PCOS! For crying out loud, you do not know that. Tonns of women have babies who have pcos, I am one of them! Granted now, I am struggling, but 4 years ago, I had one with ZERO help what so ever. If he has not seen a dr, been tested etc, you guys are only speculating, you are only speculating and placing blame on yourself. Negativity does no good to TTC, trust me. Stress basically kills all chances. My main concern is you and what you think and feel. You have to know this is not your fault, and you only just found out about this pcos, you dont know to the degree and you dont know both sides of the story. You know your side and youre jumping to conclusions, being too hard on yourself. When you are under stress, your body will no cooperate in terms of TTC. You can tell yourself 1000x youre ready but our bodies are built to know better. It sounds like BS but it is not I assure you. Please speak to him and ask him what his reservations are and explain to him that you are blaming yourself and TTC can not be one sided, which it appears it is right now...Again, its only my two cents
Congrats Crystal, H&H 9 months. Liz it must feel so good to get some answers. I had blood work done after my second miscarriage and they didn't find anything wrong. I know I should be happy about that but part of me wanted something to fix. I hope in your case they give you everything you need to get your BFP. Pink I saw you said you doc ordered a SA for your DH. Do you guys have the same insurance? I asked my DH to call a fertility place today to see if he could get a SA done but they told him he needed a doctors referral. He and I have different insurance and I wasn't sure if it was my doc (dealing with my case) that needs to give him the referral or if he has to find a doc with his insurance that will give a referral.

Yes, we have the same insurance. My hubby is covered under mine. We actually have pretty good insurance too. His first SA was covered and we only had to pay $15. Our co-pay is $20, but since we only had to pay $15 for the entire thing...we didn't even have to pay the full co-pay. lol It was such a relief when we received the bill! We need a referral as well if we want our insurance to cover it. The doctor that I am dealing with (which is my OBGYN) is the one that ordered both SA's. So no...he doesn't need to go to his own doctor. Just ask yours and see if they will order one for you or not. Hope this answered your question! :)
Hey sweet ladies,
I have been away and just reading the posts and cause of the disappointment, I wasn't able to write anything. AF came 4 days early and the month before it came 3 days early. I am not sure what is happening. I am still breast feeding my 17 months old DD. My cycles were messed up, they reached 52 days , the last 3 cycles were 34 , 31 and 27 days in order. Meaning that my last one wad 27. Am I getting regular, is this a good sign. Help me girls plz.

Congrats to all who got there BFP . H&H 9 months ladies :)
Hey sweet ladies,
I have been away and just reading the posts and cause of the disappointment, I wasn't able to write anything. AF came 4 days early and the month before it came 3 days early. I am not sure what is happening. I am still breast feeding my 17 months old DD. My cycles were messed up, they reached 52 days , the last 3 cycles were 34 , 31 and 27 days in order. Meaning that my last one wad 27. Am I getting regular, is this a good sign. Help me girls plz.

Congrats to all who got there BFP . H&H 9 months ladies :)

Sounds like they may be getting shorter/more regular. I wish mine would do that. Mine seem to be doing the opposite. I would take it as a good sign tho. It just means that you get more chances to try. :) Do you know for a fact that you are ovulating? Do you temp?
Hey sweet ladies,
I have been away and just reading the posts and cause of the disappointment, I wasn't able to write anything. AF came 4 days early and the month before it came 3 days early. I am not sure what is happening. I am still breast feeding my 17 months old DD. My cycles were messed up, they reached 52 days , the last 3 cycles were 34 , 31 and 27 days in order. Meaning that my last one wad 27. Am I getting regular, is this a good sign. Help me girls plz.

Congrats to all who got there BFP . H&H 9 months ladies :)

Sounds like they may be getting shorter/more regular. I wish mine would do that. Mine seem to be doing the opposite. I would take it as a good sign tho. It just means that you get more chances to try. :) Do you know for a fact that you are ovulating? Do you temp?

Hey Pink,
Thanks for responding. No I am not temping or anything. I just try to BD whenever possible . I think that trying to calculate everything makes ttc really frustrating. I wish i get my BFP and get twins :)
Hey sweet ladies,
I have been away and just reading the posts and cause of the disappointment, I wasn't able to write anything. AF came 4 days early and the month before it came 3 days early. I am not sure what is happening. I am still breast feeding my 17 months old DD. My cycles were messed up, they reached 52 days , the last 3 cycles were 34 , 31 and 27 days in order. Meaning that my last one wad 27. Am I getting regular, is this a good sign. Help me girls plz.

Congrats to all who got there BFP . H&H 9 months ladies :)

Sounds like they may be getting shorter/more regular. I wish mine would do that. Mine seem to be doing the opposite. I would take it as a good sign tho. It just means that you get more chances to try. :) Do you know for a fact that you are ovulating? Do you temp?

Hey Pink,
Thanks for responding. No I am not temping or anything. I just try to BD whenever possible . I think that trying to calculate everything makes ttc really frustrating. I wish i get my BFP and get twins :)

You're welcome! :) That is very true! It does make things a little more frustrating. However...I like it so I know that I am ovulating and when. If I wouldn't have been temping all this time...I don't know how many times I would have thought I was pregnant. Ovulation has been delayed a few times throughout the last year and I can't imagine how excited and hopeful I would have been if I didn't know when I ovulated. I hope you get a bfp soon too! I've always secretly kind of wanted twins myself. :) But I will take whatever I can get at this point!
Hey sweet ladies,
I have been away and just reading the posts and cause of the disappointment, I wasn't able to write anything. AF came 4 days early and the month before it came 3 days early. I am not sure what is happening. I am still breast feeding my 17 months old DD. My cycles were messed up, they reached 52 days , the last 3 cycles were 34 , 31 and 27 days in order. Meaning that my last one wad 27. Am I getting regular, is this a good sign. Help me girls plz.

Congrats to all who got there BFP . H&H 9 months ladies :)

Sounds like they may be getting shorter/more regular. I wish mine would do that. Mine seem to be doing the opposite. I would take it as a good sign tho. It just means that you get more chances to try. :) Do you know for a fact that you are ovulating? Do you temp?

Hey Pink,
Thanks for responding. No I am not temping or anything. I just try to BD whenever possible . I think that trying to calculate everything makes ttc really frustrating. I wish i get my BFP and get twins :)

You're welcome! :) That is very true! It does make things a little more frustrating. However...I like it so I know that I am ovulating and when. If I wouldn't have been temping all this time...I don't know how many times I would have thought I was pregnant. Ovulation has been delayed a few times throughout the last year and I can't imagine how excited and hopeful I would have been if I didn't know when I ovulated. I hope you get a bfp soon too! I've always secretly kind of wanted twins myself. :) But I will take whatever I can get at this point!

Just popping in to say I agree...I thought charting was stressful at first, but since my cycles are irregular, it was so nice to see that I was actually ovulating. It made me feel so much better. I hope you get your twins! I would love twins, too.
:flower:Pink and Echo:flower:

I hope we get our babies soon. Plz god, we r not being greedy but plz bless us with :twinboys:

I don't think this will be my cycle cause my DH is leaving for 2 weeks this Thursday and I will be ovulating while he is away I think. Hopefully I get a December BFP. What about you ladies, how is it going with u ?
Maybe your cycle will decide to wait for him?

I am being very optimistic this cycle. I was going to do soy, but I have already started vitex and you can't mix them, so if Nov isn't my month, then I will do the soy. I am going to get preseed though, for this cycle. If my cycle stays relatively 'normal', I should be ovulating around Halloween. I *may* use progesterone cream after o. We'll see....how about you?
My heart goes out to all those having a hard time, hugs and I'll be praying for you.

Afm, I made it official with a digital test this evening, so it's a BFP for sure. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Look forward to hearing more good news! And I'll be praying these next few days get better and better for everyone.
congrats, safariguri! very happy for you...wishing you a happy n very healthy 9 mos! :)
Luna - I temp vaginally & sometimes its very hard..I sleep with a fan on which makes it hard to hear the beep but luckily DH wakes up 5 min. Before me just to turn the fan off <3 gotta love him but when he forgets I just put my head under the covers so I can hear better. Or if DH is up I have him turn the light on & check it while its in me to see if the number is on the screen. I know it seems like a lot hehehe!! Oh one of the joys of ttc ;) GL with it doll!
:hi:Welcome all New Joiners!!!! GL FXD! You will notice that your name has been added to the front page...:dust::dust:

:test: PINKPEONY10:test: Good Luck to you Hun! :dust:

:book: Still waiting on some news Ladies, we are here for you either way... TTCMUMMYOF3, MAMAx3, MISSAMANDA, CASSAFRASS, RIANNE85, BABYNUMBER03, MUSTANGGTGIRL, JENWANTSABABY, SUNFLOWER5678, STACIE79, BEAUTIFULLEI2 and HARLEYQUINN ...

CONGRATS!!!! :bfp: SAFARIGURI Wishing you a H&H 9 months!!!​

1st Trimester Thread!!:happydance: LINK: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-groups/1251845-spring-summer-2013-babies-24-we-here.html

PMA LADIES... You are NOT out of this egg chase if there is :af: = good sign!! FXD:dust:

:hugs: Sorry to hear that the :witch: flew in on that dreadful broom BABY_DREAM, your next cycle IS going to be the one!
The November Thread is up! Hope to see you there!:dust:

LIZLOVELUST I have to agree with LORO on this, since having you on my threads for a long while, I think that for you, it may be something totally different holding things up for you, mostly your stress over TTC. Yes, we all stress but yours is compounded and now that you have some very valuable information, it shows there are other things that are making it difficcult. I also agree that you should speak with DH to make sure things are ok right now with TTC because your reluctance to take a break may not be how he feels. Believe it or not, all the stress we are feeling, they feel in some way shape or form as well... GL! dust:

Ladies wanting to Chart/temp Click on my chart in my signature, sign up for a free account there and then fertilityfriend has awesome charting and temping information to follow. It is truly a helpful OV tool and tool to get to know your cycle. :dust:

November Thread: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/t...mber-fall-testers-0-here-we.html#post22214851

Please look at page 101 once you have OV confirmed and before you start testing, for motivation on the chase! GL!
Taurusmom05--What's going on?? Did you test yet? AFM: I'm only at 3 dpo (I think). I have a loooongggg time to go, at least that's how it feels. I'm feeling sick today and telling myself not to put this on pregnancy symptoms.....it's far too early for all of that lol.

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