Just had a mini break down.
Sophia has been awful today. She wants to sleep for 10 minutes and scream because she's tired. I went and laid down with her and she was almost asleep and then started the dinosaur noises again. I was being calm trying to get her to sleep all of that. 30 minutes later and she's screaming again (because she's tired) and I totally patted her butt too hard for my liking and it was out of frustration. I feel so awful. I started crying, she was screaming. I had to go put her in her jumper and cry to myself. I feel like such a shitty mom. Sometimes I think I can't do it anymore.
She's jumping in her jumper making her dinosaur noises and fussing a little bit. I just don't know what to do. Nothing keeps her entertained anymore. She's tired. and it doesn't help that I'm pissed off at OH.