[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

Ooooh that is possible sideways! How exciting to think about it!!! hehehe. I know you'll love it if it's one, but I know you would like twins too, so FX!!!

I haven't heard back from the midwife I contacted last week, so who knows about her! lol. Hubby had an appointment at the doctors this afternoon [just to renew a prescription] so I tagged along and we let him know I'm pregnant, and what does HE suggest for our next step? He says most midwives here don't want tend to know you until you're 12 weeks, and while she can book me in for the blood tests etc, I might as well book in with him and he'll do it all for me. So while we were there we booked in for next monday (21st) with him.

Next week is a big week! Both me and hubby have the whole week off work.
Monday morning we go to the doctors.
Monday night my mum is in town and will pop over to visit... we'll tell her about the pregnancy then [I'm really close to my mum, it's killing me not telling her now, but she lives over an hour away and I NEED to tell her in person so I'm having to wait! lol]
Tuesday night we'll be seeing my dad, step mum, brother & his fiancé and we'll all be having dinner together [for an unrelated reason!], so we'll announce it to them then too.
Wednesday; well seeing we've just told everyone else and we have the week off, we've decided we'll travel the 1.5 hours up to see hubbys parents and tell THEM!!

Then I just need to tell my boss [who I adore! She's seriously like another mum to me and we're frequently mistaken for mother & daughter when people see us interact cos we both love each other :)] and that'll be all the "important" people told.

After then, I'm not sure if we'll bother keeping it a secret! I know the idea of keeping it a secret is that in case something happens [miscarriage] you don't want to go back and tell everyone "oops, it hasn't worked after all"... but I dunno, we might just break the news out then anyway. We'll see. :)
I'm having my scan on the 21st. Can't wait to see the bubs, but we hopefully will not be finding out the gender. We're gonna have a busy week next week on this thread!
Aww how come you all get scans soooo soon you lucky people! Is this your second scan already?

I have to wait another month for my next scan!

I have a feeling mine is a girl but everyone else is saying its a boy... so who knows!

Does anyone have a bump yet?
Turtle, mine is my second scan and it's happening a bit early because of scheduling problems. I'll be about 18 weeks, but usually the scans are done at 20 weeks.

I'm getting a small bump, not much yet, I'll try to post a pic later.
My 13 wk bump is on page 16. It hasn't changed much since then. We need more bump pics!!!!
I'm too early for a bump yet (and I'm big anyway, so it'll be a while until it shows as a baby bump at all!!!)
Here is my 1st attempt at a self portrait of my belly done at 15 weeks...

This was the taken this weekend at 17 weeks...
ooohhh, that IS a cute bump!!!! I have a friend here who's 17 weeks and I saw her last night and she's starting a gorgeous wee bump tooooo. I want a bump! lmao!

I caved. I did another pregnancy test, just to watch the lines come up. lol!!! Actually the "pregnant" line came up faster and darker than the "control" line! haha!

Ooo, my sense of smell has been picking up way more in the past few days, and even more so in the last 24 hours! And last night I had a definite wave of nausea, and then the same again this morning!!!! I've taken a morning sickness pill (ginger & b6 etc. It's marketed as FOR morning sickness) cos I have a feeling that the morning sickness won't be far away, and if I start the pills coming into my system now, it might keep it down...? We'll see!!!

I'll be 6 weeks TOMORROW! :D

Ohh, midwife txted me back again too, and she's going to pop in to work to see me on friday, just to meet and see each other face to face, nothing formal. So midwife on fri, doc on mon. Yay!! :D
Dizny, I love the pic with the ultrasound photo in it!
What a cute bump Dizny!! I love the first pic of your belly with the ultrasound pic on your phone.

Not much to update here, still sick all the time. Getting tired of this!
Hi all

Dizny your bump is great! I want one like that!!!!! Mine is teeeny tiny... i've even had a few people asking if I really am pregnant as if they don't believe me (it makes me get worried that bean isn't growing enough or something).

I'm tiny so thought id show early (my waist was 22 inches before I got pregnant), I will try and get a 'bump' pic later! My MW said I should not expect a proper bump before 20 weeks.

Flyingduster - Soon you will be smelling everything and everyone and even what they had for they had to eat the night before... ugh its grose! Someone with garlic breath made me puke when I was about 10 weeks....
Met the midwife today!!!!! It was just an informal thing, basically just a chance to see each other face to face and say hi. She gave me a pregnancy pack too, and had a chat about dogs and pets! haha! I'm dog-mad so she's certainly winning me over in that respect!

My only query to her was her thoughts on hypnobirthing, as I'm exploring that at the moment (and LOVING everything I can find!) and she told me how amazing it is to watch, from a midwifes perspective, and she's certainly keen to help me in that. She knows a lady who is possibly becoming a hypnobirthing trainer, she's not sure so will find otu for me, but if there's someone local who does it then YAY! [otherwise the closest person is 5 hours away. Not really possible!] we also talked about homoeopathic stuff she has (as my reason for going the hypnobirthing route is that relaxation is really important to me with vaginismus!) so she'll get more info on the homoeopathic side of things for relaxation too. Wooot!

So she was awesome basically. Very happy to work with what I wanted, totally open to it, and helpful to boot.

And so we've made a proper 'booking' appointment for next week. Cos we have the week off, so she's coming up to our house to meet hubby too (she bought that up before I could; she wants to include him as much as possible! YAY) and do the paperwork stuff. She'll also sort out anything the doctor hasn't already sorted out [scans, bloodwork, whatever] as we're seeing her the day after we see the doctor.

So everything is moving forwards! I'm 6 weeks now (omg!) we're seeing the doctor, the midwife, telling all the parents and siblings.... wow! By the end of next week it's going to feel a whole lot more real I'm sure! lol
It goes sooooo quick flyingduster before you know it you will be at your first scan!

I was reading about hypnobirthing the other day it looks interesting. I am not sure how I want the birth yet. I'm considering a water bath thou... however plenty of time to decide!

turtle, I'm an animal person and always have been, and I've seen countless animals give birth easily by themselves... I have NEVER understood why on earth humans have such a big ordeal about it... The book is awesome, very inspiring even if you don't want to go with the idea. Makes me look FORWARD to the birth already!!!

Oooohh, this morning I was *this close* to throwing up! Horrible at the time, but exciting in hindsight; a REAL symptom!!! YAAAAAAAAY! hahahaha. I NEVER throw up, and I wasn't just gagging but my stomach was seriously coming up.... wooot! lmao

Never thought I'd be so excited about feeling sick. :D
oh God flying, lol... shut up!!! lol just kidding. I seriously hope you don't end up in my shoes. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy lol

I took a vitamin B6 last night.. probably a mistake since I didn't sleep worth jack. Does B6 provide energy or something?? Either way, it didn't work because I still got nauseous and at 3am my dinner from several hours earlier came right up... gross!! I haven't tried combining it with Unisom yet, but I will try that tonight and see how it comes out.
oh God flying, lol... shut up!!! lol just kidding. I seriously hope you don't end up in my shoes. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy lol

I took a vitamin B6 last night.. probably a mistake since I didn't sleep worth jack. Does B6 provide energy or something?? Either way, it didn't work because I still got nauseous and at 3am my dinner from several hours earlier came right up... gross!! I haven't tried combining it with Unisom yet, but I will try that tonight and see how it comes out.

Combine it with Unisom. The unisom is an anti-histamine which is the stuff that will make you drowsy.

Sorry you still feel so bad...
lmao sideways! I don't want to feel totally overwhelmed with sickness... but it's nice to know the symptoms are rolling in on time too, makes me worry less about all those ladies who find out their baby stopped growing at 5 weeks old or something...!!!

Sheesh, I'm stewarding at a dog show all weekend, which means standing in one spot for the entire day yelling at people to get into the ring and recording the judges placings, getting the dogs in the right order and keeping the judge happy with coffee or whatever. My legs are KILLING me with all the standing. And I have another full day to go today... but THEN I'm on HOLIDAY!!! wooooooooot!

Still feeling definite queasy-ness, felt like throwing up briefly yesterday afternoon again but it hasn't come to more than that yet. Still smelling everyones aftershave and deoderant, and as I'm within touching distance of hundreds of people coming in and out of the ring gate all day it's giving me headaches! Ugh. Thank goodness it's been ok weather and we've been having it outside rather than in the stuffy building!

Oh, and around 2am when the cat came in to snuggle in to bed [why does she have to wake me before she'll snuggle?? Ugh] I suddenly noticed my boobs were soft and comfy and felt weird... it took me a minute to realise why; it's cos they weren't sore and my nipples weren't erect and tender! lmao. I hadn't realised they have been like that 24/7 cos I'd gotten soooooo used to it that it wasn't until I brushed against them at 2am and they WEREN'T, that I realised they must have been like that for the past couple of weeks! lol. As soon as I got up they're back to being sore again, but it's only a faint ache (and permanently erect nipples) so I hadn't really realised. lol.

I've been doing the hypnobirthing stuff, it comes with a cd that you can listen to to relax and go into a self hypnosis, and after a looooooooooong day yesterday I crawled into bed and listened to it, for the 3rd time now, and wow, I went straight into my 'peace sanctuary' and don't remember anything of the rest of the CD until it was over and I woke enough to turn it off. Was sooo relaxing and I slept like a log until 2am when Jasmine woke me and I got fascinated with my boobs.... lmao!

Anyway, gotta go pick up the judges and head to the show again... this time tomorrow I'll still be in bed RELAXING for a bit before heading to the doctors! wooooooot!
I know what you mean about the sickness... the first time I was sick I remember feeling better afterwards and saying to OH with a big smile on my face 'i've just been sick, good isn't it'... no matter how mad that sounds I was sooo pleased because it was the first proper symptom and meant baby was ok!!! How mad is that thou!?!

Its not nice but when you get a day (if you are anything like I was) when you arent sick you start to worry something is wrong...

hehe the joys of pregnancy ay!

Saying that thou my tiny weenie bump has popped out a bit this week. I love bein pregnant!

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