[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

Hey girls! Hope everyone is well. I'm up, getting ready for my scan. Didn't sleep well...feeling nervous I guess...

I'll let you guys know how it went when I get home!
Hey girls! Hope everyone is well. I'm up, getting ready for my scan. Didn't sleep well...feeling nervous I guess...

I'll let you guys know how it went when I get home!

Good luck! I've been up at 3:00am everyday this last week! I hate the insomnia...

Your not finding out the sex of the baby right?

Hope you enjoy your little peak of the bubs. Can't wait to see your new scans.
Oooh rducky, how EXCITING!!! Can't wait to see the pics! hehe.

I told mum last night!!!!!!! :D Oh how exciting that was!! It was like the day we found out, all over again! hahaha.

I told her by saying "I know what I want for my birthday" (my b'day is in September)..... "your rocking chair!"

side note: Now, mum's rocking chair is one she's had for years. Me and my 3 siblings have all been breastfed in that rocking chair and we've grown up with it around. Mum made it from a kitset, and she made the seat & back cover out of leather. She carved into the leather "Mum's Chair"... so I knew mum would get the connection if I said I wanted it!

Sure enough, she took a second "oh, right? My rocking chair? ......... whhhyyyyyy? Oohhh.... whhhyyy!! oh! WHHYYY!" She was bouncing and out of her chair by around the third 'why' and then I was up and crying, then her "whys" turned into loud screaming/squealing happy jiggly tight hugs. lmao! Was very awesome. Hubby wishes he'd recorded her reaction! hehe.

The rest of the evening was spent chatting with occasional squeals and wriggly feet in excitment. hehehehe.

I had my blood test this morning, the midwife will be here in a couple of hours, and we're telling my dad, step mum, brother & his fiance tonight! woooooot!
Flying: that's so exciting. Congrats. We have yet to tell anyone besides our immediate family...

We are telling everyone tomorrow when we know the sex of the baby!!!
(hubby says we have to soon being that I am showing) lol.
Flying, that's nice about your mum. Sounds like she's super excited!

We had our scan and everything went well. I'm so happy. All the measurements were normal and the doctor says the baby looks great. We could see the baby drinking the amniotic fluid and it would hardly stop moving for the doctor to get the measurements!
My placenta has stayed anterior but has moved up and away from my cervix, which is good. But, it does explain why I haven't felt movement yet...

The baby measures 12cm from crown to rump and 20cm from head to toes! They estimated the weight at about half a pound.


Now I can't wait to see everyone scans tomorrow!
awwwwwwwww looooooooookkkk!!! It's a widdle baaaabbby! haha. Oh how neat rducky! :D

and yeah, mum is very excited. She's been an early childhood teacher for years (though isn't working in that field now) and this will be her first grandchild (actually, the first grandchild on all sides!) so she's very very excited. :D

Midwife is here soon! yay!

Just been doing double-glazing (the DIY sort with thick plastic! works great and far cheaper on our old wooden windows!) in the nursery-to-be so that's cool... :D
Rducky congrats on a great scan! What an awesome picture of the little one. Very frame worthy!
Yay! So happy your scan looks good rducky! I haven't really felt any movement yet either. Every once in a while I'll feel a little something that makes me wonder, but nothing that I can definitively say is the baby.

Well this evening was utter hell for me. There's a blizzard here. Seven inches so far that came down FAST! It took me FOUR HOURS to get home from work! There were vehicles stuck and slid off the road left and right. I'm so lucky that I even made it home at all. When I was 3 and a half hours into it I started to lose it. I got a pounding headache, was getting light headed and shakey and extremely irritable. It had been 8 hours since I last ate anything. The last half hour the snow was so thick I could barely see. We'll see if I even feel like trying to get to work tomorrow. I'm so over this weather!!!
omg. There's been another HUGE quake here in NZ. Same city as the big 7.1 one in september, but that one last year was 33km deep and in the middle of the night. This one just this afternoon was 6.3, but only 5km deep and in the middle of the DAY. There have been 65 confirmed dead, hundreds still trapped in collapsed buildings... it's a mess... I don't have any family there, but I do have a lot of people I know up there. Many have reported in as being fine, but others...? who knows.

It's about 5 hours away from me. We could feel the quake here.

Scary stuff...

And in spite of it all, we met up with my dad, stepmum, brother & his fiancé tonight, we got some photos done and headed out to dinner together. And yup, we told them!!! Dad was his usual arrogant self and didn't really say much nor show any excitement or barely even any happiness (ugh, he pisses me off sometimes. But stuff him!) but my step mum was really happy, and my brothers fiancé was super excited and bouncing around everywhere (she's already an aunty twice over from her side of the family! lol) so it was still nice. :)

Tomorrow we'll get a much better reception from DH's parents though. DH has one older brother, but, umm, he's gay. So his parents aren't likely to get any grandkids from anyone but us! lmao! So they'll be very very excited and happy. And I'm going to tell my little sister when we get up there too (she's 14. And my 16 year old brother too, but he won't be super excited like Rosie will be!) so there'll be loads of squealing happening there!!! hehe.

Mum has been shopping already! Due to the earthquake her class finished early today [so the people who'd travelled down from Christchurch for the course could go and find out if their families and houses were ok etc] so she went out and bought some fabric to start making baby stuff! haha.

Had a great meeting with the midwife today. She just went over everything, got all my health history etc (well, anything that could impact on the pregnancy) and had a good chat about the whole thing, what to expect, what comes next, etc etc. She offered to book me in for a dating scan in another couple of weeks, but I am fully booked at work until April, I can't take time off to go get a scan! And I'm really confident in my dates as I KNOW when I ovulated, it isn't a guess at all, I KNOW! lol. So I'm being booked in for the NT check (and a dating check) on 4th April, when I have left a gap in my bookings as soon as I found out I was pregnant! lol! I'll be 12 weeks, 3 days then, so should be good. :)
Flying, I hope that your friends are ok. That is terrible news about the earthquake.
Just heard about the earthquake on the news. Awful! we have been waiting to buy much of anything till we find out the gender today, aside from a few nursery necessities.
Well, I gave getting to work an honest try, but it just wasn't gonna happen! Muliple accidents just within a couple exits on the main highway on my way in. I work an hour away so it wasn't even worth trying so I just turned around. After the insanity last night I didn't even feel like being out/working anyway. So I'm just gonna make some breakfast and relax with the hubs till my scan later today. YAY!
Just wishing everyone a wonderful day with all our upcoming appts...

I look forward to sharing my own news and scans and seeing and hearing how everyone elses go!
Well I got to see my little butter bean today, no picture to attach yet because I need to figure out how to scan this photo onto the computer. Heart rate 156, and there's only 1 in there... I'm mixed about that - slightly relieved, slightly disappointed. Got my script for Zofran re-upped and at a higher dosage. Yesterday was a bad nausea day, today's a little better... this after a pretty decent 3-day weekend of minimal nausea.
After the US we went and told his parents, my dad and brother, mammaw and pappaw, and some friends. Not posting anything on Facebook though, until we get all the more personal chats with folks done. I'd hate for people to find out via Facebook when they should have gotten a phone call or house visit. But, I am definitely telling everyone at work tomorrow, they've been wondering why I've been coming in looking like death anyway, lol.

Ok well, time for me to go get in the tub. I'm freezing!!!
Yay for a great scan, Sideways! Can't wait to see the pic.

Where are all the other ladies who had scans today?
Glad things are looking good so far! How is everyone responding to the news? Do you think your co workers suspect you're pregnant?
coworkers have suspected for a while that I'm pregnant, mostly because I've been coming in every day looking like death, sometimes coming in late and always leaving early... no makeup on, and complaining of feeling like crap 24/7 (not complaining 24/7, but feeling like crap 24/7). Today I'm going to tell everyone.... probably something along the lines of "well the doctors finally figured out what's been hurting my belly for so long!" lol. I thought about telling some folks they found a parasite in there. But that seems kind of corny.

Well off to work. Just wanted to get on here to see if there were any more scans!!
Rducky I love your scan your baby looks so cute!!! Glad to hear all is well :)

Sideways - congrats on seeing baby for 1st time, can't wait to see the piccy!

I am getting jelous now I have to wait another 3 weeks to see my for the second time.... we are going to find out the sex too.

Rducky - I'm guessing you didnt want to find out? Weren't you tempted just to look

Flyingduster - Its so exciting telling everyone isn't it :) You will feel so much better now that you can chat to everyone about it all, takes a great preasure off!

Everything is fine with me, although i've been waking up in the mornings with mild stomach ache. I don't know whats causing it (ive had it about 3 days now) which is concerning me a little. It seems to go thou when I get up... I normally sleep on my stomach (which I cant do now) so haven't been that comfy in bed trying to sleep on my left side however I seem to always wake up on my back (which is meant to be bad). Hows everyone else sleeping?
Turtle, I told the doctor right away that we didn't want to know the gender, so she didn't tempt me to look!

I'm trying to sleep on my left side but I also wake up on my back quite often. I got a pregnancy pillow called the Snoogle


It's helping and now I may wake up sort of on my back but always a bit tilted to the left...it's pretty comfy.
Sideways, I hope you're ok. I saw your post in the other thread. Stay hydrated, although I know it's easier said than done right now!

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