omg. There's been another HUGE quake here in NZ. Same city as the big 7.1 one in september, but that one last year was 33km deep and in the middle of the night. This one just this afternoon was 6.3, but only 5km deep and in the middle of the DAY. There have been 65 confirmed dead, hundreds still trapped in collapsed buildings... it's a mess... I don't have any family there, but I do have a lot of people I know up there. Many have reported in as being fine, but others...? who knows.
It's about 5 hours away from me. We could feel the quake here.
Scary stuff...
And in spite of it all, we met up with my dad, stepmum, brother & his fiancé tonight, we got some photos done and headed out to dinner together. And yup, we told them!!! Dad was his usual arrogant self and didn't really say much nor show any excitement or barely even any happiness (ugh, he pisses me off sometimes. But stuff him!) but my step mum was really happy, and my brothers fiancé was super excited and bouncing around everywhere (she's already an aunty twice over from her side of the family! lol) so it was still nice.
Tomorrow we'll get a much better reception from DH's parents though. DH has one older brother, but, umm, he's gay. So his parents aren't likely to get any grandkids from anyone but us! lmao! So they'll be very very excited and happy. And I'm going to tell my little sister when we get up there too (she's 14. And my 16 year old brother too, but he won't be super excited like Rosie will be!) so there'll be loads of squealing happening there!!! hehe.
Mum has been shopping already! Due to the earthquake her class finished early today [so the people who'd travelled down from Christchurch for the course could go and find out if their families and houses were ok etc] so she went out and bought some fabric to start making baby stuff! haha.
Had a great meeting with the midwife today. She just went over everything, got all my health history etc (well, anything that could impact on the pregnancy) and had a good chat about the whole thing, what to expect, what comes next, etc etc. She offered to book me in for a dating scan in another couple of weeks, but I am fully booked at work until April, I
can't take time off to go get a scan! And I'm really confident in my dates as I KNOW when I ovulated, it isn't a guess at all, I KNOW! lol. So I'm being booked in for the NT check (and a dating check) on 4th April, when I have left a gap in my bookings as soon as I found out I was pregnant! lol! I'll be 12 weeks, 3 days then, so should be good.