[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

Ooo, saw your post on facebook sideways, YAY for announcing it!!!

We're home from the inlaws now. So exciting! hehe. Now everyone in the family knows, and a fair few friends. There's only one person I need to tell tomorrow (my boss, who is like a mum to me!) and then we'll be announcing it to the world. I know I'm only 7 weeks (tomorrow!) but I hate the secret! lol. I'm sooooo excited about telling my boss tomorrow and being able to post on facebook after! haha

Oh. And we bought a cot. lmao! We were poking around in second hand stores a bit, just cos we can, but they had stuff-all in them, so we looked online on a popular NZ online auction site and found one not far from home for $100 (new ones are $300+ here) that only needs a very minor touch up along the top edge on one end. We went to view the cot before buying it online and it looked good, so we went ahead and bought it, and collected it on our way home from the in-laws this afternoon! We have a cot!!

I was soooo tired today though! I got up out of bed, had food, went back to lay on the bed to read... and ended up sleeping for another 4 hours with the book on my face! LOL! We travelled 1.5 hours to the in-laws (and home again) and sheesh, the nausea is hanging around enough, but when travelling?? UGH!
hi everyone, I'm back after a pretty scary bout of endless vomiting. We almost went to the ER since I hadn't kept anything down in nearly 24 hours. So, DH made me dinner and if I threw it up, we were leaving. But thank goodness I kept it down. I've gotten pretty sick a few times since then, but yesterday was good and today so far is ok. flying, saw your announcement on Facebook, and the crib you bought. It's very cute. We still haven't bought anything yet. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Sideways, I've missed you! I saw you'd liked my pic tho, so knew you were still around somewhere... I'm sorry to hear you were sooo ill!!!! FX it gets better for you!

I'm still only feeling nausea. Pretty much constantly, but I haven't yet thrown up AT ALL...? I couldn't get dinner down last night though, it tasted soooooooooooooo gooooooodd, but every swallow make my stomach jump around and I felt terrible, so I couldn't get more than a few mouthfuls down.

I'm religiously taking morning sickness pills though, so I don't know how much they're helping to keep my stomach contents going through in the proper direction! I'm not prepared to stop them to find out!!!

I hope everyone else is doing well?? We've been a bit quiet here!!
Hey All!

Everything still fine with me. Not feeling movement yet, but that's not really surprising because I have an anterior placenta. I've felt a few things that could have been baby but I'm not sure...

Sideways, glad to hear that you're slightly better. I know it's exhausting to be sick. Have you been at work?

Flying, keep taking the meds! You don't want to find out that that's the only thing keeping your food down! Have you heard from the people you know in Christchurch? I hope that all your friends are ok...

How's everyone else?
Rducky unfortunately yes I still went to work, but I stayed in my office, and only really worked about 7 hours each day anyway. Don't get me started on how our company doesn't provide sick time......
Everyone at work knew that I was pretty ill so they left me to do my own thing, and luckily I have a desk job and wonderful understanding coworkers. What's weird, is I felt better at work than I did at home. Surely my house isn't making me ill...we keep it pretty clean so I can't see why that would be the case anyway.

Ok so now I'm just rambling lol.

Flying, how is everything going, especially with the big earthquake down there? And glad you haven't thrown up yet, you're much stronger than me... sometimes the only way I can get the nausea to stop is to just throw up then I feel better... not that I advocate that though because I HATE throwing up!

Rducky, time sure is flying! Can't believe you're already 19 weeks. :) :flower:
Ya, time does fly. I can't believe I'm almost half way already! I'm looking forward to getting off work. I think I have about 3 weeks left until I'm put on preventive leave.

Do you work full time? I would have thought that you're entitled to some sick days if you're a full time employee?

Just noticed that you and Flying are exactly one week apart on your tickers!
oh yeah, I'm full time. Our company is just behind the times when it comes to benefits.
Sideways, that's a shame about your benefits. You'd think that they'd catch up with the times...I hope you feel better soon.

I saw your pic in your journal...very cute. You must have been so excited to see it! How does everyone get such early scans? My first was the nuchal translucency scan at 12 weeks.
I think it's just standard in the US to get one at 8 weeks. Everyone I know has had one that early. And we don't get the 12-week ultrasound either to test for NT, at least mine doesn't do that. They'll offer a blood test to check for Down's and other things, but we're declining that. Next ultrasound is at 20 weeks, hard to believe I have to wait that long to see my little one again!!
Yes, very relieved to be over the MS. Mine finished at around 15-16 weeks. Now my main concerns are fatigue and extremely itchy boobs...sorry if TMI, but it's driving me crazy. My bump started to pop out this week also, so that's exciting to see!

I've already had my "20 week scan", but it was really done at just over 18 weeks and everything went great, so that was a big relief. I see from your siggy that you're getting ready for a scan on Monday. Did your doc see a problem with amniotic fluid at your last scan?

Do you find that the time has passed fast or slow? I find that the weeks drag, but all of a sudden I was surprised this week that I'm already almost halfway there!
Some weeks drag and some weeks fly by. Weeks 14 and 15 flew by really quickly which is good. First tri seemed to go really fast too though at the time it was like torture :)

I had a bleed at almost 15 weeks. Had a scan 15+1 and baby was fine but they are worried about the amniotic levels. I'll have this scan on Monday then my 20 week scan on March 21st :)
I'm not sure who has all been found and who hasn't so far, it's such a mess! I don't have any close friends there that are missing though, only people I know around the dog show world really... It's just a case of waiting for them to identify the dead; death toll is at 145 now, but only 6 have been identified and named so it'll be a long time. No one has been found alive in over 4 days. :(

Ugh. I feel craaaaaaappppy. :( Went for a wander around the botanical gardens, nothing strenuous at all, we just wandered for a few hours, but omg I was sooooooooo tired! Came home and slept for ages. Got up to go to the toilet and there was a tiny bit of brown old blood... :( I KNOW that brown is old, and I'm NOT cramping (a few lil twinges, but more nausea than cramps, definitely not bad cramps at all) so I'm keeping myself calm for now, but it's still a bit worrying. FX it's nothing, just old blood dislodging with the extra walking, but of course I'll be keeping very close tabs on it too... :/

I was offered an early scan (8-9 weeks) to 'date' it, but I've turned that down as I don't have any more time off until April so seeing I'm confident in my dates I'm getting the NT scan at 12 weeks, and then the anatomy one at 20 weeks. :)
Flying, sending a big :hugs: to you. I hope everything is ok. You couldn't reschedule a client or 2 to be able to have a scan?

Sequeena, it seems like you're in good hands and the doctor is keeping a close eye with the extra scan. I hope everything goes well on Monday.

Have a great day everyone! I'm off to work...I start at 6:30 so I had better get moving! It's getting harder and harder to get up to go though....
I *could* reschedule a couple of clients, but there's no guarantee that they'll all be able to move, nor that I have room to move them to (I'm fully booked till April, to move anyone I'd have to add them to the end of already-long days... not sure I'd want to do that!) so I'm happy without an early dating scan! You can't really see a *baby* at the early stages anyway, it's a blob. I'm ok with that!! lol and I'm really confident in my dates cos I charted my ovulation and we only BD on that ONE day so there's no chance it was any other day I conceived! lol. The April scan will be the NT check and confirm my dates anyway. :)
Hi to Sequeena!

Was just browsing through my baby name book and was wondering if you guys have any names picked out, or at least any favorites you're thinking over?

I'm so thrilled I picked up a used rocker glider with foot rest for the nursery today. It's like new and was only $50. Got 2 cute little baskets for organizing yesterday on clearance too. It's exciting to actually be buying some things now!
ooo, neat harli! We've been going a bit mad with stuff... We've now got all the essential furniture and I'm barely over 7 weeks! lmao!

Hubby put up a message on our local free-cycling mailing list for any baby stuff, and got offered a free changing table!

It's home made, and we've added a couple of screws to stabilise it, but we had the screws laying around and free was too good-a-price to pass up! lol.

So with a cot, a wee set of drawers and now a changing table, we're doing well! :)

Ooooh, names! Are we weird cos we thought of names months ago? The night we decided we'd definitely 'start trying', we talked names. We both had the same favourite girls names and while we couldn't think of a boys name that night, we thought of it the next day!!! We haven't wavered either, we both love the names still. :D

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