The Japan stuff has everyone worried!!! And Christchurch has been somewhat forgotten with this japan quake, which was supposed to be 8000 times worse than the Christchurch one! eep!
But yeah, things are carrying on here. They have recovered most bodies now, though they're not all identified, and some will never be able to be identified... :/ The central city is still cordoned off, though they have opened up the outer areas that were previously blocked off form access, so some people have been able to get in to clean up. But it will be years to recover, they haven't even begun to tear down the buildings that are only half standing, heck they haven't even cleared rubble away from places that have fallen except essential pathways for officials! Prince William arrived here this morning to see around the city and the damage, and there is a huge memorial service for all those lost (around 200, I forget the number now, it's all blurring with Japan stuff in the news now!) that Prince William was coming over for. I believe power is back to all homes, but I think there is limited water for some, and sewerage is certainly not running everywhere (though so many chemical toilets and porta-loos have been delivered to everyone that it's not the big problem it was when everyone was having to use a bucket in the back yard...!) The sewerage will take a long time to sort out as all the pipes are underground, and the ground isn't stable with continuing aftershocks still (there have been thousands since the september quake, and they're back with full force since the feb one) so it's all a bit of a mess really...
But, in saying all of that, the people are remarkable. Everyone has rallied around and is supporting everyone else. There are many many homes that are totally fine and most people who have a spare bed are housing others who's houses are worse off. Because we are the closest city we have a heck of a lot of people who are staying down here now, and many say they won't go back. Though it'll take a long time for all the insurance and everything to kick in and cover the houses that have been lost or damaged... But the Cantabrians are staying strong and proud, and it will re build, eventually.
It was so tragic, over 200 lives lost. And now Japan has over 2000 lives lost and they're facing nuclear issues... it's just so horrible. NZ has a team of people over there helping them in rescues, I believe only NZ, Australia and Norway were allowed to send teams over to them, so we're very proud to be able to help, even if it seems to futile to just massive devastation...
And under all of this, our lives just carry on. We go to work, and we try to work out this pregnancy stuff as we go. All of a sudden some crappy nausea seems to insignificant... lol