[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

wow rducky, it must be a bit surreal knowing you're not going to go to work for suuuuuuuch a long time!!! I'm sure in hind sight it'll fly by, but at this end it seems like forever away!!! lol. What fun!

Sideways; ooo, I forgot you guys will be having summer! Ugh!!! I feel for you, I really do... I was SO happy that I'm gonna be pregnant through winter and not have to deal with summer heat! lol!! And omg! Nearing 12 weeks!!!!

MissSazra, I've had cramps for sure too, and in fact am still having weird twinges at times now. I think I worried a whole lot those first couple of weeks too, it feels sooooooo odd knowing you're supposed to be pregnant, but it's so tiny and fragile, it's sorta scary... But ENJOY IT, honest, the time is flying by! I *swear* when I found out, 10 weeks seemed soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far away and seemed so "advanced" on where I was at, but omg, it's here! lol!

AFM, I got a letter in the mail from radiology for my first scan!!! BUT, they got the wrong friggin date! grrrr. I *specifically* told my midwife that I had the afternoon of the 4th April off, and to make it for then. I'll be 12w 3 days then, so right in the time frame for the NT check. The appointment has been made for 30th march. wtf!? I won't even be inside the window they need for the NT check then! (Have to be 11w 6d to 13w 6d, but I'll be 11w 5d on the 30th!) *facepalm*
It's saturday here, and monday is a public holiday so I have to wait until Tues to ring them up and change it. I hope they can still do the 4th April, cos it's the only afternoon I have off for months!!! *sigh*

Though it is exciting to have a letter asking me to come in for a pregnancy scan still. heh! It'll be my FIRST scan! Soooo excited!
Hi Everyone - sorry i've not been on in ages the tiredness along with working 40 hour weeks is really getting to me!!!!!

Glad everyone is ok and I was soooooooooo pleased Miss Sazra to see you are pregnant!!!!! :) :) don't worry about cramps I had loads of them - I used to get ones similar to AF feeling too but was told its normal as long as there is no bleeding its fine.

Like you Rducky my sickness has come back a bit lately too (I dont know why thou im hoping it goes soon) I was really puking last night (it was daily for the first 16 weeks but I thought it had stopped....)

My very good news is that we had our 20 week scan this week. It went really well everything is fine and it has everything it should have in the right place all working well *phew*.... such a relieve as I don't know why but i was soooo worried something would be wrong, i didnt sleep the night before the scan with worry!!! What I am like ay! (i'm considered higher risk due to the tablets I have to take for pelvic pain (although im on a very low dose now and the problems with my pelvis - they dont know if i will have to have a c-section or not yet - I get 2 more scans to check up later on) anddddddddddd ITS A BOY!!!!! :)

We have started buying stuff now and every thing so far is in baby blue :) it all feels so much more real now! We are on cloud 9!

Hi, Turtle! Glad to know you're ok and congrats on Team Blue!

I know how exhausting it is to work full time. I'm so lucky to be finished work now due to my job having dangers for pregnant women. When is everyone going to stop work?

Flying, that's annoying about your scan date. I hope they get the date fixed for you.

MissSazra, how are you doing?
Hi all!

Congrats Turtlebeach

I'm ok thanks. I'm tired an awful lot with waves of nausea hitting me from time to time, mostly in the evening. Last night I could barely sleep I was so hot, which really isn't me, I'm normally like an ice cube! lol
I've also been getting a lot of headaches which I've been trying to ignore although sometimes I cave and have half a paracetamol.

I have gotten through af day, so am feeling much more relaxed! Yay!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! Xx
Hi everyone! It's only like 78 degrees outside and to me it's friggin hot!!! Last year I would have been saying that it's on the verge of chilly because I normally loved 90 degree weather and hotter. Not this time! I don't know how I'll survive July and August. And... ugh the compressor on our central unit went out so we'll be without A/C for a few days. :(

On the plus side, had a nice visit with my mom while she was up. Tonight I'm really craving hot dogs and margaritas... can't have the latter though *sigh* lol. That's ok though. I actually got outside and did some light yard work. Taking a break indoors right now. Hope everyone is doing well.

PS - Rducky I will probably work right up until my due date unless doc says otherwise, because we only get 6 weeks paid maternity leave... I get 6 more unpaid weeks if I want. Not sure if I'll do that yet, it's such a ways ahead. The US is truly far behind the times when it comes to family leave. With a liberal president in office, I'm not sure why they haven't tried to change that.

And congrats to turtle for a boy!!! I know that's what you were hoping for!!! woohoo!
Oooooh, a boy! YAY!!!! Congrats :D

rducky, I'm hoping to keep working as long as possible, cos my clients are, well, my clients. Its just like you have a favourite hairdresser, and no one else can cut your hair like she (or he!) can. BUT we are hiring someone soon so i can start training them up in the basic stuff (lifting, bathing, drying etc) ASAP so I'm not doing as much work. I'll then teach them basic shave downs etc so we can get more dogs in but I'm still not doing too much, and then I'll teach them how to groom so that with the supervision of me or my boss then we can at least keep dogs coming through and ticking over when I do have to take time off...

But I'm lucky really, I make the appointments myself, so I'm only ever going to be a s busy as I make myself. I can have baby with me at work, and my boss, while she's not able to work much, she will still be a great babysitter! lol. It's just the pregnancy bit we have to get through, and then we can work out some sort of schedule when baby is here.

Lets just hope I keep well and CAN work as long as possible!!! I am already trying to take it easier, I'm sitting for as much as possible, and when we hire this new person they can do all the lifting and bathing (which involves standing and bending over the bath) so i *should* be able to sit at the table and just groom....!

We get 14 weeks paid parental leave here, but it's more the fact I want to keep my clients coming back too... lol!
We are so lucky in Canada. I will have 14 weeks of preventive leave at 90% (because my job is consided dangerous) and then 50 weeks of mat leave. The first half is paid at 70% and the second half at 55%. So income drops quite a bit, but it's better than nothing. Also, the employer has to keep your job for you for when you come back.

Sideways, 6 weeks is not long! Will daycares take such young babies in the States?
rducky yeah the ones around here can take newborns but no younger than 6 weeks old. I still am unsure about leaving such a young baby in the germ factories that are daycares. We've got a little while to figure this out, gotta take things one at a time. Right now I'm just trying to get through today without puking again. I swear I jinx it every time I say "I'm better"
HI all!

Just checking in to say hello! I see all is going well for everyone and glad to hear it!

All is good on my end. I am tired and gaining lots of weight already yikes. I have a good baby bump going on and loving every bit of it. The baby has gotten quite active and that's been so great to feel too!

I hope everyone else is enjoying their pregnancy so far!
Hi everyone!

Rducky that is SO awesome! Can't believe what great maternity leave/pay you get!

Sideways, as I've mentioned before I don;t want to put my newborn in daycare either. I've pretty much decided I'm going to try to stay home for a year or so if we can swing it financially.

Flying I hope you get things worked out with your scan appointment.

And congrats to turtle on your baby boy!

Dizny I'm also feeling the baby moving like crazy now!

I have my next scan tomorrow and we're hoping to find out the gender. There is also a big baby items consignment sale at a mall by my work this wednesday so I'm hoping to stock up on lots of necessities. My DH finally went back to work today...first time since March 3rd! Turns out he was misdiagnosed and it was actually a bad infection from a cavity below the gumline that was making him sick. Who knew you could be so ill from that!? He is still really weak and has to be on light duty. The antibiotics are managing the infection till he can get in to have the 2 teeth pulled.
Dizny, what an awesome bump!! I can't wait to feel my bub move... It seems so long to wait though! lol!

Sideways, I hope you're feeling better again! ugh!!! :hugs:

Ooooo Harli! It'll be exciting to find out the gender, FX that bubba doesn't cross his/her legs! lol!!

And YAY! I have my scan date sorted! My first scan is on April 7th; 16 days away! :D :D
Harli, that's too bad about DH. I'm glad you've got it sorted now and have the right diagnosis. He's been feeling sick for quite a while. Good luck tomorrow. Hopefully the sonographer can get the right angle!

Flying, that's great the the scan date got fixed. You must be excited!

Sideways, hang in there! I know feeling sick is so exhausting but it will pass. I had a "relapse" at around 20 weeks that lasted for about a week, but I haven't been sick in 2 weeks now. I have my fingers crossed for you!

Dizny, I'm glad to see you around and hear that everything is going well. I have gained 13-14 lbs so far...not sure how I feel about that yet, but I'm pregnant so I'll just have to deal with it!

I have been feeling the baby wriggling a lot in the last 2 weeks, but not what I could describe as a kick or a punch. Finally, this morning, I was lying in bed and I had rolled over on to the side of my bump...I then felt 2 very distinct kicks that I took to mean "Hey, I'm feeling squished in here! Roll over!" It was kinda funny. I was also relieved because I hadn't felt much movement yesterday, so I had been awake most of the night feeling a bit worried. I had used my Doppler so I knew that everything was probably ok, but I just couldn't sleep!
Well gals, this scan went much better than the last! My last one on Feb 22 was so disappointing I didnt even want to talk about it... couldn''t see baby's skull or spine clearly, the photos we received were so bad you couldn't tell what you were looking at and they couldn't even guess at the gender!

So today the tech could easily get nice pics and measurements of the brain/skull but not the spine. Had me get up and pee to try to get the baby to change position, didn't work. Then I walked around for 15 min and drank more orange juice (which is rumored to help get the baby moving) but that didn't work either. Good news is she said that if there are spinal issues you can usually tell by looking at the head and that looked good! Plus.... she could clearly see that we are having a girl! Team pink for me! We had a strong feeling I was having a boy so we even had a boys name picked out. Haven't even looked at girls names yet! I guess its back to the drawing board!
congrats on the team pink, Harli!!

everyone else, glad you're doing well. :) sorry so short, but i'm exhausted. 24+ hours of throwing up has worn me down
Congrats on Team Pink, Harli! Any luck with names so far?
Well, you guys are the first to hear it, but the only one I'm seriously considering at this point is Kennedy. I'm expecting to maybe get a little opposition when I tell people since it is most commonly associated with President John F Kennedy and as a last name. But if you objectively think about it I think Kennedy is a very feminine sounding name... similar sound to Natalie. And for short she could go by Kenna, Kenah, etc. which I think sounds very pretty! Let me know what you guys think!

Anyone else have any name ideas yet???
I think Kennedy is beautiful and sweet for a girl. Not at all inappropriate. If we have a girl, I want to name her Bonnie. I know it sounds like an old lady name (and it is my mammaw's name) but these days it's unique enough that not a lot of kids will have the same name.
I really like Kennedy and Bonnie!

So far we have:

Boys - Emmett, Eamon, Griffin, Declan
Girls - Imogen, Laurel, Aoife, Darcy
Either sex - Avery
Congrats on team pink Harli. Kennedy is a cute name. We were going to go with Chloe Rose if it was a girl.

We couldn't get clear pics either at our 20 week scan. I was really surprised because 12 weeks was sooooo clear. We are thinking about paying to get a 4D one done just because we think they are amazing but undecided as they are quite pricey here (where as the normal scans we get free through NHS).

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