[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

My breasts hurt so much! They're not that much bigger, but really painful and sensitive. I am going to pee more often. I have waves of queasiness, but still no vomiting. Today I actually slept until 10 am. The past couple of weeks I have been waking up really early, so maybe the fatigue is setting in also!

SMFirst, I think that there are people that have no symptoms. I know it's hard to not worry. Also, maybe symptoms will just show a little later for you.:hugs:
Hope everyone is doing well!

Work is really exhausting for me right now. I basically go straight to bed when I get home...doesn't leave much time for coming on here...

Any new symptoms for anyone? I think we must all be tired because our thread is pretty quite right now.
So true! I have been extremely tired lately. I always have to get up in the middle of the night to wee now, which interrupts my precious sleep. But even if I get a full 8 hrs I'm still sleepy and have to nap sometime mid day. I even nodded off during the season finale of my favorite show last night! Right now I'm feeling to tired to get in the shower and get ready for work!
Hi Girls

Like all of you i've been REALLY tired (and thats why I haven't been online for a while). Really struggling as I work 40 hours a week. I've been going to bed at about 8 every night and am still tired in the morning.

I've not been needing to pee much more which i'm surprised at but I guess it will come... BB are a bit sore but nothing too bad, i've been feeling a bit sicky on and off the last few days and have been off my food a bit because of it, but the tiredness is my main symptom! (trying to eat healthy but i'm so tired to cook its not going as well as i would have liked! - whats everyone eating??)

I have my midwife appointment on Monday to go through the family history forms etc.
I still have zero symptoms. It concerns me actually but trying to live life as normal and see what happens.

It's odd because both DH and I have been really keeping our excitement in check because we don't want to get too dissappointed, which means we are missing out on the fun of being excited to be parents, but then I was thinking last night, if things do go wrong and this doesn't work out, I will be just as dissappointed as I would if I were excited and worry-free.. So I should try to be more positive and excited.. I'll try :)

But it's nice to hear that others are doing well still!

I know what you mean but try not to worry. I am finding it hard to believe there is something in there - however its only about the size of the grain of rice or something so no wonder we aren't feeling too much yet. I think the sickness is meant to kick in anywhere from 6-10 weeks ARGH.... just intime for xmas!!!! (but I don't care - i'm so glad to be pregnant that any symptom just makes me smile!!!!)

I was talking to someone I know today whos almost dropping. She didn't find out she was pregnant until she was 6 months she had no symptoms at all (and her periods had always been irregular) - she only tested because by this point she was getting really rounded before then she thought she had just put on weight.
6 months! That's crazy! But now that I see how common irregular periods are, I can begin to understand how that can happen..

Yeah my sister pointed out that I'll likely be experiencing MS during Christmas, so it's a good thing we'll be telling our parents otherwise they might be concerned why I was sick!

I think I have gotten over the worry about lack of symptoms - now just enjoying feeling good :) But I will also be happy once symptoms kick in as it will help to make it feel real..

I took a HPT this morning actually just to settle my mind, and it was an instant strong line so that made me feel good :)
Thats a good sign then :) my doc told me that if its eptopic then pregnancy tests don't normally get stronger (as I was worried about this, its so hard not to worry isnt it when you want something so bad). I did one last weekend and it was nice and dark too. Trying not to test too often but its hard as I always want to know its still there....

I'm seeing the midwife on Monday and i'm going to ask about my chances of getting an early scan on NHS to put my mind at rest. If its not an option i'm considering paying privately for an early scan (even thou we can't really afford it - I think it would be worth it for my peace of mind - I'm worried about telling family at xmas if theres nothing there or something wrong). I'm also just starting to think about the fact OH has twins on his side of his family - his mum and brothers are all twins....... !!
That's a pretty strong family background of twins! I wonder if it makes a difference if it's from the woman's or man's side of the family..

Twins would be pretty crazy - but fun too I think (my DH couldn't handle it though!)

I recently found out a friend is expecting fraternal twins, but she is 35 and they got pregnant her first cycle off the pill, so apparantly both those things contribute to the chances of conceiving twins (I guess the body's biological clock is ticking and it is more likely to release more than one egg!)

I haven't looked into getting a private early scan - I think I can hold out until my ~13wk one, but I know it's a tough decision to tell family at Christmas when you aren't sure what's there!
It is so difficult to wait for the first scan! My first scan will be on January 7th, and I don't have a doctor's appointment until January 18th. I haven't done another HPT since the first one that was positive...it's kinda tempting!

I've been going to bed by 8pm, but then I wake up a couple of times to pee and end up staying up at about 4 am...not helpful with the fatigue!
I guess because we all have Christmas time will fly by and we all have our first scans in the new year. I think mine will be around 14th Jan but don't know for sure yet (I guess the midwife may tell me on Monday).

Its so nice to have something nice to look forward to in January thou as its nomally such a dull month!!!

I'm not feeling as tired today which is nice but I suppose it is only 6:00 so give me a few more hours hhehe and I will probably want my bed!!!

I've got stomach ache right now thou which is worrying me, but i have also started feeling sicky again today.

You're right turtlebeach- I usually find January to be a long and boring month (very anti-climatic after Christmas) but this one will hopefully be very exciting!

On a hormones/ emotions note: Last night we were watching TV and a quick advertisement for a TV show came on, showing clips of people doing exciting things..

A clip come on with mountaineers high on a peak with oxygen masks and stuff, and my husband went "woohoo" or something because we used to enjoy mountain climbing a lot (DH likes the high-altitude more than me though).

Well in an instant I thought about how we don't do that anymore, and likely DH won't get a chance to climb those high peaks again and I started to cry!

I've thought about the fact that our lives have changed over the years before and been like "oh well, that's what happens over time"

But I guess the hormones got the best of me and it seemed much more significant for a few minutes there!

All the while I was also thinking - well of course we'd rather have a baby than stupid mountains!!
Hehe its crazy isn't it what makes us get upset when pregnant. I do know what you mean thou I was thinking the same the other day but i'm ready for the change as its a change for the better. It will be so lovely doing mummy things!

I was feeling really moody this morning and started really flapping because I couldn't find a certain top that I wanted to wear to work this morning -its not like me at all. And then the bus was late and it was snowing and cold and I was nearly crying! I didnt get a seat on the bus as it was really busy and that made me feel really cross too!!!

I haven't eaten properly today so feel really guilty I just don't fancy anything. I've been picking on and off but not really had much - is anyone else like this?

I think my ticker has gone wrong as i thought I was 5 +6?

Oh well better not think about it too much else that will probably make me cry to LOL!!!!!!
I'm actually surprised at myself that I haven't gotten overly upset in traffic as a few times since last week I have been stuck in major traffic jams!

As for eating, I have good days and bad. For lunch I bought vegetable soup from a restaurant of sorts but actually really did not want to eat it as I had this idea of what it would taste like.. But I forced myself and was actually happy with the taste and could have eaten more - so you never know what might actually work for food :)
Anyone have any idea when the fatigue should start to die down? Do you think it would be around 8-10 weeks after your hcg levels peak? Or will I feel like this most of my pregnancy?!?! I will be a chaperone on a weekend trip for 7th-12th graders January 14-16 and I couldn't imagine getting through a couple of days worth of activities (Saturday is 7am-midnight!) the way I am feeling now!!! I will be 12 weeks along at that time.

I've also just realized that I can't remember the last time I had proper fun enjoyable sex! Well, there may have been one time about a week after I ovulated but that seems like ages ago now! I have been having ms since 10dpo, my DH has been out of town off and on, I've been dead tired lately, and my DH is due to come home from CO tomorrow but he has a miserable sinus infection! I'm left feeling like it's never gonna happen again!
I'm feeling really worried today as I feel normal for the first time since i ovulated pretty much. Its the first day i've not been tired which scares me as I really hope bean is still there. I;ve had no other symtoms today either. I don't know if its cos my body is gettin used to the hormones or something bad. I've had no bleeding etc but just feel really scared.
aww turtle don't be scared. I think this early on our bodies are in a haywire state anyway - some days with symptoms, others without. You are probably right- your body is just adjusting to the hormones and other changes..

Try to think relaxing, positive thoughts as stress is not good any time...
Yeah, I understand why you want to panic, but it's just been a day, and it's probably normal for symptoms to come and go anyway.
Well the wait for enjoyable sex has ended! The DH came home from his trip and was all over me like he's never had me before! Just what I needed!

Any changes with your symptoms turtle?
hehe - good for you Harli :)

We missed out both Fri and Sat cuz we were up too late and got tired..
Hey ladies, hope everyone is well.

Sorry I've been AWOL. I've caught bronchitis and I've felt like crap for a couple of days now. Taking tylenol and puffer treatments, but there's nothing else I can take because of being pregnant. Just trying to wait it out....

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