[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

OMG rducky I couldn't imagine being that sick at 7 weeks! You must be miserable! :hugs:

I actually thought I was starting to get a sinus infection. I had postnasal drip, slightly sore throat and thick bloody mucas when I blew my nose. But then trying to self diagnose myself I read that it can all be a pregnancy symptom as well and that it usually continues throughout your pregnancy. Great!

So, I decided to tell my boss today that I'm expecting. I consider her a friend and I'm comfortable confiding in her so it really wasn't a big deal. I was just so tired of trying to hold the secret in and fake it by acting normal while I really feel so miserable. When I told her how nauseated and exhausted I am she immediately offered to adjust/shorten my hours for me! Yay! More time for sleeping!!!
rducky - Hope you get better soon :)

Harli - That's nice your work is adjusting things for you.

I won't be telling my work until my scan (so end of Jan)

I have a foods related question: Have you guys been monitoring/ adjusting what you eat?

I know there's a few things that are definite no-no's and other things certain books/ websites say to avoid/ limit but I have been double thinking everything that I don't personally make! Which made the buffet at my work Christmas party a bit of a letdown - so many things that I passed on cuz I wasn't sure!

like- I'm guessing Egg Nog might be one to avoid? :(
Yeah egg nog would be a no-go. But I wouldn't even have thought about other things with uncooked eggs like mayonnaise if I hadn't read about it. The main things I knew about were the higher mercury fish and caffeine.

What is it that you're so worried about that makes you so limited at a party? I don't really feel limited at all with what I can eat. Is there something I should know???
hmm what all was I concerned about (this sounds pretty paranoid but I am so...)

- salad dressings (raw egg)
- undercooked meat (for risk of toxoplasmosis even though it is slim)
- undercooked fish (for bacteria)
- cold cut meats and smoked salmon are out because they contain nitrates and also risk of listeria
- soft cheeses again for bacteria and unpasteurized
- custard-based deserts cuz they contain raw egg
- chocolates with alcohol in it (very minimal but still)

I wasn't quite paranoid to avoid the raw veggies but there is a chance they can come in contact with contaminants if sharing a plate with other things or left out for hours..

But I did read just now that commercially made eggnog is ok because everything is cooked and pasteurized

I have been having my daily cup of regular tea in the morning but no additional caffeine intake, but I think I might stop that as obviously cutting out caffeine completely is the best thing to do
Yeah.... it is a LITTLE paranoid, but it's better to be cautious!

And at least you can get your eggnog fix!

I've cut WAY back on caffeine. Haven't cut it out completely though. I find it hard to measure because most of what I read gives recommendations in mg and I have no idea what that means. I'm used to drinking around 36 ounces of caffinated beverages a day, sometimes more... plus whatever else I have like chocolate. I've cut back on the sweets in general, cut out soda completely and only have about 8-10 ounces of coffee a day now. but I switched the 8 oz serving to 1/2 decaf to try to wean myself off more. I'm sure that's still too much, but thankfully I've been taking it in steps starting around 3 wks prior to TTC.

I think most salad dressings are actually ok though, right?
I know - I was rolling my eyes at all my sister's minute concerns but now I'm the exact same way!!

I banned Febreeze from our house as I read that was not good to inhale (even for non-pregnant people actually) -my husband goes pretty heavy on it when he uses it!

I would think store bought salad dressings are fine - they are sterile etc when packaged..

And I think 8-10 oz of coffee is fine :)
Hi Ladies,

I've also started limiting caffeine, but apparently 1 cup of coffee a day is safe.

I'm obviously avoiding anything with raw eggs and unpasteurized dairy. Most cheeses that are sold in grocery stores in Canada are made with pasteurized milk, so I think that if you read labels you can be pretty safe.

I will agree that a buffet can be pretty stressful, because things aren't always properly served and refrigerated. But at home, following proper food safety will really cut down your risk and still allow you to eat most of the things you want.

When I'm feeling stressed out about food, I think about all the people in the world who have poor diets through no fault of their own, and they still end up with healthy babies. All we can do is to do our best with our food choices!

We're having a blizzard where I live! Almost 20cm of snow already. I'm still fighting the bronchitis. My family doctor says I also have laryngitis and pharyngitis because I started losing my voice yesterday. I'm off work until next Wednesday.
Hope everyone else is well!
Hi All

Sorry i've not been on for a few days...

Rducky - I hope you feel better soon hun :(

I saw the midwife on Monday. I'm due 29th July. It was a big let down as even thou i was given my pregnancy pack I still haven't actually been tested or given any useful info. I find this crazy that both the doc and midwife haven't tested me and have just taken my word for it! I haven't had any blood tests done either, all she did was take my blood preasure.

I told her about my concerns, the fact my symptoms arent as strong and the pains i was getting but she wouldn't early scan me, she actually made me feel worse even thou she knew i was worrying - she just said that if i'm going to have a MC then it will happen and theres nothing a scan will help and if not then I will find out at the 13 week scan if all is ok!

She also made me really worried by saying she will phone me to confirm the scan date as they dont book them until 8 weeks as they used to and it was a waste of time as half would MC before then! UH talk about making me feel bad!!!! The care I have received has been rubbish so far - but i guess thats what we get in the UK for having the national health service which is free.

I'm still tired (some days not as much as others) and have been feeling a little sick on and off (certain smells make me feel yukky although i've not actually been sick). My BB arent really sore anymore thou which i dont like hehe as I am worried that something is wrong (I know its stupid and not helping me as stress is bad for me but i can't stop it). I feel relieved everytime i go to the toilet and wipe and all is ok (sorry if tmi) (so scared i'll see blood)...My OH thinks i'm mad and that i should relax - Its ages to wait until the end of Jan for the scan to check all is actually there! UGhhhh.... does anyone else feel like this?

Also does anyone else find their symptoms come and go and vary each day?
I'm trying to be good with foods and eat healthy i've beena bit off my food thou for some reason so not doing as well as I should!

I've been avoiding all the foods we are meant to but most shop stuff here is ok as the main supermarkets aren't allowed to sell anything with raw egg. Its just homemade stuff you have to watch and food eating out etc.

I have my xmas meal this week too - not looking forward to it as the thought of it is making my stomach turn at the min!!!

I'm missing liver sausage sandwich meat as i love that... other than that i've gone off most junk food. I don't even want my fave fish and chip take away anymore!
Turtle - I know how you feel about the health services - it's not much different in Canada.

I don't know where these girls live that are getting scans at 6wks, 8wks etc!

I just assumed they didn't book until 13 weeks so as not to waste their time with those that will MC anyway, but I would hate to be told that directly!

As for symptoms, I have been feeling some fatique (even my DH noticed how lethargic I've been) and got this headache now, but never got sore BBs, and no MS yet...

I've given up worrying about symptoms - what will be will be!
Great to "see" you turtle! I've been wondering about you. I sure wish you were able to switch to a different midwife. People that work in such a personal field really should have better bedside manner!

I had my first appt w/ my doc yesterday. Pretty basic...took bp, gave me packet of info, answered a few of my questions and explained what would happen next. She gave me a number to call to schedule my scan. It will be Christmas Eve day. Which is perfect because DH will be off work so he'll get to come along. I'll be 9 wks at that time, which I'm happy with...not too early, no too late either. Then I have an appt to meet the midwife 5 days after that. Thats when they will be doing my blood test. They also just "took my word" and didn't do a test, but she did examine the size of my uterus. I've been told before that it is tilted to the back, as she confirmed, but it's nothing to worry about. She said to expect some sharp pains till it flips forward, which I have been getting sometimes when I stand up.

My symptoms HAVE changed, but not on a daily basis, more gradually. My bb's have slowly gotten less sore, ms slowly worse which is probably why instead of craving fried foods I'm now craving very bland carbs like toast and english muffins. The fatigue hit me like a truck and is still killing me. I also had an isolated food aversion a couple days ago... I ordered one of my fav foods and almost threw up when I took the first bite! For a second I thought they made it wrong or changed the ingredients, then I realized it was just me!

I don't really think of symptoms as a good or bad sign about how things are progressing in my pregnancy. Just depending on when you ask me I either think they are funny, interesting, or annoying.
I've also noticed it doesn't take much to get my heart rate up or to put me out of breath.
I've also noticed it doesn't take much to get my heart rate up or to put me out of breath.

Me too! Being sick doesn't help, but I noticed it before I caught the bronchitis.
I really wish I could have an earlier ultrasound. Although my boobs are killing me and I feel slightly queasy on and off through the day, I still have a hard time picturing myself pregnant. I feel like if I could have a scan, it will make it more real....does that make sense?
I actually just switched Prenatal Clinics, but only because I found one closer to home. My first appt with them will be Dec 22, instead of Jan 24 with the other one. Yay! My first scan will still likely be in Jan though..

I am definitely feeling fatigue and also finding that my heartrate/ breathing goes up with minimal exertion. I mentioned on another thread that I had a lingering headache but it's gone today.. If only it were Friday though!

I have been having little twinges in my lower abdomen, not pain, but it's a nice reassurance that something is in there! Otherwise I don't feel pregnant at all..
I agree! thats why I really want a early scan just so that I can see there is actually something there and that its in the right place!!!! I'm trying to get OH to agree to paying around £100 for an early scan as my xmas present (he thinks I need to chill thou). I do think it would put my mind at rest thou as its along time till i'm 13 weeks.

I'm still tired but not as bad as a few weeks ago, my bb's have been less sore the last few days but i've swapped that for feeling sick now. I haven't actually been sick but have gagged quite a few times. Smells are setting me off too and i'm really off my food. I have my works xmas meal tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to as its 3 courses and even the thought of it is making my stomach turn! I am going to have to try and eat it as I don't want anyone asking if i'm pregnant!!!! I've also got a really short temper at the moment. I'm normally such a chilled person so im really noticing it! Trying to hold it in thou.

My ticker is wrong as according to the midwife i'm 7 weeks tomorrow.
We will be paying $390 for our first ultrasound in January. The nuchal translucency ultrasound isn't standard care here in Quebec. I think our insurance will pay for most of it, luckily...Otherwise my first ultrasound would be at 20 weeks...I don't know how I would wait until 20 weeks...
Wow there are so many of us due around the same time! I am also estimating July 24th. I am so excited!
Hi guys

I don't know if you've considered doing maternity photos later in the pregnancy. I have because I know an amazing photographer.. But here's a funny website that will definitely convince you to be selective on the photos you take!


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