Miss you too Sach!
I don't know why other than my laptop issues (viruses) y I haven't kept up more posts, yes I was slightly busy, but now I feel I live in the supermarket, or drop into my maury/people's court/dr Phil/cook dinner/do bottles/bed routine LOL...
On a positive note, hubby & I have resumed dtd, although I do feel just slightly sore (on one side more than the other...strange?) But I felt I was ready, and I can't lie, we r the type of couple that probably doesn't do it every day, but when we do, it's always awesome. Seriously. I was thinking about it the other day, that god really created this man for me, I was feeling a little self conscious about my belly being bigger than before (it was already huge) and my husband was telling me how perfect n sexy I am, and how he craves my body. He also told me he checks out my big ass while I sleep in the morning & how much he likes it. Then followed that statement with "yea I know I'm a stalker"

needless to say the flattery is such a turn on especially after having a baby.
On the protection issue though, he says we cannot afford another baby right now, so he has pulled out and he mentioned getting condoms. That is gonna be tough, we have had been ntnp for 5 yrs, then ttc for the following 3 yrs...we shall see...I haven't made my six week gyne appt yet, Thursday Kali is 6 weeks, but I know my doc gonna try that crap about an iud, but I'm just gonna say no thanks.
By the way..does anybody want to connect on facebook? I'm there all the time (via my phone) and its just way easier..let me know. I would love to keep in touch more often.
Btw-the description of u breastfeeders "clicking" is making me crack up! In a good way though