PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Beautiful bump A!

Sounds super frustrating Chalrhow! Thanks for sharing your scan pic though!

Sorry for the x post. . here,

Wearing compression socks for the first time today (Hubby is a runner) and they feel WONDERFUL! I have some pretty crazy varicose veins from age, weight gain and 4th pg plus my ankle has really been hurting a lot and I have swelling. Has anyone had ankle pain without being on their feet a lot? I stay home, so I'm not super active all day long. Not sure if it's a pregnancy related thing or an arthritis thing.

My tummy is SO MUCH Better today! So thankful it wasn't a prolonged bug. I am having a pretty annoying stretching/ pulling pain around the left bottom of my bump.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Just made a countdown ticker for Halloween lol and had to see how it looked... My baby girls costume arrived and she looks too cute... That cheered me up since i was a bit fed up and hormonal from yesterday and todays hospital appointments... Cant wait till Halloween now :) lol x

Glad your feeling better today Kellie !
Charlene congrats on team yellow lol - Are you getting more scans? If you are then make sure they don't rush you next time lol -what a cop out - saying he has 22 scans to do and is busy -you were busy yesterday and so was hubby and you wasted half a day going for a scan that they had wrongly booked Blooming cheek! It is his job to do the scans afterall! LOVE the new ticker, although made me realise I haven't bought anything in yet

Kellie so glad you are better, and I keep thinking of getting compression socks, I am on my feet a lot at work and ache afterwards -but keep forgetting lol

Charlene I am sorry that you got gipped out of a good profile. But if the tech was right about getting more scans then maybe you will be rewarded with a really good one! <3

Donna that makes sense that different parts of the world would need different things due to climate. As here in Canada if you are in the NWT (up where our Santa lives) it is dark for a majority of the time during winer. So Vit-D is very important. Though even where I am now I can still get weird once Feb comes if I am not taking enough Vit-D. I don't think i could live where you do. I would be a grumpy fuss!!
:happydance: for team yellow!! we might be team yellow this time depending on dh patience lol xx
Morning ladies!

Iesha - love the bump, love the leggings!

Am I crazy to think I can work up to the day of labor? I'm seriously considering not coming back after my leave runs out, so earning as much as possible seems like a good idea. Hubby insists that we cannot manage on parttime wages, since we'll still have 3 that would need daycare/preschool while I work. I am really just thoroughly done with this job though. If I didn't have a strong sense of loyalty to the big boss (I started when it was a much smaller company), and hadn't formed some strong friendships here, I would totally be gone. But then again, I LOVE the school my girls are in right now (its the same school my dad went to, and I like that connection plus their early learning programs are fabulous), and I want to take the kids on trips, travelling around... Stupid money :p
I here you. We can't afforde to work cause of daycare costs would be way too much. But at the same time we need extra cash. So I work from home selling home spa stuff. But I understand why you want do it.
I worked out that if I went back to work fulltime, any extra income made compared to part time wages would be spent on childcare costs. I only do 2 shifts a week and fortunately have been able to do shifts that save us using childcare at all. Hubby is there at nights and weekends so I work these mainly.

I need that part time income though, to pay bills mainly and I do extra shifts normally or we would have no holidays -may be no holiday next year as I am not doing any extras just now and wont be until after maternity leave :'( Oh well Will have a new baby to keep me busy lol

Donna that makes sense that different parts of the world would need different things due to climate. As here in Canada if you are in the NWT (up where our Santa lives) it is dark for a majority of the time during winer. So Vit-D is very important. Though even where I am now I can still get weird once Feb comes if I am not taking enough Vit-D. I don't think i could live where you do. I would be a grumpy fuss!!

For all the Northerners: because we are neighbours with Santa where we live, we did a bunch of research on Vit D levels and found an interesting study. Even as far north as Edmonton (which is 8 hours south for us!! :cold:) there is 0 -Zero - Vit D from the sun between October and April. You could be out in your birthday suit 24/7 and not absorb 1 bit. So IMHO anyone north of or close to the 49th, you're not getting much through the winter.

Good news is, we are planning a really long vacation this winter and spending most of the snowy months waaaay down south!! :shipw:
Donna that makes sense that different parts of the world would need different things due to climate. As here in Canada if you are in the NWT (up where our Santa lives) it is dark for a majority of the time during winer. So Vit-D is very important. Though even where I am now I can still get weird once Feb comes if I am not taking enough Vit-D. I don't think i could live where you do. I would be a grumpy fuss!!

For all the Northerners: because we are neighbours with Santa where we live, we did a bunch of research on Vit D levels and found an interesting study. Even as far north as Edmonton (which is 8 hours south for us!! :cold:) there is 0 -Zero - Vit D from the sun between October and April. You could be out in your birthday suit 24/7 and not absorb 1 bit. So IMHO anyone north of or close to the 49th, you're not getting much through the winter.

Good news is, we are planning a really long vacation this winter and spending most of the snowy months waaaay down south!! :shipw:

I live 90 minutes south of Edmonton and can't stand the winters here! You are a real trooper! I am originally from Australia and instead of getting more used to the cold (have been here 10 years), I get less used to it. For the last few years I have worked, so this winter I am planning on hibernating. Although you are right in that the short days/lack of sun certainly gets to you after a while. We are also planning on getting away to somewhere warmer this winter. I would like to go around February because that is when I start to lose my mind:wacko:
Welcome Sunnyflowers -nice to see another large family in here -we also have another lady ttc (well wtt technically just now) but I am sure you will come across her soon too -and hopefully you ttc /wtt mummies will all be in first tri together soon

Charlene -GOOD LUCK for today!!! Remember to come back with pics xx Hope your hubby gets to go too xx

Iesha - Your bump is gorgeous and I love your leggings! wow 17weeks of full time work is harsh, I remember those days of working fulltime and it is very rough especially pregnant- At least the time will probably fly by for you, it tends to go quick at work. How much maternity leave do you all get /are planning on taking?

We can take a year, but 13weeks is unpaid and 13 weeks is SMP only so I am planning on taking 32weeks maternity, with 8 weeks hols/parental leave on top (4 at either end) so should have 9months off.

Totally off topic -my gorgeous daughter is coming home tonight (well just after midnight) from her month long holiday in Spain -cannot wait to see her :D Going to go and pick them up from the airport xxx

Donna-Thank you! we get basically a total of 52 weeks (1 Yr) and it can be split maternity (pre delivery) or parental leave (after birth) depending on how you want to arrange it. Maternity leave can be taken 17 weeks before due date, but it basically pays out 55% of my wages, which will be POO beccause its gonna cut a big chunk from us. HOWEVER I was thinking of moonlighting as a obese stripper IF the going gets rough...JUST KIDDING!!! I mean realistically the pole would not hold up under pressure...liabilities n all that :rofl: :happydance: Bt seriously I was thinking of maybe going back to work sep/oct 2014 so 6-7 months or so. All depends on how well we can manage.

On the topic of vit D, I have often had to take it to save me from a serious bout of seasonal affective disorder and obviously I am wimp as I am in Toronto which I know is certainly warmer than the west or north, but I've lived here 20 yrs and still never get used to that chill/freeze.

Charl- all my scan are pretty unclear, kudos for resisting the temptation of asking about the sex, I am not strong lol..

AFM- I am exhausted, of course in timing with a pregnancy app bulletin on how common it is for pregnant women to lose sleep sure enough I am having sharp pain/getting up to pee insomnia. I literally was up from 1 Am to 6am and then as I drifted off my stupid alarm on my mobile rang out at 6:35 am send my prenatal vitamins , the cell, a few other bits n bobs and perhaps a bottle of water smashing to the ground as i basically did an arm sweep to shut the thing up. I feel like a zombie here at work. I really hope I can get rest tonight. It's becoming a serious problem!!!!!! BTW Maury comes on at 3:05 am and unfortunatly the sounds of "your a liar your a liar your a liar, that was a lie, see you next time america" is not as soothing to go to sleep to as you would have thought :sad2:
HOWEVER I was thinking of moonlighting as a obese stripper IF the going gets rough...JUST KIDDING!!! I mean realistically the pole would not hold up under pressure...liabilities n all that :rofl: :happydance:

That made me :haha::rofl::rofl::haha: Lol

I am with you on the losing sleep... i was awake half of last night... Just about to head to bed now though :sleep::sleep: for hopefully a full nights sleep... It was harder than i thought to resist asking the sex... I was trying to see if i could make out anything myself... pretty sure i couldn't see anything between the legs but until a Dr tells me boy or girl im sticking with :yellow: x
Sunny are up by High Level AB? We used to live in Aklavik NT for about 18 months, then transferred to Fort Simpson NT for 2 years, so I am very familiar to driving on the the mackensie hwy. That is really interesting info though. Cause I honestly think even here in Regina we don't get much Vit-D in between those months. But I do understand the benefits to it that is for sure!!

maple yeah Feb I want to not move off the couch until it is warmer that is for sure!!

Iesha I have had nights like that too. Actually this morning I woke up early and took me a while to go back. It makes for a long day!!
Melissa - I am awful with names too lol, I like that yours is in your sig (mine too) haha.
As for the multivitamins -it is normally the iron content that make people sick, if your haemoglobin (iron ) levels are fine then maybe try some without. The most important ones here in UK just now are VIT D and calcium but that is because we don't get that much in the way of sun (especially it seems, where I am in W Scotland lol) and there has been higher than normal instances of rickets in children. However you probably do not have that problem where you are xxx

donna- you are probably right about the iron! it made me sick with mason. although I was anemic and needed it. I think its just hard on my stomach for some reason even needing it. I am having the same symptoms I did with him when I was anemic so im getting a brand of iron that is plant derived. I hear its absorbed better and not harsh on your stomach. even dealing with the nausea from my iron pills with him, I was still anemic when I had him and hemorrhaged during his birth :( hopefully these new pills will do the trick! I haven't heard anything about vit d and calcium being low around here, or a rise in rickets, so its probably not an issue. we get plenty of sun even in winter. and I take calc, mag, vit d for my vasospasms when im nursing so I probably have even more lol.

has anyone taken evening primrose oil while ttc? I didn't notice any EWCM last cycle alltho I did notice some watery cm so thought id give it a go.xx

me! me! me! it helped somewhat, but I think it was different for me since I was bfing. I never had ewcm problems before (when I wasn't bfing). the month we actually got pregnant I had run out and don't think I actually used it silly enough.

Not the best picture... Scan was rushed, he had 22 anomaly scans to do today and said i would be getting plenty of other scans anyway... I felt he didn't even take time to have a proper look :(
sorry he rushed you Charlene! some medical personnel need to really learn better people skills. to him you're just another scan, but this is your baby for crying out loud!!!! lovely munch though :cloud9:
Beautiful bump A!

Sounds super frustrating Chalrhow! Thanks for sharing your scan pic though!

Sorry for the x post. . here,

Wearing compression socks for the first time today (Hubby is a runner) and they feel WONDERFUL! I have some pretty crazy varicose veins from age, weight gain and 4th pg plus my ankle has really been hurting a lot and I have swelling. Has anyone had ankle pain without being on their feet a lot? I stay home, so I'm not super active all day long. Not sure if it's a pregnancy related thing or an arthritis thing.

My tummy is SO MUCH Better today! So thankful it wasn't a prolonged bug. I am having a pretty annoying stretching/ pulling pain around the left bottom of my bump.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
haven't worn the socks, but I hear they can help a lot. maybe I should give it a try?? my feet only tend to hurt and swell when im up around on them a lot. glad you are feeling better!

Am I crazy to think I can work up to the day of labor? I'm seriously considering not coming back after my leave runs out, so earning as much as possible seems like a good idea. Hubby insists that we cannot manage on parttime wages, since we'll still have 3 that would need daycare/preschool while I work. I am really just thoroughly done with this job though. If I didn't have a strong sense of loyalty to the big boss (I started when it was a much smaller company), and hadn't formed some strong friendships here, I would totally be gone. But then again, I LOVE the school my girls are in right now (its the same school my dad went to, and I like that connection plus their early learning programs are fabulous), and I want to take the kids on trips, travelling around... Stupid money :p
when we reached our 3rd we realized even working full time my whole check plus some went to childcare. haven't worked since lol. we still manage a vacation once a year. but I think we spend less on eating out, gas for me to go back and forth to work, etc and that allows us to afford it. i think you are crazy for working up til labor, but if you can manage it why not??:thumbup:

HOWEVER I was thinking of moonlighting as a obese stripper IF the going gets rough...JUST KIDDING!!! I mean realistically the pole would not hold up under pressure...liabilities n all that :rofl: :happydance:
BTW Maury comes on at 3:05 am and unfortunatly the sounds of "your a liar your a liar your a liar, that was a lie, see you next time america"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I would have to pay someone to want to see me strip :blush:

I used to seriously watch maury every day!!! i wanted to get DH a shirt that said " you are the father" :haha:

love your bump!!! and the leggings are awesome <3
Tryn - you make me laugh SOOO hard! I love reading your updates!

a4tg - Yes, we are in High Level. Here for DH work for the past year. It is soooo beautiful up here, and I really think if people knew how awesome it is, more people would live here. I totally prefer the summers to down south. No Tornadoes, no hailstorms all summer long. It's just hot, long, and beautiful!! Took our family vacation to Yellowknife this summer. It is SOOOO amazing up there!! We're currently waiting for a confirmation on a job in Innuvik, NT :xmas7: which we would begin when the sun starts showing up again in the spring. Only downside is you don't get to enjoy the Northern Lights when the sun never sets. :) -- thanks for sharing our connection :)
God bless the woman that homeschools. I would be locked up for murder by chalk. I couldn't handle it! :)
Sunny I agree it is beautiful up there!! I would go back, but the schooling isn't the same and with one child with needs I am not sure if it would ever be a good move for us. Plus I lived up there with my first husband so I think that also would make it weird LOL. I definitely will be going back up there to visit. Would actually LOVE to live in Whitehorse!!

You guys will love it in Inuvik. When we were in Aklavik we drove on the ice road to Inuvik to shop LOL. I also had a few trips to the hospital up there while pg with my first. Though we chose to come to my home town to deliver him. My husband at the time was RCMP, so we had the luxury to move around. I miss my RCMP family up there. Such good times

As for home schooling I would locked up right beside Iesha, but instead of chalk it would be from be-heading by rulers. I love my kids to death but I just don't have the patience for that. I would be caught running down the street bald because all my hair would be in my hands and drooling cause I can't stand it. Uh yah NO not me!!
Out of curiosity, Does anyone on here homeschool?

yes!!! I love to homeschool!!! I have 6, #7 is on the way and will be homeschooling all of them. hopefully we will be blessed with more, but only God knows that for sure. right now I have 4 grades going. pre-k, 1st, 8th, and 9th. my two little ones ages 1 and 2, and sometimes the pre-k and 1st grader, do something we call 'blanket time' where I have them sit on a blanket in the living room and I read them books and we sing songs together. it teaches them self control since they have to stay on their blanket while we read and sing. it also prepares them for school and gives them a love for reading. <3

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