Melissa - sounds like SPD. I have had increased pelvic pain with each pregnancy, but not to the point of an SPD diagnosis. Last pregnancy it only got *really* bad in the last 4 weeks, and my OB indicated that it was probably SPD starting up for me, and that in any subsequent pregnancies I would probably have pain sooner.
I am starting to have serious difficulty with my left leg though. Rolling in bed, putting on pants, putting on socks without sitting down and using my arms to lift my leg, and stuff like that can be excruciating. But so far, I can do ok if I stand very slowly and don't have too much discomfort walking. I'm pretty sure if I keep having babies and this starts any sooner I would use crutches though, because I've already had a few incidents where I did literally have to lean on someone to walk down the hallway!
Sacha - Prostoglandin deposit is my plan too

Gonna start working that next weekend, assuming my ultrasound next week looks ok. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today.
Kellie - Hooray for good numbers and convenience food! Mine were all over again yesterday, posting more infos on the GD thread if you are interested
Donna - I have to admit, I'm more like your hubby. I want every single itty bitty detail accounted for

He currently feels 'done' with several projects that I feel are NOT finished and it makes me grumpy at him. Still waiting for him to finish installing trim on our main living level and its been over 4 years! But I know what you mean about wanting to get stuff done but not physically being able to get to it all. Hopefully this weekend we can either get our DHs to crank through the lists, or muster the right energy/be pain free enough to get it done ourselves
Charl - how did you manage without any BH! Wow!