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Poasa here! #411 frer from this evening #412 FINAL FINAL UPDATE!

thanks robo
according to ff I'm 18 dpo
but I had some very light spotting from 12-15 dpo
it was light pink and faded to light brown
I also had a huge dip in temp during that time and I thought AF was on her way but then temps went up again and now here I am, no AF and now as of today, I've had a weird pulling sensation, almost like a knot in my lower abdomen, a little to the right?? which is weird because I'm pretty sure I O'd on the left side this month (A lot of O pains)
You ovulated much later last month... was there a reason it was so late before? What are your cycles usually like?

I feel like those lines must be evaps or they would have gotten noticably darker by now :(
last cycle I had a laparoscopy around cd9 and it threw me WAY off.
I had a cyst removed and endo burned off and I was really really stressed out.
Also I had a chemical last cycle so this cycle I was hoping to get back to normal.
yeah, I'm just worried with you being so many dpo and with so many dives in you temps that you might not have ovulated :(
I want to be wrong, but that just seems like a possibility right now, you know?
yeah definitely, I know, I'm just sick of things being all over the place all the time and want some normailcy
Well as we like to say... you're not out until the witch shows... There's always a chance ;) Have you kept BDing just incase?
your temp charts are all up and down.do you have pcos aswell??
well as far as pcos goes, I'm not entirely sure
My first doc told me yes, then my 2nd doc said maybe and my current doc (that "actually" did bloodwork for it) said no but when I had the transvaginal ultrasound for a cyst a few month ago, they found a couple very very small ones in my right ovary and I had a large dermoid cyst removed from my left about 2 1/2 years ago so that could be something else I have to worry about
Also, my mom, who is a nurse thinks I also might have low progesterone, yet another obstacle to have a little one
sorry ladies, it can just get very disheartening when you've been trying for so long and you just want to see that second line so bad
here it is ladies


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You are not out until the witch arrives... I really see something on your tests.xxx
thanks robo123
i like your pma, it brightened my mood : )
i found this online

Posted by Dr. Amos on babymed.com on April 19, 2010

"A pregnancy test becomes positive only after the fertilized egg has first implanted into the uterus and then sent enough amounts of hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone, into your blood stream and from there into the urine.

Implantation, when the fertilized egg implants into the endometrium, happens about a week after ovulation (range: 6-12 days), and it takes another 3-4 days after implantation (9-16 dpo: days after ovulation) for the blood pregnancy test to first become positive, followed 2-3 days later by the urine test, the home pregnancy test (HPT)."

Just something to think about : )
omg, I'm such an addict
I guess I keep thinking "maybe I'm on the threshold of hcg where it will make the test instantly positive"
oh well this is it for at least until tomorrow morning lol
this is with smu and diluted
on the last 2 pics, the one with smu is on the bottom
the top is fmu from 2 days ago and the middle one is fmu from today


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hey, sorry if I was being a downer at all... I just had a friend on here get to 26dpo without a BFP and faint/hints of lines/evaps on ICs... turns out she didn't ovulate when FF said she did... it sure looked like it, but when you counted back her usual luteal phase, you could see another possible ovulation. That was a super frustrating cycle and it was so irritating to find out she wasn't even as many DPO as we'd thought etc... I think she also took a break from BDing because she thought she ovulated already so that meant she had zero chances that cycle. I just don't want to see you go through this and torture yourself if you haven't even ovulated yet, you know? :hugs:

I had issues with ovulation and then when I did finally get my ovulation going, I had trouble with low progesterone. If you want to look at my charts and see what they looked like... I was on clomid for Jan-April cycles (50mg, but still had low progesterone).. I had an anovulatory cycle before that. Then 2 natural cycles with low progesterone, one with a late ovulation etc...
Then my BFP cycle with finally normal progesterone.

Have you done any OPKs recently? Or are you saving those?
just a thought sweetie i see ticker says lost a little one a month ago, i think u mentioned a chemical, so not to put a downer on n i maybe wrong but i though preg hormones can be seen in tests for weeks after mc, so the faints maybe pickin up past preg, n you may have a odd cycle this month if have lost a pregnancy as hormones messed so id still opk n temp n hold on in there,
really hope this doesnt upset u n u may still be preg hun just an idea... did u get a clear postive test with out loss? xxxxx
well the chemical last cycle, I had a positive with a frer came up within three minutes, pink (faint) but definitely there then I took another one 3 days later expecting it to be nice and dark and it was bfn, (I went and got blood work a few days later and my hcg was back to normal (for me it's just above 0)
so I know it's not from last month, I bled A LOT, it was pretty bad.
I had a chemical a year to the day from this recent one too. I guess I'm just trying to be optomistic and not think about suffering just living in the moment but it's really hard sometimes.
Also, I think my pre-ov temps might be high because I took soy (I heard this can cause higher pre-ov temps) and because I was coming off a chemical. They were generally a lot lower than that before (mostly low low 97's and high 96's)

I took another this morning but I really think I'm going to try to not test for a while and see what happens, it's just making me sad.
the top is fmu from yesterday and bottom is fmu from today


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ok hun just a thought, well i can see lines on them new test so who knows, my mc was horrible nearly yr now n still not over it :(
fingers crossed for u babe xxx
thanks charmed I hope there is something on those tests, if it gets to where I can actually see something lol I'll be nipping out for a frer
it's just so hard ya know
one minute I'll be fine and trying to get things accomplished and the next especially if anyone even mentions me and dh "trying" or "are you pregnant yet?" I just come close to tears
I just want this to happen for us so bad and dh finally broke down the other day with his true feelings and how he really wants me pregnant and how he loves me and looks forward to having kids with me and was just afraid there was something wrong with him and didn't want to put any more pressure on me.
It was so sweet, but now I feel like I can't give him what he wants, what we want.
Sorry to go on, just extremely emotional at the moment.
oh hun that sweet bless him my fella wont tell me how feel cos same think dont want to put pressure on or make me feel bad, but honestly u have been preg so sure nothing wrong hun just not our time :( but it will happen n im sure your a brill wife n hed never give u up or even think badly bout u, to have baby never had, if see what mean you to r together n will face wat ever comes together n u will be an amazin mum soon im sure xxx mwah xxx
thank you so much : )
that made me feel loads better
you're right whatever comes our way, we will face together
and you will be a wonderful mom too
Congrtulations by the way, I see you are getting married in less than a year : )

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