Pregnancy - April 2012

Hey All,
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone - and I finally nailed the Roasted veg this year :) (only 4yrs in the practice lol)...
Things are going well, really started to show, so have had to start telling people - even started to wear true maternity clothes. I desperately want some leggings, but the only pair I can found out here are over $60 and I'm not paying that for LEGGINGS!...
What else? Had my 2nd set of bloods, done very nervous - wont get the results until a week on Monday *gulp*.... they keep telling me I'm high risk etc... just want the results back and everything to be ok!

Have my 16 week check up on Wed.... hopefully not gained tooo much weight - the 1st trimester hunger pains have finally begin to wain and as long as I eat every 2 hrs or so, I can keep the MS away! (oh and having a high protein meal last thing at night is really helping me :) )....

Welcome Valour & Weedge- hope you're both doing ok and feeling well :)
Miss Ang - you look skinny! - very nice bump though :)
DJF - how was your canadian thanksgiving - dare I ask why you're celebrating canadian thanksgiving in PA? :)....

Anyway hope everyone is well *hugs tight*

Talk soon I hope!

Purpleish - Glad to hear you Thanksgiving went well! I moved to the US from Canada 7 years ago and we have done a Canadian Thanksgiving every year I have been hear :) We usually have a bunch of friends over and make a turkey dinner.

Hope you get your results back soon and that everything is okay. I get my second blood drawn on Friday.

Did you try Motherhood for leggings? I got mine there for $20. Also you might want to try Ebay.

My MS has gotten a lot better but still hanging on a bit. Usually nauseous in the morning until I have lunch even though I have breakfast and snacks in the morning. The heartburn has started to kick in though.

Hope everyone is doing well!
DJF, Im glad your MS seems to be getting better. I noticed this week that mine is as well. Still threw up every morning except once this week but the rest of the day Im definitely not as nauseous as I had been and in the evening these past three days I have felt 100% normal and i used to be really nauseous around dinner time.

here is 14 week photo (after spray tan for wedding)

and here is 16 week photo (my naturally super pale self)
Hi All,
This will be short post from me.

My blood results came in and were not good. I'm currently waiting for a hospital appointment for an amnio and further testing. As such, I wont be posting on here for a while.

I have postponed my 20 weeks scan until we know more.

I wish you all the best with your pregnancies and hope you have a healthy 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Take care,

Purpleish - I am sorry to hear that your results were not good. Hope the amnio goes well! If you have any questions or want to talk about it please let me know. I am a genetic counselor. I don't currently work in prenatal care but I used to, so I am pretty familiar with the screening tests and amnio.
missangie - glad to hear your MS has mostly gone away! The pics of your bump are not showing up.

Mine has been a 100% better this week. The only time I got sick this week was when I got a whiff of my dogs food. My hubby usually feeds them because I can't stand the smell but he was out of town this week so it was left up to me.

Is anyone else planning on finding out the gender? Our appointment is Nov 22 and we are oping we will find out then if it is a boy or girl. Any one have any feelings on the gender?
Happy Halloween!!1

How is everyone feeling? It's been a while since I checked in.

I have been doing good. The MS is gone and some of my energy is back! Still have heartburn but I can deal with that. All my blood work came back fine.

3 weeks till I learn the gender~
glad the MS is gone for you DJF! Mine seems to be gone for the most part. Havent thrown up in almost a week and am just barely nauseous in the evening but thats about it, it is awesome to feel so much better! I have traded the MS in for heartburn though but Ill take that over MS any day!!! :)

I cant wait till we all know what we are having! I find out a week from tomorrow, so excited. I think its a girl and everyone who has guessed has said girl (literally, not one person has said boy) So Im almost thinking that it must be a boy then haha. Do you have any feelings about what you are having??
Hi ladies,

Glad to hear your nausea is starting to fade!

LO is kicking lots now, some BIG ones too. Both my cousin and another friend have felt it now as well as DH - I love it. I am also going to find out the gender - Just soooo impatient, its another 2 weeks for me!
I think I have felt little movements but no huge kicks yet. However, the other day my hubby and I were looking at my tummy and we both think we saw it bulge out on one side for a second!!

I am not sure what I am having. Some days I think it will be a girl and some days a boy. I have had people guess both genders so that hasn't helped much :) Before becoming pregnant I always thought I would have girls but know that I am pregnant I am not sure. Guess I will know 3 weeks from today. Can't wait!

How was everyone's Halloween? Mine was pretty low key. I handed out candy all night. Kept thinking about how next year I will have a little one to dress up - though probably not old enough for trick-or-treating yet :)
Aww one day you will feel a HUGE kick and it will be obvious :) I was lucky to feel movement from 15 weeks!

Halloween isnt so big here in the UK so didnt do anything. Only had one group of trick or treaters!
our porch light is broken and we live in a tiny neighborhood (6 houses- no children) so we didnt get any trick or treaters! I work with kids so we had a halloween party on Sunday (on my day off so wasnt thrilled about going in) but it was fun, I was a penguin, pretty funny and hideous at the same time ;-)

as for feeling baby, I felt the baby kick for the first time last night. I had been feeling little popcorn feelings for a few weeks every now and then but last night I had a bowl of ice cream and about 30 min later i felt a few little kicks for a few minutes, I almost cried! Very cool and cant wait to feel more movement.

Here is my 16 week photo

and my 18 week (well more like 17+5)

I cant believe how much bigger I am... slightly scary!
Oooo missangie - you have a gorgeous bump!!! Loving the change :) and how exciting about the kicks, mine always kicks more after cold or sweet food :)
missangie - that's exciting! For some reason your bump pictures do not load on my computer.

I went to Canada last week to visit my family and felt the first solid kick. I have been feeling the baby kick everyday since. It's amazing!! It seems to happen more after I eat.

I should probably take a picture of my bump now that it's starting to look more like a bump :) I have put on 5 pounds in the last 17 days - not sure how that is even possible. Hopefully my weight gain will slow down.

How is everyone?
missangie - that's exciting! For some reason your bump pictures do not load on my computer.

I went to Canada last week to visit my family and felt the first solid kick. I have been feeling the baby kick everyday since. It's amazing!! It seems to happen more after I eat.

I should probably take a picture of my bump now that it's starting to look more like a bump :) I have put on 5 pounds in the last 17 days - not sure how that is even possible. Hopefully my weight gain will slow down.

How is everyone?

hmm I wonder why they dont show up for you!

So exciting about the kicks, I have started to feel my baby move a bit too. little kicks and then this morning when I was driving it felt like the baby was swimming all over the place, a very weird and very cool feeling!

You should post a pic of your bump, I wanna see! and dont worry about the weight gain, Im right there with you. very nervous and not wanting to see the scale when I go in haha
I'll try to take a picture soon.

Two weeks from today I find out if we are having a boy or girl!! Can't wait. Most people have guessed girl but we'll see. When does everyone else find out?
two weeks will be here before you know it!

we found this morning and we are having a boy!! EVERYONE (besides my dad) guessed girl and I thought for sure it was a girl! We are beyond excited and think we have decided on Parker as his name
Congratulations!! That's very exciting and I love the name Parker. There seem to be a lot of boys in April :)

Most people have guessed girl for me but a few have said boy. Hopefully, I will know soon enough!
Ive only just stumbled across this forum! :wacko:

Im due April 30th with my 3rd making me 16+2. I have my 2nd midwife appointment next week and a Private gender scan in December as the hospital couldnt book me in until January. I couldnt wait 12 weeks from my last scan to see baby again.

This is me and my ever growing bump, taken yesterday


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Hi ems!

Congratulations and welcome :) Your bump is adorable. I am 20 weeks and 2 days along today and have my anatomy scan on Tuesday. Can't wait to find out the gender!! Do you plan to find out?

How has pregnancy been for you so far?

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