Pregnant by older guy, not sure what to do

Congratulations! Been silently stalking for a long time, your fears reminded me a lot of my own when I had my first. I'm happy for the three of you!! I don't think I've ever been so excited for a complete stranger to have a baby :haha: Can't wait to read the birth story :)
Congratulations! I'm in tears reading this, hopefully she'll be home soon, try and get some sleep while you can and I'd love to keep reading about everything if you can keep us up to date here or with a journal!
OMG, all your comments have made me so happy and made me tear up! Thank you!! I wish I could respond to everyone individually. A few of you have commented that you've never felt this happy for a stranger before, and in the same way it's like I have never felt such a feeling of caring from complete strangers before. I am honestly so happy to be able to share all of this with you because I have really felt your encouragement and support throughout this entire journey and it has made a huge difference to me! :cloud9:

Here is the longer version of everything, and once I typed it all out I realized just how long it is. Sorry for the length!

On Friday afternoon I took a shower and got out, got dressed, and I was sitting in bed drying my hair when I felt sort of like I was peeing myself. It was like a constant trickle, but slower than as if I was peeing. I still didn't think it was my water breaking. I hadn't had any contraction like pains at this point. I had been feeling a lot of pressure down below and just felt like I had to go to the bathroom even more than usual. So I went to change my pants at this point and the water was still just flowing out and it was obvious I wasn't peeing. It was so weird because I realized what it was, but at the same time felt like it wasn't really happening. Part of me had blocked out the idea of labor so much that I almost couldn't believe the baby was actually going to come out, even though I knew that would inevitably have to happen.

Luckily this was at around 3:15, so my sister had recently gotten home from school. I told her that I thought my water broke and she didn't believe me until I showed her my wet pants and the fluid running down my leg still (eww). So she tried to call my mom, but we couldn't reach her. So she called my dad and he came right home. He said he almost got into 3 different accidents rushing home to get me. FOB works a few minutes from the hospital, so I told him what was going on and just had him meet us there.

It was about 45 minutes after my water broke that contractions started while in the car on the way to the hospital, but they were pretty mild at that point. By the time I got checked into the hospital and they were able to examine me, I was close to 4 cm dilated and contractions were getting worse, with most of the pain just in my back. Everything kind of stalled around 5-6cm. Then a few hours later the contractions started hitting pretty hard, and everything sped up really quickly around that time. I rapidly went from about 6 cm to 10 cm within a few hours and then I pushed for less than 10 minutes. By the time you could actually see her head, I barely had to push because she was practically sliding out on her own. She came out so fast that despite their best efforts, I did end up having a minor tear and having to get a few stitches. They told me not to push, and I wasn't pushing, but she was coming out anyway. They were all amazed at how fast she came out, especially since it was my first baby. The nurses kept calling her torpedo baby. It didn't feel like she was just flying out to me, but I guess compared to many babies she did. I didn't get an epidural, so I felt every bit of it. I won't lie, I was screaming towards the end of it and wishing I had an epidural more than anything. I was thankful that she popped out really quickly, despite the tear, because I could not take the "ring of fire", as one nurse called it, burning sensation once she started to crown. I had really wanted to do it without an epidural, but was pretty sure I would end up getting one. I'm sure I would have gotten one if the labor had been a longer one. I still don't know how I managed to make it through the entire thing without an epidural, but I'm so glad and proud of myself that I was able to do it.

Like I said before, her main issues have been jaundice, regulating and maintaing body temperature, and her weight. While her weight wasn't bad for her gestation (she was 34 weeks exactly when born), it fluctuates very easily. Between Saturday and Sunday she had lost a few ounces due to burning calories when eating and due to her body trying to regulate her temperature. It's just crazy that something as simple as eating can cause her to lose weight, but I guess it's easy when you barely weigh anything to begin with. She has had no problem eating and took to the bottle right away. She hasn't needed any supplemental nutrition via feeding tube. She hasn't had any breathing issues. They said in this case we're lucky that I did go into early labor a few weeks ago since I got the steriod shots which probably really helped with her lung development. She probably would have needed more assistance if I hadn't had those shots.

Between Saturday and Sunday she lost a few ounces simple due to burning calories when eating and with the temperature issue. She ended up slipping below her birth weight Sunday night. She had an explosive poop and she lost a few ounces after that. But now she is moving in the positive direction and as of today is back over her birth weight. They say they want her weight to move in the positive direction and stay above birth weight for a week before they will send her home. So at this point the earliest she would be able to come home is next week, but she has to meet other criteria as well.

They aren't as concerned with the 5 lbs mark as they are with her weight just moving in a positive direction. The other criteria she has to meet is maintaining body temperature better on her own outside of the isolette, no breathing issues (including no Bradys when they stop breathing for like 15 seconds, which she hasn't had at this point), taking a bottle at every feeding.

We are really lucky to have a private NICU room. I have been spending the days here, then going home to sleep. I feel guilty when I leave, which is usually around 7-8 pm, but there is only a small couch here and with the amount of times they have to come in and check on her, I just cannot fall asleep. FOB took yesterday off, but he did go into work today to wrap up the things that he was in the middle of on Friday. He will come by tonight and stay until after I go home, until about 11.

They have been letting us do any of the care for her that we want, all of her feedings and changes. Due to the temperature issue, she hasn't had an actual bath, we can give her little sponge baths though in her isolette.
There is so much more I could say and post, but I have to take a break now. I will keep everyone updated.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I'm so happy that everything went so well for you (for the most part) and that it was a "fast" labor. I know 7 hours of pain sucks but I'm glad it wasn't longer. :) You sound so in love with her already! I can't wait to hear more, and what you and FOB decide to do as far as living arrangements, etc. Keep us posted! <3
Am I allowed to ask for a picture? Lol. Im so glad both you and her are okay, I hope she keeps gaining weight! Thanks for the update! Xox
I'm sure she's just beautiful and perfect, heatherr. I'm so proud of you, and how you handled the labor and delivery. I cannot imagine not having the pain relief!'re a ROCK STAR!!! LOL!

Sounds like she's doing really well, and that although she won't be coming home YET, she's on her way, and life will really begin. You're handling it all with grace, and maturity, and I'm proud of you! Take it from me, the ol' lady (ha!), that things really do just have a way of falling into place.

I am so glad to hear you're taking the nights off to sleep. NICU nurses are angels, and she's in great hands!
OMG heatherr i was bawling my eyes out reading your birth story! so so happy for you and so proud of you for making it without an epi and in such short time, also despite your general fear of hospitals and such (and strong fears are known to halt labor!)

as wookie said, you're a rock star and a trooper!! and one damn good mamma, handling the birth and the nicu time so well :hugs:

and it is sooo good to hear that she's doing well and regaining her birth weight slowly, and that you guys have a private room to take care of her while in the NICU.

was the FOB in the room with you when she came out? sorry for the tmi, it is just that your whole story and journey are so amazing and emotional and mature... and really thank you for sharing it with us! :hugs:
I hope she continues to grow big and strong!

I also hope even more so now that you and FOB can make things work!
:hugs: I'm so glad she's doing well! I had a 35 weeker and 28.6 weeker, so know the NICU all too well. It seems like she's doing fabulous!!!

OMG, all your comments have made me so happy and made me tear up! Thank you!! I wish I could respond to everyone individually. A few of you have commented that you've never felt this happy for a stranger before, and in the same way it's like I have never felt such a feeling of caring from complete strangers before. I am honestly so happy to be able to share all of this with you because I have really felt your encouragement and support throughout this entire journey and it has made a huge difference to me! :cloud9:

I am so glad you and your little lady are both doing well!! :flower:

Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us! I am so glad I found this thread, and there have been many times when it has touched me to see the kind interactions exchanged. :) to think of all the good things your daughter brought into the world before even being born!

Congratulations again. It sounds like you handled birth amazingly well :) and I will be hoping little Gabriella continues to gain weight and get closer and closer to going home!
Wow what an amazing birth story. It made me giggle when you spoke about your water breaking :haha: silly billy!! But I totally get it- I'm totally in denial that I will have to go through labour at all lol.

Holy moly no epi??! You really are amazing!! Just THINKING about the ring of fire makes my privates shrivel up and cry haha.

So happy for you Heather, can't wait to hear more. Congratulations xx
You've done a fantastic job! No pain relief - warrior!! Much quicker recovery that way too. Hope you're healing well, and Gabriella continues to grow big and strong. Love and hugs!
Wow she was quick coming out wasn't she! No hanging about for her :haha:

You're handling it all so well heather, much better than I would've done. It's good they're letting you do most of the care for her too.

I don't blame you for coming home for rest, I hated sleeping in the hospital and I was only there for 1 night. I can't imagine having to stay there longer than that.

I hope she manages to regulate her temperature soon and keeps putting weight on, then she'll be out of there before you know it :hugs: x
Nice work on the speed birth! I'm impressed - I definitely got the epidural but our fella took a couple of days to make his appearance :S

Glad to hear you're getting some rest, and don't feel guilty - you'll be much more functional during the day for her if you can sleep at night...

Hope she keeps packing on the pounds and the temp issues sort themselves out quickly :)
It would be great if you would quit making me cry! As others have said I'm hoping well get to see some pictures and hear many more updates in the near future, I'd also love to know how things go with her father, it's kind of like reading a really good book that you just can't put down, you just get so engrossed in the story and become so attached to the characters. :winkwink:
It would be great if you would quit making me cry! As others have said I'm hoping well get to see some pictures and hear many more updates in the near future, I'd also love to know how things go with her father, it's kind of like reading a really good book that you just can't put down, you just get so engrossed in the story and become so attached to the characters. :winkwink:

Haha, I agree with Kailetski! I can't wait to find out what happens next! :haha:
Hi Heather. I have been following this thread for quite some time but never posted as the other ladies have already said things i would have. I just wanted to congratulate you on the birth of your beautiful baby girl . I also have a premature baby and she is the light of my life. Look after yourself and keep us updated. a picture would be great! ;) x

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