Psychic reading confusion....

Hi Britt :hi:

Not long now till your baby boy makes his appearence. Its so exciting now we have our first baby. :cloud9:

I'm feeling good about this cycle. I've felt really sick all morning, temps are good but green handled ic gave me a faint time but blue handled ic didn't and they are meant to be both 10mui. :shrug: not sure what is real and what is clomid but hopefully it is a sign of things to come. :thumbup: xxx

yep they can be confusing these tests!

stick with it are you testing every day or every other day now??

i read that icky feelings are a sign of implantation as well so all looks good to me, i am excited for you x
Hi Britt :hi:

Not long now till your baby boy makes his appearence. Its so exciting now we have our first baby. :cloud9:

I'm feeling good about this cycle. I've felt really sick all morning, temps are good but green handled ic gave me a faint time but blue handled ic didn't and they are meant to be both 10mui. :shrug: not sure what is real and what is clomid but hopefully it is a sign of things to come. :thumbup: xxx

yep they can be confusing these tests!

stick with it are you testing every day or every other day now??

i read that icky feelings are a sign of implantation as well so all looks good to me, i am excited for you x

Thanks. I'll probably test every day now. xxx
Hi girls, sorry i've not been on to update you all; i've been spending time with my boys and catching up on some zzzzz's!

well, where to start....
As you know, i was all hyped up to be induced on the friday only to be left sitting in a waiting room for 5 hours without even being assesed before being told i had to go home as no staff to look after me :growlmad:

i was mad, so on the way home i went past my own maternity unit and spoke to my MW who suggested doing a sweep on the off chance it would start things off and i could deliver there that night. she found i was already dilating and she could seperate the membranes so off i went home praying i went into labour that night, but no such luck! so, off to aberdeen in the morning.

saturday morning got to aberdeen matty at 9am and got given a bed straight away - but no-one came to see me by lunchtime! i was told it would be later on that i was seen and so was getting really upset. when mw came, she said there was 8 women in front of me so it would be tomorrow (sun) before they would break my waters :cry:

but, she then examined me and said - 'oh, you may not need to wait, you are 4com dilated and favourable!' so with that she sent me off to walk around and up stairs etc. the exam must have edged things forward as at 5.30pm i had a contraction, and BAM, that was the start of it!

the contractions instantly were 2 mins apart and 1.5 mins long, so i hobbled to the mw and told her i thought baby was coming - she must have took one look at me and trusted my instincts as she said, ok hun, lets get you to delivery!

i was wheeled round to labour ward, given gas and air and they broke my waters - which is when all hell broke loose! my whole amniotic fluid sac was full of fresh blood! the alarms went off, steven was told to prepare for theatre and they tried to get me back into the chair - but my body was bearing down and pushing baby out - i was still only 4cm! they got me halfway to theatre when i felt an almighty push, and i begged them to check me, so she stopped in the corridor, pulled my pants to the side and she screamed 'she's right, baby's head is almost out, no time for theatre!!' and with that i was put into the first room we came to.

i was just onto the bed when i felt the next contraction, and the head was out, and less than a minute later, the final push...

:cloud9:6.04pm, 34 mins after first contraction and 24 mins after waters breaking, baby Riley was born. 53cm long and 8lb 3oz :cloud9:

i was seen by doctors who have no idea why i bled so much - they origianlly thought the placenta had ruptured but when it was delivered it was complete and in tact, and i have no internal injury so there is no clue on the blood......

as i was only 4cm dilated, i tore pretty bad 2nd degree with 8 stitches, but hey, we are both fine so that's the main thing.

it was quite an ordeal, and a long road to get there, but it was worth it to complete my family.

i have attached a pic of me and my boys below taken an hour after delivery; i'll put better pics of Riley on - where you can see his face properly and how cute he is - tomorrow as i'm downloading the new ones tonight xxx


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aw wow jeffsar you dont hang about girl do you lol...

well done you must be on :cloud9:

you have 2 gorgeous little boys there.

i cant believe it all happened so quick for you...congratulations to you all xx
Thanks Mama!!

I know, it was so fast - i barely had a chance to breathe, lol!
i am very lucky, i have two gorgeous healthy boys and couldn't be happier - well, i'd be happier withour all the stitches, lol!

how are you? x
wont be long and you'll be all healed hun,i have good days and bad,still waiting for my appointment:shrug:
can you chase them up?? i hope it's not long for you hun x
was thinking of giving them a call,i suppose it cant hurt,i just wanna be back to normal,i started slimming world today so thats something else to think about i guess
i would; can't hurt to nudge them along!

i am giving myself two weeks to chill out then i'm back to weight watchers - too scared to weigh myself just now! x
Jeffsar... thanks for sharing. I actually cried reading that. :blush: I think as a group we have been through so much together and its overwhelming that Riley is really here. I am soooo happy for you and your family. :cloud9: Taylor looks such a proud brother on that photo! :flower:

Mama... SW might be a good distraction for you whilst you wait. :thumbup: Are you still going to the gym?

Erin & Britt... :hi:

AFM... have you seen my chart? :wacko: Ooooh I might treat myself to some SD tests on friday when I get my money. :haha:
I'm off for my CD21 blood test this morning and then I've got my benefits assessment this afternoon which I am dreading! :nope::nope: xxx
Morning Everyone


you must be on cloud 9 at the min with your 2 boys :cloud9:

Taylor must be such a proud big brother.

Cant believe how quick your labour was!!! can you send me some of that dust please lol

how is everything with baby sleeping, feeding etc is everything going okay??

ebs - chart still looking great, are you still testing?? you need to post us a pic every day of your test so we can see the lines getting darker and darker

Mamadonna - i would defo chase it up, i think with situations like this they expect you to because you want to get things moving, good luck on the weight loss as well that will be a good distraction and make you feel good.

erin - how are you??

AFM - i have the dreaded piles they must have started yesterday! i have never had them before so i didnt knwo what was going off but i went to the docs last night and she confirmed it, so she has given me some tablets and some medicine. But she said they should clear up quickly. So now i need little man to hold out until i have got rid of these cos apparantly they can bleed really bad in labour.

Britt... awww bless you. I've never had them either but I've heard they can be horrible. I hope they clear up soon. :hugs:

Mama... I agree with the other ladies. I'd chase them up as I'd worry they'd forgot me and you never know they might slot you in quicker. :thumbup:

I didn't test this morning as I got up and just thought well I'm only 7dpo and am I just getting false hopes etc... My chart does look amazing though. :haha: and I'm feeling sick again today, bit of heartburn. :wacko: Oh I could so convince myself I'm up the duff. :haha: I might test in a bit if I can hold it long enough. :winkwink:

Been for my day 21 blood test this morning. Hope I get the results quickly. I'm assuming that I won't find out anything unless I need to up the clomid dosage but to be honest I'd be surprised with my chart and stuff if it isn't working well enough. xxx
thanks the nurse said they will clear quickly so lets hope, im glad its not something i suffer with regular and that it is only pregnancy i dont think i could up with them for long lol

and i have totally forgot until just, it is my baby shower tonight!! it has come around so quickly i cant wait havent got a clue whats happening i have just got to be there for 7 so i will take pics and load them on to show you all tomorow x
thanks the nurse said they will clear quickly so lets hope, im glad its not something i suffer with regular and that it is only pregnancy i dont think i could up with them for long lol

and i have totally forgot until just, it is my baby shower tonight!! it has come around so quickly i cant wait havent got a clue whats happening i have just got to be there for 7 so i will take pics and load them on to show you all tomorow x

I think they are meant to be common in pregnancy aren't they? Anyway hope they go away quick.

:happydance: for baby shower tonight! How exciting. :happydance: Can't wait to see the pics and see what lovely goodies you get for your little boy. :cloud9: xxx
thanks the nurse said they will clear quickly so lets hope, im glad its not something i suffer with regular and that it is only pregnancy i dont think i could up with them for long lol

and i have totally forgot until just, it is my baby shower tonight!! it has come around so quickly i cant wait havent got a clue whats happening i have just got to be there for 7 so i will take pics and load them on to show you all tomorow x

I think they are meant to be common in pregnancy aren't they? Anyway hope they go away quick.

:happydance: for baby shower tonight! How exciting. :happydance: Can't wait to see the pics and see what lovely goodies you get for your little boy. :cloud9: xxx

yes they are, they come when baby is pushing down, and also when you are constipated as well, so i am hoping it is baby pushing down and getting ready.

do you think you will give in and test today ? xx
so sorry you have piles britt,totally horrendous!things us women put up with eh?but all so worth it in the end.

i so hope all has gone well this afternoon ebs and i think you should:test: lol,sorry not trying to be pushy or anything!!(honest):blush:

hi jeffsar hope ur not to sleep deprived:hugs:

:hi:erin,hope all is well with you

think i mite have to phone hospital,i'm not the most patient of people to start with lol but this is doing my head in...sw is going well i think lots of yummy food,i like cooking nice yummy stuff so enjoying it so far,i could kick myself cos all that weight i lost with ww has piled back on :dohh:

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