gea- If you get another one, get one from Psychic Star on ebay
ebs and mamadonna- I understand how frustrating that would be.. we're all hoping for your BFP's ASAP!

jeffsar- that's what I'm figuring will happen for us too.. if one's not awake, the other will be! I'm sure we'll be exhausted! even more so than just having one! eex!
britt- it all sounds like good signs! TBH, I went to the docs on a Wednesday, she saw I was 3 cm dialated and 80% effaced, and she stripped my membranes for me, she said she didn't see me lasting til my appt on Friday morning, but to come in on Friday to be induced if I hadn't gone on my own yet... and I had to go to my appt on Friday morning. I didn't feel a thing afterwards though, just maybe a little cramping because being stripped kinda hurt! but nothing like you're experiencing.. FX'd that things will get stronger for you! We need one last bump picture though!
AFM- I had my appt this morning and things still look good.. I'm up 25 lbs, which is only 1 lb more than 2 weeks ago, so that makes me feel a little better, but I have been eating better lately too, so hopefully I can keep the weight under control! I also didn't have any swelling this morning, so maybe my water retention was gone.
Here are my 32 week bump pics
Here's 30 weeks to compare:
and my 32 weekers: