Hi girls! Sorry I've been MIA!
Hi Britt! Glad to hear all is well, can't wait til you get your computer up and running so we can see a pic of Freddy!
ebs- Yay! Close to ov!! Hopefully it comes sooner for you this cycle than last cycle! FX'd!!
jeffsar- Glad to hear things are still good with the boys
mama- How are you doing? What date is your appt again?
AFM- I've been to the dentist this morning... Had to have 2 of my fillings fixed because he left a gap between the teeth the last time that food was getting stuck in, so he redid those two, and then I had a tooth that had had a root canal that had a chip in the tooth, so that needed repaired as well... well the first set of shots to numb me didn't do the trick, so he gave me about 6 shots of novacaine total..... my whole mouth is still numb almost 4 hours later

I am starving!

And I have the hugest headache/jawache ever from all those shots!

I just want to sleep!
I had my checkup with my doctor this morning, and all is well, she tried to feel for the baby's position, but said she was being tricky, that it felt like she was head down, but since I had that ultrasound when I was 31 weeks and she was head up she found it hard to tell, so she might book me in for a real ultrasound to see if she's still breech or not. I think she might wait to do that as it gets closer, because she still has time to turn in there.
I've gained 27 lbs now so far.. still trying to keep an eye on it... I guess today might help with that situation since I can't eat anything because my whole entire mouth is numb!
Here are my bump pics:
One from 32 weeks:
34 weeks: