hi girls!! Hope all is well!
Britt- Freddy is soooo adorable!! love those pictures! Glad to hear he's a pretty good sleeper also!!

It takes awhile to get into a routine.. I'm nervous for having to get into a routine with 2! We've already got Lexi in one, so hopefully Lilah will easily adapt to her routine
jeffsar- oh those boys... so cute! Love the pictures! Do you guys celebrate Halloween over there? Monday is our Halloween, and Lexi will be dressed as a strawberry.. last year we had her in a fairy costume, and it was so cold out that we had to put a lot of layers on under the dress and it just didn't do it justice, ruined the whole outfit, so this year I got her a nice warm costume

Which is good because yesterday we had our first sighting of snow flurries for the year!

So I will have to work Monday during the day, and then they are having the parade and trick or treating afterwards in the evening. I'll try to post a picture of Lexi after Halloween!
ebs- WOW! So proud of you for being stress-free this cycle! FX'd for a good outcome! Try to hold off til 10 dpo to test.. eeeex! You must be getting the itch by now..
mama- op is getting closer.. just like my due date! yikes! It will be here before we know it! I can't wait til it's over with for you so you can get back on the road to TTC!
Well, heartburn/acid reflux is still terrible. insane. I hate it. I get it the moment I wake up in the morning.
Last week I had a quick scan at work to see if Lilah was still breech, and she was.. Scares me, because I don't want a c-section unless it's an emergency! But yesterday my belly just felt different, and I wasn't feeling the buldge of a complete circle that I could cup my hand around, instead, this bulge was more oval and oblong.. so I thought maybeeee it was her butt.. so I just stuck the ultrasound on myself (I don't know what I'm doing so I couldn't tell very good) but I did it down low, and I KNOW it was her head. So looks as if she's head down now! I just hope she stays that way!! FX'd!
Other than that, nothing new to report here! Renovations are still coming along in the basement.. we've begun painting finally though, looks like they might be here one more week or so, and then we will have the carpet installed and it will be finished.. We will move our bedroom down there after Lilah outgrows her bassinet, and then get her nursery set up in what is our bedroom now. It will be a pain, and I kinda wish it could just be done, but I don't want to leave Lexi to be the only one upstairs when we're having Lilah sleep in her bassinet in our bedroom with us downstairs.. plus the kitchen is upstairs so it would be another pain to have to go get the bottle every two hours.. haha, at least by 3 months she's more likely to be sleeping better through the night where we might only have to get up once to come up the stairs..
I'm starting to feel antsy and that I still have a lot to get done.. This weekend we are painting in the basement some more, and we HAVE to go through Lexi's 0-3 month clothes and wash those and put them away for Lilah.. just in case, so we're a little bit more ready!