Right gonna do a catch up, just realised I have to go back to June 29th!!!
This may take some time
Kelzyboo Hi, so sorry its taken me so long to say hi! I'm so sorry that you lost Evan, I've seen his pictures he's truly beautiful
How's the driving going?
I'll add you on facebook if thats ok?
Pleased the appointment was ok, if you get a good counsellor it can help xxx
Mummymarsh Thanks for sharing your stories about your family, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum and her being unwell, it really must have difficult for you all. Also sorry to hear about your uncle its so difficult when someone in the family is schizophrenic, I really feel for you.
Just read what you put about dragging husbands to bed and shagging life out of them, well my DH is 47 if I did that to him I probably would shag the life out of him literally
I saw your pictures from Sunday, I'm sure Charlie loved his balloon and candles.
I'm so sorry for the way your doctor treated you
How's your dog?
Congratulations on the Anniversary, 15 years on the 20th for us!
Mellybelle Thats great that you did the walk
I love 'Midge'.
It must be difficult doing the work you do.
Love the pictures of the kids on the beach, I don't do hot weather or beaches!!!
Jo You may answer this in a few pages, but hows the AF going?
Hope you enjoyed your day off. Sounds like your pub lunch was good
My advice for the sex drive is buy some good stuff from Mummymarsh and go for it
Is Leo still waving, clever boy x
The shifts sound a nightmare. But are you still enjoying the job?
Would love to meet up, will check my diary and text you x
Lots of love to Leo, can't wait to see his teeth
Tasha We're all glad we've got you
Your complaints disappeared?
Naughty Sarah is feeling much better Tasha, as I'm sure you know after our phone call tonight.
Gosh Tash just read about the bleeding, you never said anything on the phone. I'm so sorry
Northern, me
Stop spamming!
I share everything, including biccies!
Hannpin I don't think age gaps matter too much, my boys are almost 22, 12 and 10 so varied age gaps there.
Hope the camping trip was good?
How lovely writing Charlie's name in the sand.
Love the bike x
When you asked the training hadn't finished, there was still 30 more mins!!!
I really hope AF isn't on her way
SJ Nipping in to say hi while in Greece, technology eh? lol
I'm so sorry you've been upset, but pleased for your friend, Martha is a lovely name.
Hope everything is ok with your job.
Love the pebble idea.
You're bullying me now about my accent
I was on the phone to Tash, thats where I was!
Love my husband to bits, he's my best friend, my rock, the person I want to grow old with. But come on he's 47, yes I find him attractive, but phoar might be pushing it
Nice pics of other peoples DHs by the way.
I mention Archie on FB, but try not to too much.
I want to hear everybodies voice too, at least I sound like I'm from Emmerdale and not the film Kes which is how most people I went to school with sound
My god you're talking about planet of the apes now
Gosh catching up on all that was like doing a marathon!
Off now to dream, hope they're not weird ones, is it catching?