Rape Culture - What do you think?

Every person who passed around that photo has blood on their hands too :(

THiS! This is such evidence of rape culture. In what universe do high school students - and WOMEN! nonetheless - think passing around a photo of someone being raped is acceptable? In what world is texting a girl that she's a slut when she's been violently sexually assaulted? Honestly, that's not okay even if the act was voluntary, but we are talking about a young woman who was RAPED.

Sorry for all the caps, our society just horrifies me sometimes.
I struggle with anonoymous. I want to support them, but i also feel that what they do sometimes is wrong?

I guess i'm an idiot who still tries to keep faith in the system.
They seem a bit dodgy in some areas, true. But I think Anonymous is a pretty loose term for loads of different people who act in its name, like Al Qaeda.

I think for areas of the law which are as neglected as rape, something revolutionary is needed, and it seems it was the only way the Steubenville case came to anyone's attention.

The sex crime unit in Southwark, London, which tried to improve its statistics by encouraging women to drop rape accusations is just one symptom of a massive global problem: https://www.channel4.com/news/sapphire-sex-crime-unit-guilty-of-shocking-failings
Thank you sharing Rehtaeh's story Tiff. It is so sad, she was just a child and her life was destroyed and now her parents life is ruined too :nope:

Piper, that story is horrifying.

I was sexually abused and raped from a very young age until well into my teens and I have never told anyone in my family (aside from my husband) nor gone to the police or anything, for that reason. The idea that I wont be believe scares me.
Thank you sharing Rehtaeh's story Tiff. It is so sad, she was just a child and her life was destroyed and now her parents life is ruined too :nope:

Piper, that story is horrifying.

I was sexually abused and raped from a very young age until well into my teens and I have never told anyone in my family (aside from my husband) nor gone to the police or anything, for that reason. The idea that I wont be believe scares me.

I'm so sorry for what happened to you.
I struggle with anonoymous. I want to support them, but i also feel that what they do sometimes is wrong?

I guess i'm an idiot who still tries to keep faith in the system.
They seem a bit dodgy in some areas, true. But I think Anonymous is a pretty loose term for loads of different people who act in its name, like Al Qaeda.

I think for areas of the law which are as neglected as rape, something revolutionary is needed, and it seems it was the only way the Steubenville case came to anyone's attention.

The sex crime unit in Southwark, London, which tried to improve its statistics by encouraging women to drop rape accusations is just one symptom of a massive global problem: https://www.channel4.com/news/sapphire-sex-crime-unit-guilty-of-shocking-failings

I do agree actually.
With "rape culture" you are right a revolutionary change is needed.
Thank you sharing Rehtaeh's story Tiff. It is so sad, she was just a child and her life was destroyed and now her parents life is ruined too :nope:

Piper, that story is horrifying.

I was sexually abused and raped from a very young age until well into my teens and I have never told anyone in my family (aside from my husband) nor gone to the police or anything, for that reason. The idea that I wont be believe scares me.
That's horrific :(

I think and hope that there is a shift in attitudes happening in the UK at the moment thanks to recent developments in the news. Too many vulnerable people have not been believed and completely exploited by those with power over them.
What frightens me - at least in the US - is that culture does not appear to be shifting.

These terrible things happen and everyone goes, "Oh, so sad" and then moves on. Rape culture is hugely prevelent in the US today, especially in highschool and college/university. We need to talk about it. And not just in the way of "Girls, don't wear short skirts and walk down dark alley ways byt yourself". We need a real conversation and men need to step up and take responsibility in ensuring the safety of our communities. It shouldn't just be up to women.
What frightens me - at least in the US - is that culture does not appear to be shifting.

These terrible things happen and everyone goes, "Oh, so sad" and then moves on. Rape culture is hugely prevelent in the US today, especially in highschool and college/university. We need to talk about it. And not just in the way of "Girls, don't wear short skirts and walk down dark alley ways byt yourself". We need a real conversation and men need to step up and take responsibility in ensuring the safety of our communities. It shouldn't just be up to women.

I'm sick of hearing "ways to avoid rape" like rape alarms etc. how about teaching how to NOT EFFIN rape!

I do try keep up with US news and you are right, these stories are more and more common.
What frightens me - at least in the US - is that culture does not appear to be shifting.

These terrible things happen and everyone goes, "Oh, so sad" and then moves on. Rape culture is hugely prevelent in the US today, especially in highschool and college/university. We need to talk about it. And not just in the way of "Girls, don't wear short skirts and walk down dark alley ways byt yourself". We need a real conversation and men need to step up and take responsibility in ensuring the safety of our communities. It shouldn't just be up to women.

I'm sick of hearing "ways to avoid rape" like rape alarms etc. how about teaching how to NOT EFFIN rape!

I do try keep up with US news and you are right, these stories are more and more common.

It's frustrating. Rape is the only crime in which the victim is constantly blamed.

If someone breaks into your house, you never hear, "Oh, well, that's really your fault since you didn't have an alarm system". If someone gets hit by a drunk driver, no one says, "What a pity, but you really shouldn't have been driving in that part of town on Saturday night".
What frightens me - at least in the US - is that culture does not appear to be shifting.

These terrible things happen and everyone goes, "Oh, so sad" and then moves on. Rape culture is hugely prevelent in the US today, especially in highschool and college/university. We need to talk about it. And not just in the way of "Girls, don't wear short skirts and walk down dark alley ways byt yourself". We need a real conversation and men need to step up and take responsibility in ensuring the safety of our communities. It shouldn't just be up to women.

I'm sick of hearing "ways to avoid rape" like rape alarms etc. how about teaching how to NOT EFFIN rape!

I do try keep up with US news and you are right, these stories are more and more common.

It's frustrating. Rape is the only crime in which the victim is constantly blamed.

If someone breaks into your house, you never hear, "Oh, well, that's really your fault since you didn't have an alarm system". If someone gets hit by a drunk driver, no one says, "What a pity, but you really shouldn't have been driving in that part of town on Saturday night".

And we (English/Americans/Westernised counties) think we are so more forward thinking that places like Africa? Nope nope nope!
Yeah, it's a world wide problem I believe. But, I do think some countries here in Africa have higher statistics than some Western countries. Which isn't acceptable at all.

I agree with the fact that the ROOT of the problem must be uncovered and corrected. I do believe alot of it has to do with moral decline. Children have too many rights and demands these days, and aren't taught responsibility, compassion and distuingishing between right and wrong. But how to fix this?

So yes, first and foremost, people should be taught to never, ever hurt another human being in that way. But, while the problem IS what it is, I WILL teach my children how to be as safe as possible. There was a horrific case a few months ago here in South Africa, amongst one of those gang initiation cultures, where a 17-year old was violently gang raped and basically cut up alive and mutilated, and then left for dead. She didn't make it despite the doctors best efforts. Fortunately she was able to name one of her attackers. It was her ex-boyfriend. Anyway, what bothered me about this case, was that she was only 17, and hasn't been in school for 3 years! Her foster mom took her out, and she was working odd jobs here and there. The night of the attack, she was walking home from a party at 3am. What 17-year old is allowed to leave school at 14, start working and then allowed to go to a party until 3am???? I just simply cannot fathom allowing my daughter any of that. I can't help but partly put some of the blame on the foster mom's shoulders. The teenager didn't deserve that ending to an already very hard life. :nope: :cry: The foster mom really did care about the child. She raised her from age 3, and loved her like a daughter. And they lived in a very quiet, peaceful town. But still.
Blue, that is so sad. While I don't think women should ever, ever be blamed for rape I do think it's important that we don't do things that will very obviously put us in harm's way. Coming home from a party at 3am at 17?! That's really not appropriate, ever.

I feel like such an older lady saying this, but I do agree with the moral decline in the younger generation, of which I actually include my own (I'm 29). I wonder what the solution is. Obviously it has to start at home, but I think we need a huge cultural shift in what we value.
Yeah, it's a world wide problem I believe. But, I do think some countries here in Africa have higher statistics than some Western countries. Which isn't acceptable at all.

I agree with the fact that the ROOT of the problem must be uncovered and corrected. I do believe alot of it has to do with moral decline. Children have too many rights and demands these days, and aren't taught responsibility, compassion and distuingishing between right and wrong. But how to fix this?

So yes, first and foremost, people should be taught to never, ever hurt another human being in that way. But, while the problem IS what it is, I WILL teach my children how to be as safe as possible. There was a horrific case a few months ago here in South Africa, amongst one of those gang initiation cultures, where a 17-year old was violently gang raped and basically cut up alive and mutilated, and then left for dead. She didn't make it despite the doctors best efforts. Fortunately she was able to name one of her attackers. It was her ex-boyfriend. Anyway, what bothered me about this case, was that she was only 17, and hasn't been in school for 3 years! Her foster mom took her out, and she was working odd jobs here and there. The night of the attack, she was walking home from a party at 3am. What 17-year old is allowed to leave school at 14, start working and then allowed to go to a party until 3am???? I just simply cannot fathom allowing my daughter any of that. I can't help but partly put some of the blame on the foster mom's shoulders. The teenager didn't deserve that ending to an already very hard life. :nope: :cry: The foster mom really did care about the child. She raised her from age 3, and loved her like a daughter. And they lived in a very quiet, peaceful town. But still.
Rape has been a problem since time began. It's a way of taking ownership of someone else's body in the most denigrating way. There are countless biblical references to rape as a way to "humble" women. Eve herself was tempted by a "serpent" offering her "knowledge". You can intepret that how you like, but she is definitely blamed for the ills of the world, painful childbirth, etc.

A few biblical examples of rape:

"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB

"Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives [plural] while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."
2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB

"Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man." Judges 19:24 NAB

I don't think it's helpful to try and find the root of the problem in a recent phenomenon of a decline in morals, firstly because the root of the problem has existed for thousands of years and secondly seeing as that is also an argument used to blame rape victims, that they are somehow dressed immorally or asking for it with their unladylike behaviour.
Yeah, it's a world wide problem I believe. But, I do think some countries here in Africa have higher statistics than some Western countries. Which isn't acceptable at all.

I agree with the fact that the ROOT of the problem must be uncovered and corrected. I do believe alot of it has to do with moral decline. Children have too many rights and demands these days, and aren't taught responsibility, compassion and distuingishing between right and wrong. But how to fix this?

So yes, first and foremost, people should be taught to never, ever hurt another human being in that way. But, while the problem IS what it is, I WILL teach my children how to be as safe as possible. There was a horrific case a few months ago here in South Africa, amongst one of those gang initiation cultures, where a 17-year old was violently gang raped and basically cut up alive and mutilated, and then left for dead. She didn't make it despite the doctors best efforts. Fortunately she was able to name one of her attackers. It was her ex-boyfriend. Anyway, what bothered me about this case, was that she was only 17, and hasn't been in school for 3 years! Her foster mom took her out, and she was working odd jobs here and there. The night of the attack, she was walking home from a party at 3am. What 17-year old is allowed to leave school at 14, start working and then allowed to go to a party until 3am???? I just simply cannot fathom allowing my daughter any of that. I can't help but partly put some of the blame on the foster mom's shoulders. The teenager didn't deserve that ending to an already very hard life. :nope: :cry: The foster mom really did care about the child. She raised her from age 3, and loved her like a daughter. And they lived in a very quiet, peaceful town. But still.
Rape has been a problem since time began. It's a way of taking ownership of someone else's body in the most denigrating way. There are countless biblical references to rape as a way to "humble" women. Eve herself was tempted by a "serpent" offering her "knowledge". You can intepret that how you like, but she is definitely blamed for the ills of the world, painful childbirth, etc.

A few biblical examples of rape:

"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB

"Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives [plural] while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."
2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB

"Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man." Judges 19:24 NAB

I don't think it's helpful to try and find the root of the problem in a recent phenomenon of a decline in morals, firstly because the root of the problem has existed for thousands of years and secondly seeing as that is also an argument used to blame rape victims, that they are somehow dressed immorally or asking for it with their unladylike behaviour.

I agree with everything you've said, but I think "rape culture" is a relatively new phenomenon. Rape obviously isn't. Many of the cases cited in this thread of young women being gang raped and classmates making light of the situation isn't something I've really seen in the past.
Theres another one just hit the news. California i think. She hung herself too. After photos of her being sexually assaulted whilst unconscious where passed around the internet.
Yeah, it's a world wide problem I believe. But, I do think some countries here in Africa have higher statistics than some Western countries. Which isn't acceptable at all.

I agree with the fact that the ROOT of the problem must be uncovered and corrected. I do believe alot of it has to do with moral decline. Children have too many rights and demands these days, and aren't taught responsibility, compassion and distuingishing between right and wrong. But how to fix this?

So yes, first and foremost, people should be taught to never, ever hurt another human being in that way. But, while the problem IS what it is, I WILL teach my children how to be as safe as possible. There was a horrific case a few months ago here in South Africa, amongst one of those gang initiation cultures, where a 17-year old was violently gang raped and basically cut up alive and mutilated, and then left for dead. She didn't make it despite the doctors best efforts. Fortunately she was able to name one of her attackers. It was her ex-boyfriend. Anyway, what bothered me about this case, was that she was only 17, and hasn't been in school for 3 years! Her foster mom took her out, and she was working odd jobs here and there. The night of the attack, she was walking home from a party at 3am. What 17-year old is allowed to leave school at 14, start working and then allowed to go to a party until 3am???? I just simply cannot fathom allowing my daughter any of that. I can't help but partly put some of the blame on the foster mom's shoulders. The teenager didn't deserve that ending to an already very hard life. :nope: :cry: The foster mom really did care about the child. She raised her from age 3, and loved her like a daughter. And they lived in a very quiet, peaceful town. But still.
Rape has been a problem since time began. It's a way of taking ownership of someone else's body in the most denigrating way. There are countless biblical references to rape as a way to "humble" women. Eve herself was tempted by a "serpent" offering her "knowledge". You can intepret that how you like, but she is definitely blamed for the ills of the world, painful childbirth, etc.

A few biblical examples of rape:

"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB

"Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives [plural] while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."
2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB

"Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man." Judges 19:24 NAB

I don't think it's helpful to try and find the root of the problem in a recent phenomenon of a decline in morals, firstly because the root of the problem has existed for thousands of years and secondly seeing as that is also an argument used to blame rape victims, that they are somehow dressed immorally or asking for it with their unladylike behaviour.

I agree with everything you've said, but I think "rape culture" is a relatively new phenomenon. Rape obviously isn't. Many of the cases cited in this thread of young women being gang raped and classmates making light of the situation isn't something I've really seen in the past.
It depends how you define "rape culture" - I think it's victim-blaming, savage cross-examining of victims in court, the resulting low levels of reporting the crime. Some people have always sniggered behind their hands at rape victims and called them sluts, but it's only now that we have social media to document it all. That is bringing a lot of it to light, which in a sad way is a good thing.
Yeah, it's a world wide problem I believe. But, I do think some countries here in Africa have higher statistics than some Western countries. Which isn't acceptable at all.

I agree with the fact that the ROOT of the problem must be uncovered and corrected. I do believe alot of it has to do with moral decline. Children have too many rights and demands these days, and aren't taught responsibility, compassion and distuingishing between right and wrong. But how to fix this?

So yes, first and foremost, people should be taught to never, ever hurt another human being in that way. But, while the problem IS what it is, I WILL teach my children how to be as safe as possible. There was a horrific case a few months ago here in South Africa, amongst one of those gang initiation cultures, where a 17-year old was violently gang raped and basically cut up alive and mutilated, and then left for dead. She didn't make it despite the doctors best efforts. Fortunately she was able to name one of her attackers. It was her ex-boyfriend. Anyway, what bothered me about this case, was that she was only 17, and hasn't been in school for 3 years! Her foster mom took her out, and she was working odd jobs here and there. The night of the attack, she was walking home from a party at 3am. What 17-year old is allowed to leave school at 14, start working and then allowed to go to a party until 3am???? I just simply cannot fathom allowing my daughter any of that. I can't help but partly put some of the blame on the foster mom's shoulders. The teenager didn't deserve that ending to an already very hard life. :nope: :cry: The foster mom really did care about the child. She raised her from age 3, and loved her like a daughter. And they lived in a very quiet, peaceful town. But still.
Rape has been a problem since time began. It's a way of taking ownership of someone else's body in the most denigrating way. There are countless biblical references to rape as a way to "humble" women. Eve herself was tempted by a "serpent" offering her "knowledge". You can intepret that how you like, but she is definitely blamed for the ills of the world, painful childbirth, etc.

A few biblical examples of rape:

"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB

"Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives [plural] while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die."
2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB

"Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man." Judges 19:24 NAB

I don't think it's helpful to try and find the root of the problem in a recent phenomenon of a decline in morals, firstly because the root of the problem has existed for thousands of years and secondly seeing as that is also an argument used to blame rape victims, that they are somehow dressed immorally or asking for it with their unladylike behaviour.

I agree with everything you've said, but I think "rape culture" is a relatively new phenomenon. Rape obviously isn't. Many of the cases cited in this thread of young women being gang raped and classmates making light of the situation isn't something I've really seen in the past.
It depends how you define "rape culture" - I think it's victim-blaming, savage cross-examining of victims in court, the resulting low levels of reporting the crime. Some people have always sniggered behind their hands at rape victims and called them sluts, but it's only now that we have social media to document it all. That is bringing a lot of it to light, which in a sad way is a good thing.

Fair enough, that is a good point. Perhaps social media has simply made us more aware. Regardless of where it originated, I think we can both agree that it's a huge issue.
Theres another one just hit the news. California i think. She hung herself too. After photos of her being sexually assaulted whilst unconscious where passed around the internet.
Christ. Have you got a link?
Yeah, it's a world wide problem I believe. But, I do think some countries here in Africa have higher statistics than some Western countries. Which isn't acceptable at all.

I agree with the fact that the ROOT of the problem must be uncovered and corrected. I do believe alot of it has to do with moral decline. Children have too many rights and demands these days, and aren't taught responsibility, compassion and distuingishing between right and wrong. But how to fix this?

So yes, first and foremost, people should be taught to never, ever hurt another human being in that way. But, while the problem IS what it is, I WILL teach my children how to be as safe as possible. There was a horrific case a few months ago here in South Africa, amongst one of those gang initiation cultures, where a 17-year old was violently gang raped and basically cut up alive and mutilated, and then left for dead. She didn't make it despite the doctors best efforts. Fortunately she was able to name one of her attackers. It was her ex-boyfriend. Anyway, what bothered me about this case, was that she was only 17, and hasn't been in school for 3 years! Her foster mom took her out, and she was working odd jobs here and there. The night of the attack, she was walking home from a party at 3am. What 17-year old is allowed to leave school at 14, start working and then allowed to go to a party until 3am???? I just simply cannot fathom allowing my daughter any of that. I can't help but partly put some of the blame on the foster mom's shoulders. The teenager didn't deserve that ending to an already very hard life. :nope: :cry: The foster mom really did care about the child. She raised her from age 3, and loved her like a daughter. And they lived in a very quiet, peaceful town. But still.

If it was her ex-boyfriend, sounds like it was planned, not just opportunistic. Even if her foster mum only allows her to go to the library, he'll find her there, so no one deserves to be blamed for the rape but the attackers.

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