yay hayley thats brilliant about the clomid!

i know this sounds a bit thick but what does clomid actually do? does it make you ovulate?
Lisa ive got a good feeling about this month for you! Really hope that was implantation and that you have a sticky beany in there
Erin, i totally know the feeling of wanting more time off work!! I used to work at a nursing home and near the end, i hated it so much that some mornings i wished i would get hit by a car, just a little bit lol not enough to break anything, so i could stay at home for a few days

even when you have a job you like, having a break from it is awesome.
well im feeling a lot better today! mouth is still sore but the blisters on my hands arent so bad, and i dont
feel ill any more. So i will be venturing back to work on wednesday. i really dont want to because i dont want to spread this around but apparently it can be contagious for weeks and i cant even afford to have one shift off a week, let alone an extended period of time. I am verging on obsessive when it comes to handwashing and hygiene lol so hopefully that will be enough to stop it spreading around.
As for the tww.... well, i am kinda freefalling this month too. thats what i did when ttc jack and it worked! i know that i will be ovulating this weekend sometime so the plan is to make an effort to BD when im not at work - tonight, thursday night, saturday and sunday night and hopefully that will be enough.
OOOOOH exciting news girls!! our new sofa is ready to be delivered!! we bought it with the money we got at the wedding, i couldnt believe how generous people were, we got over £800 from everyone on top of a load of presents too! :O so we bought ourselves the Rolls Royce of sofa's with it, ive never ever sat on something so comfy in my life!! its ready to be delivered whenever but we still havent finished painting and we havent got our new carpet down either, so tonight and thursday night will be spent painting and hopefully we can find someone to help us lay the carpet. My dad has all the tools and said he would help us but he is in the process of moving house and he has so much to do, i just dont want to add to his workload. Looking into how much it costs to have a professional fitter come.
anyway, i have attached a pic of my sofa because its fecking amazing and i want to show it off hehe he he.
ETA: if any of you girls want to add me on facebook, its Imogen O'Reilly (plymouth network)