remember remember my bfp this november!

its definate didnt work for us this time .... i am so much pain, its horrible.... not even due her til next sunday, got a week of tummy ache to put up with before sheis even bodyis so mean to me.... this is the norm for me though, lots of painkillers, and a healthy diet...gonna try to shift the 8lbs i gained since losing Jarrod, give my mind something else to focus on...lots of tears for me yesterday and today, cant seem to contain myself.... i cant say its not fair..cos i hae 6 healthy , beautiful children and a grandchild on the way.... but my hearts broken, and i dont feel like it will ever mend....
dont think we will be trying again... but i will stick around and see how you girls get on with your ttc ing..
lotsa love for now....

i wont be in every day i dont expect, dont forget bout me..hahaha..
laura :hugs: i am so sorry you are feeling so disheartened. We're all here for you if you need us okay?

i think i have sodding hand foot and mouth disease! came up with little blisters on my hands yesterday and now i have a couple in my mouth... urgh... i hope it doesnt get much worse.

hows everyone doing today? :hugs:
Hi girls!

Well, vacation is over, so it's back to work for me today. :nope:

I'm almost in the TWW....not sure when I'm going to O as I'm not really temping or doing OPKs, but I'm still checking CP, so according to that it should be very soon!

Sorry you are feeling down Laura... I agree with Bexx in having a memorial. I work really closely with death and's a good way of closure. And like her, I don't know what it's like, as it has never happened to me. Good luck girl.

Alright, off to get ready for work. Check up on you all later!
Aww Loobi :hugs: know that we're all here for you chick, whenever you need us. Take care sweetie:hugs: fellow me a favour babe and next time I say I'm going to freefall tell me NOT to be so silly!:rofl: I haven't got a clue where I am:dohh: my nipples have been so sore for the last 3days now, had bad heartburn yesterday and it woke me last night as well.....i was thinking maybe I'd O earlier this month and then today around lunchtime I had some very light yellow ewcm and the tiniest speck of blood.....what the heck is going on??!?....hopefully there won't be a next cycle but if there is I'm proud to say that my thermometer keeps me sane.....well kinda:dohh::rofl: you feeling babe....hope it's not hand, foot and mouth:hugs: How's Jack now?
Jenny~How's your Monday been? Getting close to test day now.....any signs???? you getting on with those opks hun...have you had a negative one now? Not long til lil Rylee will be coming home is it? Are you all ready for her?

Well lovelys, it's time to go and drown my pickle in the tub and hubby wants his mobi back:hissy: Can't wait til friday.....when I can get onto pcworld's case! :winkwink:
Heaps of love to all and truck loads of :hugs: and :dust: to go with it :kiss:
welshrose i got a negative opk in the end, i was being rather impatient so i'm now officially in my 1st proper two week wait :happydance: ff put me at 4po but i think i'm only 3dpo :shrug: but i'll go with the 4dpo so i can poas sooner :rofl:

i have my first appointment with the fs tomorrow morning so i will let you all know how it goes at lunchtime, feeling a tinsy bit nervous!

welshrose do you think it may have been implantation you noticed the other day? when are you due to test? sooo exciting :happydance:

i miss loobi already :cry: i hope she is ok xxxxx
WelshRose....sounds like possible implantation! I'll keep my FX'd for ya....I am thinking I will O either today or tomorrow.....good luck!

I am so pissed off. This one guy I work with had asked me if we were trying to have kids like maybe a month ago, and jokingly I said maybe maybe not, but I have NEVER mentioned this to anyone today I went to go ask my boss something and she was in another room talking to one of my female co-workers.....who I DEFINITELY have not said anything to.....she obviously didn't know I was standing in the doorway because she was talking to my boss and said "Oh and she (referring to me) is trying to get pregnant, so that means she's not going to be here much longer" I was so pissed.......and you could tell that my boss and the other guy in the room were trying to get her to stop talking. Wow, I just can't believe some people.....:growlmad: I mean's none of her business in the first place, and even if I am that shouldn't be a factor in what projects I'm given at work and how I progress in my career. It was almost like....why are you going to train her for something she won't be here to do in like a year......

Sorry, had to rant and my keyboard is my punching bag right now......
I guess I just have a case of the Monday's!:haha:
aww hun....I can smell the smoke coming from them keys all the way over the pond:hugs::winkwink:
Did you say anything to her? Some people are so rude babe and insensitive....just ignore it :hugs:
Yay for O thou sweets, really hope we all catch the eggies this month. How have you found a cycle without opks?
I so hope that you and bumbleb are right in that it could be implantation. It was only a little bit of ewcm....would probably of never of seen either the ewcm or speck of blood if i hadn't checked my cp. Checked again this evening and i have no cm, it was, sorry tmi, dry earlier except right at my cervix.....can't wait to test now, i'm sure i'm not more than 5dpo thou so will probably test next sunday/monday....god that's not that far away!:shock:
Good luck Hayley hun, will be thinking of you and will check in to see how you got on.
Right then peeps, just incase it's o I must drag that dear hubby of mine up the stairs:winkwink:

Catch you all tomorrow, sweetdreams :kiss::kiss:
aww hun....I can smell the smoke coming from them keys all the way over the pond:hugs::winkwink:
Did you say anything to her? Some people are so rude babe and insensitive....just ignore it :hugs:
Yay for O thou sweets, really hope we all catch the eggies this month. How have you found a cycle without opks?
I so hope that you and bumbleb are right in that it could be implantation. It was only a little bit of ewcm....would probably of never of seen either the ewcm or speck of blood if i hadn't checked my cp. Checked again this evening and i have no cm, it was, sorry tmi, dry earlier except right at my cervix.....can't wait to test now, i'm sure i'm not more than 5dpo thou so will probably test next sunday/monday....god that's not that far away!:shock:
Good luck Hayley hun, will be thinking of you and will check in to see how you got on.
Right then peeps, just incase it's o I must drag that dear hubby of mine up the stairs:winkwink:

Catch you all tomorrow, sweetdreams :kiss::kiss:
goodness me lisa i had no idea you were so far into your 2ww!! eee i am so excited for you, it certainly sounds like implantation!

Erin, thats bloody awful!! its disgusting how women are treated at work when the issue of pregnancy comes up. one of my close friends was basically forced out of her job when she was pregnant, they kept finding reasons to give her warnings and stuff and she even actually overheard her boss talking to one of the supervisors saying she had to get rid of her soon because she didnt want to have to pay her maternity pay!! bloody awful. I think you should confront that lady, it is unacceptable to go spouting off like that. its none of her business!!!

well i definitely have hand foot and mouth disease. starting to get blisters on my feet now and my mouth is so sore :( im so tired, too. work have told me im not to go in and im so frustrated about it. i mean, obviously i cant go in and infect everyone but i am skint, i am so overdrawn and i just cant afford to have any time off! I might see if i can get them to let me take this week off as holiday so i still get paid. my shift manager is an absolute star so i know he will do it if he can.

Oh, and because of this stupid illness DH and i probably wont get to have our date night next weekend :cry: unless i make a miraculously speedy recovery, that is. My dad said he would baby sit but only if i am well again. understandably he doesnt want to risk catching it!
oh no im_mi, i hope you get better soon, sounds nasty :hugs:

my kitchen finally gets plastered tomorrow so we emptied it all out last night & now my living room has a fridge in it! my new kitchen is lovely though, i will take some pics when it starts to resemble a kitchen again :happydance:

feel really nervous today, my appointment is at 9:50am, for some reason i thought it was 10:20am so it's half hour closer arghhhhhh!!!! i hope he doesn't want to inspect down below, i think thats what i'm afraid of, so stupid as he's seen it all before but OH MY GOD! :blush:

jlove i would be the same, thats so bad that they are talking behind your back but even worst that it's a very private subject, i would say something to them, hope you are feeling ok hun :hugs:

hope you all have a fab day, will check in with you all later xxx

loobi hope you are ok, sending you lots of :hugs:
Morning girls:hugs:
I hope it all goes ok Hayley, i can't imagine that they will examine hun....there's no physical reason to....probably be more a chat about your cycles and blood tests etc I would imagine....try not to worry hun:hugs: Let us know how you get on.

Im_mi....bless you:hugs: It sounds nasty, can the doc give you any meds for it? Are you nearing the tww babe? In all honesty I had no idea I was that far into the tww:dohh: having not charted or opk'ed this month. I have O day 13 in the past but usually its more day 15/16. Not even sure if implantation is possible at nipples have been so sore since saturday thou and I never usually get sore nipples just sore boobs...which aren't half as sore as normal:shrug:

Erin~how you feeling hun? I hope that silly woman didn't upset you too much yesterday:hugs:.......Are you feeling positive for the tww?!....hope so chick:hugs:

Jenny~hope your week is going by ok hun, missing you:hugs:

Bexx.....where have you gone....our lil goodluck charm?:hugs: Hope the ms isn't too bad hun, how are you feeling?

Loobi if you're reading hun, lots of :hugs: and love xx How's the new cross-stitch coming on by the way?

Right then girls I'll be back later to check in but for now upstairs tidying and ironing to do......heaps of love xxxxx
Hey girls! Yeah, WelshRose, totally feeling good for this TWW! I think I O'd last night, and we BD last night and the night before......not too sure about it though since I'm not using OPKs.....and actually it's been great not POAS every day! Freefalling is the way to go I think. I definitely couldn't temp, because i would forget! Anyway, once CP goes back to closed, I'll start the TWW....felt more closed this morning, but definitely higher than yesterday.....we'll just wait and see!

Yeah, that woman at work.....oh well what are you going to do about some people. Worst part is I have to ride 2 hours with the three of them today and I don't want to bring it up because it is none of anyone's business but my own. But if my work starts getting taken away, I'll definitely say something.....totally illegal to discriminate someone because they want to start a family. And if they ask......I'll tell them no, and to mind their own.

Alright, gotta get ready for work. I wish I was still on vacation. I'm actually hoping I get sick and HAVE to stay home, lol, isn't that terrible? But a second series of days off wouldn't be so bad.:thumbup:
Hey :wave:
Probably the best plan of attack Erin:hugs: As you say they're not allowed to take work away from you and saying something and making an issue at this stage in the game would just confirm their suspicions that you're ttc.
Glad you're feeling positive hun for the tww....freefalling is definately good if you can chill and not be constantly in the know as to what your body's up to.....something that would do me good to learn i think:dohh:'d you get on sweets....hope you're ok and you feel as thou you got something out of it:hugs:

Gosh it's quiet here today.....oh well off to do some more tidying before preparing a mid week roast.....catch you all later xxxx
Hey :wave:
Probably the best plan of attack Erin:hugs: As you say they're not allowed to take work away from you and saying something and making an issue at this stage in the game would just confirm their suspicions that you're ttc.
Glad you're feeling positive hun for the tww....freefalling is definately good if you can chill and not be constantly in the know as to what your body's up to.....something that would do me good to learn i think:dohh:'d you get on sweets....hope you're ok and you feel as thou you got something out of it:hugs:

Gosh it's quiet here today.....oh well off to do some more tidying before preparing a mid week roast.....catch you all later xxxx
went really well, he chatted for ages & then prescribed 6 months of clomid :happydance:

so happy, even if witch turns up next weekend at least i know i get a shot at a :bfp: again a few weeks later, such a weird feeling to know i could have a 28 day cycle :thumbup:
Aww Hayley hun, you've made my day:happydance: That's fantastic news.....hopefully the ol hag won't turn up at the weekend and you won't need it:hugs:
Think you're smile is infectious!:hugs: xx
yay hayley thats brilliant about the clomid! :wohoo: i know this sounds a bit thick but what does clomid actually do? does it make you ovulate?

Lisa ive got a good feeling about this month for you! Really hope that was implantation and that you have a sticky beany in there :hugs:

Erin, i totally know the feeling of wanting more time off work!! I used to work at a nursing home and near the end, i hated it so much that some mornings i wished i would get hit by a car, just a little bit lol not enough to break anything, so i could stay at home for a few days :rofl: even when you have a job you like, having a break from it is awesome.

well im feeling a lot better today! mouth is still sore but the blisters on my hands arent so bad, and i dont feel ill any more. So i will be venturing back to work on wednesday. i really dont want to because i dont want to spread this around but apparently it can be contagious for weeks and i cant even afford to have one shift off a week, let alone an extended period of time. I am verging on obsessive when it comes to handwashing and hygiene lol so hopefully that will be enough to stop it spreading around.

As for the tww.... well, i am kinda freefalling this month too. thats what i did when ttc jack and it worked! i know that i will be ovulating this weekend sometime so the plan is to make an effort to BD when im not at work - tonight, thursday night, saturday and sunday night and hopefully that will be enough.

OOOOOH exciting news girls!! our new sofa is ready to be delivered!! we bought it with the money we got at the wedding, i couldnt believe how generous people were, we got over £800 from everyone on top of a load of presents too! :O so we bought ourselves the Rolls Royce of sofa's with it, ive never ever sat on something so comfy in my life!! its ready to be delivered whenever but we still havent finished painting and we havent got our new carpet down either, so tonight and thursday night will be spent painting and hopefully we can find someone to help us lay the carpet. My dad has all the tools and said he would help us but he is in the process of moving house and he has so much to do, i just dont want to add to his workload. Looking into how much it costs to have a professional fitter come.

anyway, i have attached a pic of my sofa because its fecking amazing and i want to show it off hehe he he.

ETA: if any of you girls want to add me on facebook, its Imogen O'Reilly (plymouth network) :)


  • Florida cozy corner sofa.JPG
    Florida cozy corner sofa.JPG
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Lisa, I responded to your profile message. :) Sorry I haven't posted in here much, feel a bit like I'm waving my pg in everyone's faces if I appear too often lol. If I really do bring you good fortune though, then I'll gladly post away.

Imogen, they have that sofa at a nearby housewares store. I absolutely love it and grab a sneaky sit-down whenever we go in there. :D BTW, do you not get paid for having time off sick?

Hayley, so glad you've got the result you wanted from your visit. :happydance: Clomid seems to work wonders for many women, I hope it does for you too! :flower: I hate internals too BTW, kept putting off my smear for bloody ages lol. When I knew I was ready to start TTC, I realised I had to get it over and done with.

Erin, I'd keep a close eye on your co-workers attitude and make a diary of any inappropriate comments or adjustments to your workload. It's bad enough when someone already pregnant gets discriminated against, but when you're just trying... :growlmad: You really don't deserve to be made to feel uncomfortable at work because you want a family. Reading these forums, it's actually quite shocking to see how many employers think they can get away with it.

Laura, hope you're doing OK hun and hope to hear from you soon. :hugs:
aww bexx dont feel like that!! we're all really happy for you hun, you're not getting rid of us that easily :haha: and no, we dont get sick pay where i am. You do if you are salaried but its only the managers who are.

How are you feeling these days bexx? hope the first tri is treating you nicely :hugs:

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