mamabunny! :wave: I finally looked and found this forum!!
I love reading everyones stories! Just to update everyone on my situation- this is my 5th cycle ttc! our 2nd cycle doing SMEP, our first cycle of both dh and I taking supplements for fertility... they are from my Chiropractor, and all natural, food sourced supplement. I haven't been checking my Ovia app daily, and I really think that's helping me ease my mind! however I did look last night, and so today im on CD23 not sure of my dpo since I didn't do and opks this cycle... AF is expected Tuesday the 23rd.... I just recently went on vacation back to see some family and friends in Colorado, and while I was there, I just one day got this feeling "im pregnant"... well then I get into my head and tell myself "don't get too excited yet! its never going to happen, af always shows up!" ugh I hate her!!!! I have been soooo frickin tired tho! and im not sure if its just trying to catch up on sleep from my travels, or from being preggo... but the past 2 nights I have out cold, and don't even wake up in the middle of the night, which is totally not normal, I ALWAYS wake up at least once to pee! I have sore breasts, but that is very normal for me the week before AF shows, so since I have that, that totally puts so much doubt in my mind im not going to see a BFP.

but then there are other things that im like "i totally have to be" im just WAAY to in my head, and I hate that! idk how to get out and just let go and relax! last night I wanted to take a warm bath! so I did! and when I got out and went and sat on the couch I got a little dizzy, which is not normal for me! ... sooo I got a little excited, haha weird to get excited about being dizzy, but I went and found a due date calculator, and IF I were preg, it says I would have conceived on Dec 10, which we totally DTD then!! I also have been having a lot of thick and creamy discharge!!
so anyways, I feel like I just babbled on! but I keep going back and forth "i am" "no way im totally not" UGH! im really sick of this tww, and the whole ttc process in general! it is so stressful!!! JUST COME ON ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! so im a HUGE country music fan.... has anyone heard this new song by Garth Brooks, its called "mom" -- AH I love it! and its so sad!!