September 08 Mummies and Daddies Club

i didnt wana jinx things but sunday we put zane in his own room:cry: lets just say im still not ready haha.

well i didnt sleep well at all but zane slept from 9pm till 6.30am he hasnt slept thru in so long!

And he slept thru again last night (he had a crying fit for an hour due to a bad dream n he wasnt waking up but this ended at 10.30
again i didnt get much sleep i was too worried about him :dohh:

he went sleep around 8.30pm tonight so let see if this is another full night!

hows everyone else doing?

Aww sounds like Zane's doing well. We've got to start thinking about putting ems in her own room soon too :cry:

We're doing okay thanks. had a few grumpy sessions but i think a top tooth maybe cutting through. She's really taken to finger foods at the mo, she's always had them but she's just got quite efficient. Had a bit of a scary episode the other day though and all her sandwich was stuck to the top of her mouth and i had to scrape it out. That wasn't pleasant. Apart from that all good here :happydance:
zane woke up once last night so not too bad. im always having to scrap food out of zanes mouth he sticks everything and anything he can in there lol
I've just had a nursery nurse come round to do Elliot's 9 month DE check :) all went well. Got my book start bag and books too :)
Had Helena measured yesterday, she is 20.13 pounds and 29 1/4 inches long. (so 74 cm)
Does anyone else have a monster baby :rofl: She is gonna be taller than her grandma soon! :rofl:
zane was 59cm and birth so he was a very tall baby lol havent had him messured since he was 4 weeks at which point he was 62cm.

but hes a skinny mini i last had him weighed 4 weeks ago and he was 17lb 3oz then when he was ill lost weight so im gettin him weighed on thursday
i'm not sure how tall Ems is tbh not yet had check up. At birth she was 57 cm but this is clearly wrong as she was only 56 at 8 week check lol! Last week we weighed 17lbs 3oz aswell
i'm not sure how tall Ems is tbh not yet had check up. At birth she was 57 cm but this is clearly wrong as she was only 56 at 8 week check lol! Last week we weighed 17lbs 3oz aswell

my mil is a health visitor n she messured zane when he was 4 weeks and she said that all mw/hv messure differently some from head to back of foot n some from head to toe so unless its the same person u cant really tell for sure
Ellies is a dinky doo shes 17lb 1oz but shes so short im dying to get her in the bigger car seat facing forward im in for a really long wait shes so short and chubby bless her. Ive been having to stretch the arms and legs n her her clothes with my arm otherwise her clothes are to tight lol.
Aw they are all doing well!

i got Daisy weighed yesterday and she is 21lb 7oz! No idea how tall she is though, but she has always been quite long and she has been wearing 9-12 month clothes for a few weeks now!
Jacob is a MONSTER!!! :rofl: He is 20lbs and 6oz and 76cm long. Has to wear 12-18months in trousers other wise there too short!! I dont get it im 5ft 8 and kyle 5ft 11 so not huge but jacob will be MASSIVE!! XxX
Same Ema! Well Alfie is 28lb and 12-18month clothes, Im 5ft8 and his dad was around same height as your Kyle!!
me n oh r tiny lol im 5'6 and hes 5'9 ish lol im hoping zane takes after my mums side of the family as my mum is 6 foot and she was the shortest in her dads side of the family lol
Same Ema! Well Alfie is 28lb and 12-18month clothes, Im 5ft8 and his dad was around same height as your Kyle!!

What a great weight :) Jacob was gaining great then stopped gaining about 6 weeks ago. since then has put on 2oz! But he NEVER stays still even in his sleep :rofl: XxX
Is anyone else hating the fact that in 3months time we will have 1 year olds?!?! I was looking over pic's today and cant believe how fast it has gone!! I mean everytime i look its the middle of the month and jacob is 1 month older :shock: :cry: XxX
Ellies is a dinky doo shes 17lb 1oz but shes so short im dying to get her in the bigger car seat facing forward im in for a really long wait shes so short and chubby bless her. Ive been having to stretch the arms and legs n her her clothes with my arm otherwise her clothes are to tight lol.

and i thought there was only me that had to do that :rofl: Have to do it with her 3-6 month old sleepsuits, her 6-9 months are still too big so her feet come out the holes between the poppers :dohh:

We had a horrible night last night, really don't know what was going on with her but she just would not settle, constant crying etc. By 5am I'd had enough and she got in bed with us and she then slept like a baby *excuse the pun* still have no idea why she was like that, maybe teeth or too hot, or both :shrug: who knows
Jacob went thro a period of this. And what i did was settle him in bed with me and when he was asleep id move him. (i know pain) but eventually he learnt to sleep and settle in his cot and that i was still there when he wanted me xxX

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