Ellies is a dinky doo shes 17lb 1oz but shes so short im dying to get her in the bigger car seat facing forward im in for a really long wait shes so short and chubby bless her. Ive been having to stretch the arms and legs n her her clothes with my arm otherwise her clothes are to tight lol.
and i thought there was only me that had to do that
Have to do it with her 3-6 month old sleepsuits, her 6-9 months are still too big so her feet come out the holes between the poppers
We had a horrible night last night, really don't know what was going on with her but she just would not settle, constant crying etc. By 5am I'd had enough and she got in bed with us and she then slept like a baby *excuse the pun* still have no idea why she was like that, maybe teeth or too hot, or both
who knows