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September 08 Mummies and Daddies Club

Ooh girls your making me all sad too thinking back. I really can't beleive it's been nearly a year. Isn't it funny how it's probbaly one of the longest years of your life (lack of sleep, being off work etc etc) yet it goes sooo fast?!
im happy and sad about my wee boy getting bigger lol

one hand hes so much fun right now and is always making me laugh and does silly things to make me laugh, and i love that he can now come to me when he wants a hug or a kiss.

but i miss me baby, it was great when i could leave him in one place n hed still be there when i did what i had to do. i also miss being able to change his butt without him running off

Agreed! Anyone know of any tricks? lol
Poppy is such a cute name i love it :D

Bit late but thanks to those that said happy birthday to my lil man :cloud9:
Ahhh thanks everyone. Always forget to log into this group but it's so sweet of you to think of Poppy. We have had a lovely day so far, almost bed time for the little birthday girl.

Hope all your LOs are doing well. Can't believe it's been a year already!!!!! xx
aww bet she's tired out after such a busy day!
Happy belated birthday to your son ani and

Happy birthday Olivia. Hope you both had/having a fabulous day. :cake:
It is crazy how fast September is going!#

1 week and 1 day till Daisy's ! Can't believe it!
i was thinking that the other day too. I can't beleive it's the 11th already!
Just popped on here again to wish a happy belated birthday to all those September babies who have already had theirs :)

I'm getting organised for Sophia's birthday party which will be next saturday, even though she won't turn 1 until the Tuesday. It's an 'In the Night Garden' theme and I'm so excited about the cake I'm having made for her, I'm like a little kid myself how excited I am lol:happydance:

Mind you I'm broody for another already, I've been thinking back to when she was a newborn and how fats this past year has flown. I can't wait to have a brother or sister for Sophia.

Is anyone else planning their next too?
Ahhhh! Thanks for thinking of us guys! We all had a lovely day x x x
Heaven sounds like a fab party! Can't wait to see pics!
We are all going out for an early dinner with Daisy for her birthday, next Saturday too! Then home for cake where we will open the presents she didn't manage in the morning!

We did have a birthday BBQ planned but it was all put off because of the horrible weather we have been having lately, next year I think I will book somewhere though, I love party planning!
I have been planning Daisy's birthday since July! :blush:

No plans for another here though, can't say i haven't though about it but I am now thinking Daisy is my last!
Although, i might change my mind again! If we were to I think it would be when Daisy is about 3ish don't think I could cope with a toddler and a newborn!
I will probably ttc next summer? Depending on money issues, etc. I just want 2 though and thats it for me!

We are having Helena's brithday party at a kids play place.
in this Animal room. My apartment is just toooo small. :D
Oooo Wendy I wishwe something like that here! It is so cool that they include all that!
Yeah it is about an hour drive from me but there is no way I could have everyone here (I have about 30 people, 10 kids :shock:) so it will be good that they clean up the mess and they provide icecream etc. Makes it a LOT easier!

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