September 08 Mummies and Daddies Club

moomin :hugs: hope zane is okay

tjg - yay daisy! she'll be keeping you on your toes now!

And as for us - we turned 8 months yesterday :happydance: time's going so quick though :cry:
update on the wee man.

zanwe seems ok today he kept a meal down last night n has just had some weatabix i on the other hand feel like poo haha.

good luck with daisy now crawling zanes a nightmare haha soon after he was on his feet now hes even worse to control hahah
Only just noticed this section, can we join please? Elliot was born in september last year (16th) :)

:wave: welcome to the group Keely and Elliott

Is Zane still better Moomin?

I don't know what's gotten into my girl this past week but she's really changed, become more well grown up really :cry: She's started to play games independently such as peekaboo, and laughs at anything and everything! She bum shuffles everywhere aswell now, slowly but surely she bounces her way a long. She's been very sleepy these past few days though, not sure if it's just the heat or she's havin another growth spurt. Hope evryone else is okay? :hugs:
well i went out sat night and i got a call from my oh n zane was projectile vomiting everywhere again n pooped all over his bed. Sunday he was none stop crying he still had diarreah but hasnt been sick....yet. Hes slowly getting better hes started eating again so hope he wont lose anymore weight and is alot more active today.

Thanks for asking the lilbump x
well i went out sat night and i got a call from my oh n zane was projectile vomiting everywhere again n pooped all over his bed. Sunday he was none stop crying he still had diarreah but hasnt been sick....yet. Hes slowly getting better hes started eating again so hope he wont lose anymore weight and is alot more active today.

Thanks for asking the lilbump x

This sounds similar to what Elliot had, he has gastroentoritis (not sure on spelling). He had projectile vominting then the runs for quite a few days. The emergency gp gave us this powder stuff to put in water for him to drink (but he hated it!) and told us to give less milk but frequently, and not to worry about food at that point.

Hope he gets well soon. x
we also had the powder but didnt use it as later the same day he seemed fine and hes now eatin like i said n still was drinking plenty of water.

poor little babies x
Savannahs sick as well, she was up screaming from 9pm-12am. Justin ended up having to take her for a car ride to try and get her to sleep. She still woke up at 3, 5:30 and now 8:30. Previous night she was up every 1-2 hours. Not fun for a full time working mum :(
AAwww all your poor little babies (and mummies) I hope they are all better soon xxx

I have just added an entry to my parenting journal about what Daisy has done this week.... I'll link to it as it is quite alot!

All cheeky and mischeivous!

8 Months,1 Week & 6 Days Old!
poor babies. Hope they get better soon. And mommies :hugs:

Ow TJG i'm just readin through your journal page. How cute is that swimming cossie!
:rofl: :rofl: at the grape thing!!

:rofl: at the poo too...gross but that's sooo funny. I don't envy your job of cleaning it up!
I almost fell out of my chair laughing at her spooning her poo out of her diaper. :rofl:

Helena started saying DADA yesterday...well more like started yelling it :rofl: and she won't stop now. Brian is just thrilled.
zanes still not sure about food and hasnt napped all day and hes so tired so ive stuck him in his playden hes now got his face stuck up against the side shouting muma at me but ive told myself hes stayin in there till bath time the little bugger
8 months 5 days old and my baby said her first word :cry: :cry: and (like Helena- well done!) it's Dada well it's a bit more of a dida but she says it everytime she sees him. needless to say he's a happy dada today! oh my little girl's growin up :cry: :cry:
Aaaaw well done on talking baby girls! It is so start with! Then when they do it from the minute they wake til they go to sleep, it gets a bit dull!

Wait til they say Mama, that will really get the heart strings pulled!
Oh she says Momomomomommommm. and she said it first. :rofl: Take that Brian!! :rofl:

She has been babbling nonstop today.
Elliot doesn't shut up lol....cute most the time but not when you're attempting to watch a bit of tv or you've got a headache! :)
:wave: girls. How we doing?

We've had a rough few days with lots of tears, damned teeth!

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