@@@ September 2020: Let's Fall Pregnant Y'all** 12 BFPs **

Taken a few hours later, I feel like it got slightly darker? I have 2 tests left, saving for Sunday & Monday. Top tests are last night, bottoms are now, put next to each other for comparison.

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Taken a few hours later, I feel like it got slightly darker? I have 2 tests left, saving for Sunday & Monday. Top tests are last night, bottoms are now, put next to each other for comparison.

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Im definitely seeing something v v v faint on them Frer hon. I cant tell if there is colour but there's definitely something faint there.
Think something is catching my eye on the cassette one to hon.
The frer tho definitely can see a really faint line. Does it have colour in person?

Catching v v faint lines on camera is so hard.
With chemicals my tests in person as clear as day, esp the clear blue but when I uploaded them on here the lines were sooo much fainter.

Excited for ure next tests hon.
I hope this is the start of ure BFP
@Kiwiberry sorry sweety just not picking up on my end. I want to see them so bad too. Please keep testing and showing us. Fx !!!

@Suggerhoney I feel the same way. Nothing about your rant was wrong or stupid. Thats how we have been trying for so lone. I couldn't bare thw thought of mising "the egg". Its given me time work on my egg quality. And meet with docs and do tests/get new meds, all in the name of' I'm old and dont have time to waste'....try again as soon as you are ready. Try for whatever season baby you want. You are not being silly. You are being very responsible in that taking care of a baby in the heat is horrble BUT if you have to then you do. We are all here to support you and if you did say something off thw wall these mamas would be sure to steer you right :winkwink:

Hugs....its ok to worry and let it out. We all need to. Good medicine I say.

Also, is sweetyfox on uk amazon? I order from uk amazon from time to time.
Tread carefully with those FRERs. The bubbly/bumpy control line is notorious for false positive results. I hope that isn't the case, but I'd want a positive with progression or on another brand before I'd trust that.
Ugh lots of dimples on this 1 but still seeing a line.
(7-9dpo) ..another rainy day . So I upped the saturation a bit so easier to see..maybe?.
@JessaBear36 I do see something!! Fx <3
@MrS. MaBrEy thanks for the heads up sweetie!

I did some digging and found my old tests photos from when I was testing to see if I was pregnant with my son. I didn't actually get a visible positive test until the day AF was due. When I read through the post I made, it was kind of like what's happening now. Most were not able to see it, but some did see something very very faint. Maybe my body is just not the type of body that can test early?
@FTale thank you love, your support means a lot to me even if things end in failure on my end :hugs:
Just took this one and stupid me over saturated it with pee:dohh:

PicsArt_09-04-09.37.48.jpg PicsArt_09-04-09.36.25.jpg
@Kiwiberry sorry sweety just not picking up on my end. I want to see them so bad too. Please keep testing and showing us. Fx !!!

@Suggerhoney I feel the same way. Nothing about your rant was wrong or stupid. Thats how we have been trying for so lone. I couldn't bare thw thought of mising "the egg". Its given me time work on my egg quality. And meet with docs and do tests/get new meds, all in the name of' I'm old and dont have time to waste'....try again as soon as you are ready. Try for whatever season baby you want. You are not being silly. You are being very responsible in that taking care of a baby in the heat is horrble BUT if you have to then you do. We are all here to support you and if you did say something off thw wall these mamas would be sure to steer you right :winkwink:

Hugs....its ok to worry and let it out. We all need to. Good medicine I say.

Also, is sweetyfox on uk amazon? I order from uk amazon from time to time.

Thank you for reading all that hon and getting back to me and being so understanding.
Its so hard isn't the ttc.
I guess when I get this cycle out the way I will then know what to do.
If I new I still have a good few months or years left yet then I wudnt mind waiting at all. But its just the unknown and the worry im gonna throw away a egg that cud potentially be the one.
I really wanted my due date to around October. November. December, January or February or even March but that hasn't worked out.
If I leave it untill Dec and then I fall in December id be due at the beginning of September but wud have baby towered the end of August and its not so hot then.
Be hard being very heavily pregnant all over the summer but at least by the time the baby is born it wud be alot cooler esp at night.
It seems we get very very hot June and July and then mid August it changes Auntumnal.

At the same time its not always boiling the whole of summer sometimes it can get a little chilly and rain etc.
Our weather is so balmy here in the south of England.
But its taking that risk.
I don't completely hate the summer I like it being around 22c and being able to sit in the garden. It's just when it starts getting 25 and up and the humidity here is so bad.
But next summer cud be a complete wash out.
I dought it tho it seems like it gets hotter and hotter every year.
Uhhhh I dont know what to do. I wish I cud fast forward to December.
September October November and December is my favourite time of year and I normoly find it flys by but because waiting to ttc it feels like its dragging.

Im the uk hon so I brought my SweetyFox tests off amazon.
There only about 7 quid for 50 tests. Bargain.

Never used pregmate b4 but looking forward to trying them out.
Im getting 50 opks and 30 pregnancy tests.
Still got loads of sweety fox left.
And some easy@home and mommed and one-step.
Also had 1 CB digi
2 CB with the cross.
1 Frer but just ordered 2 more so will have 3.
And then I'll have the pregmate tests as well. So I'll plenty of tests to keep me going.
Im not ordering any more pregnancy tests now.
Ive just done a OPK and completely negative on CD7.
My normol O is around day 13 14 but with my April and June Chemical I ended up O way to early on CD8.
Managed to fall pregnant again in July even tho I O on cd 8 but it was another chemical.

Had a few pregnancy symptoms last cycle but don't think i was pregnant. My period has been normol no clots like with the chemicals so my body has already had 1 month break and now its having another month break so I can try again in October but its just the whole summer due date thing that's putting me off.
Im sure by the end of this cycle I wud of made up my mind.
Anxous about these blood results.:shrug:

Just took this one and stupid me over saturated it with pee:dohh:

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I see it hon. Are they normily that close together on that brand?
I've never gotten lines like that b4 10dpo so I hope its a really good sign for you.
Have u progressed?
I really hope this is it for you hon.
I always hate getting faint lines and then the waiting for them to progress is just horrible..
U have been in my thoughts and my prayers and I pray this is ure extra sticky rainbow [-o&lt;
@JessaBear36 I can see the shadow in the dye run set but the new tests are rubbish from what I read. I personally still want to order them while the trigger is in my system just to see what a line looks like on them because I am confused.

Ugh. I wish tests were as good as they were back 5 years ago. I'd see so many true early positives now these companies seem to focus on making test strips that give evaps. You can't count on a faint line anymore just urks me. :x

I think I might be out ladies :(. My cervix is low and feels like the tip of a nose.
Not seeing much just yet hon but I know how hard it is to catch vvv faint lines.
Thought maybe something was catching my eye on the Frer but not sure if its just the vvv faint grey line they already have on them b4 u use it.
Good luck. I really hope when u next test its a BFP.

Thanks for sharing this hon. I have the easy@home hpt think im onto my 4th box of them now and they gave me lines with my chemicals. The best cheapie tests I've used so far is a brand called Sweetyfox they were the first tests to tell me I was pregnant back in July.
Then the following day all tests had lines.
I've tried out quite a few ICs since February and the sweetyfox are my favourite right now.
I used to love frer but I hate it that they already have a v v v faint grey line b4 u even test.
I find with most ICs as well that they all have v v v faint shadows even when not pregnant.
The sweetyfox ones are practically stark white when negatives but even they have the very slightest hint of a shadow but not as bad as some of the others.
The easy@home ones always give a faint shadow.
But with my 3 chemicals they did give faint pink lines. The shadows on them are grey in colour and really faint.
I've ordered some Pregmate O and HPT tests never used them b4 but something was drawing me to them so I thought I wud order some. There coming from America so they won't be here until around the 17th September but we can't try this month anyway so it dont really matter.
Good luck hon I hope this is ure month.

Hello hon how's ure tests now? I hope they are getting darker. I have prayed for you hon.

Cd7 and still spotting but very lightly.
Looks like in going go ovulate at a really good time instead of supper early and I can even try.:-(

I feel so left out.
Everyone on here is all excited about trying and testing and I just feel like I dont belong because we can't try this cycle.
Im still temping but haven't done any OPKs yet. I just dont have the urge like I normoly do.
I just feel like we'll we can't try so what's the point.
I cud release a really good egg and its just gonna get waisted.

Im not sure if I can hold off untill December now.
I really feel sad that I can't try this cycle let alone leaving it untill December which feels like ages away.

I keep thinking what if one of these 3 eggs is the ONE.
And if we're not trying I cud potentially miss the boat all together.
It feels like I'm just gonna chuck 3 possibly decent eggs down the drain.
Am I being silly,?

Now contemplating trying again next cycle in October but really not sure 100%

I know this sounds weird but I really didn't want a summer due date.
It gets so hot here in the summer now that its unbearable and we do not have Air con.
Our houses here are designed for more cold weather so In the summer time my house is like a sauna.
I wud be worried about having a newborn baby and trying to keep it cool when its 30+c and there's no where to get away from it.
We have fans but they do nothing on very hot days. They just seem to blow the hot air around.
My eldest daughter was born in August and that summer was so hot and at night I cudnt sleep. I had to wet towels with cold water and drape them over me.

With me im not aloud to go the full 40 weeks im only able to go to 37 or 38 weeks at a push.

So for instance if fall pregnant in October id be due in July but will have baby in June
And if I fall in Nov I'd have baby in July.

Dec wud be August but I do find here that our hotest time is June and July. And then August can be hot but is changeable and usually by the end is alot cooler esp at night.

So even waiting untill Dec, yes I wud be due in September but wud have baby toward the end of August.

Anyway moving forward im now wondering if im being really stupid and with my age etc I just worry about getting pregnant and staying pregnant with a healthy baby rather then when id be due.

By the way im not a fan of summer one bit. I just dont like it when its to hot and there's no way of getting away from it.

Sorry for the rant but my main reasons for leaving it untill December or Jan was so I wudnt have to take care of a newborn when its very very hot. Its not nice bring heavily pregnant in the summer but I wud put up with that just to have a baby but its the worry of keeping that tiny baby cool. Because there not aloud to over heat.

Another thing with me id be in hospital for a good week after giving birth and the thought of being stuck in a hot sweaty stuffy ward is just urghhhhh.

Sorry for the rant ladies I just dont know what to do.
What wud you all do in my situation? .
Please be honest.
I definitely can't try this cycle because of the bloodtests but I can try in October if I want to.

Put ureselves in my shoes

If u were coming up to 41 and DH 45 nearly 46(May)
TTC for over 6 months with 3 early losses.
A son 1 year old

What wud u all do?

I know only I can make the decision myself and ive still got plenty of time to decide.
But was just curious on all ure thoughts.

Hubby wants me to give my body a good rest but I explained to him how I feel, I cud be throwing 3 good possible the ONE egg away.

Am I being stupid?
Am being selfish.
I want to be pregnant again so badly and have my rainbow baby, so am I being to silly over the whole summer due date thing?

I know most people love the summer but I dont. I love autumn winter im odd lol.

Id also like to add that this baby we are trying for will be my last so thats another reason I wanted to leave if as long as I though possible so it's not all over with in a blink if an eye.

I will be so happy if and when I do fall pregnant but ill also feel a bit sad that it will be my last.

Rant over
Sorry such a long post but I just had to get it out and ask ure thoughts.
DH is no good at this sort of stuff.

Also I know im completely jumping the gun in assuming im gonna fall pregnant but if I am u can't ure bottom dollar it will be in October or November and I'll be due when its boiling hot.

Be ok if we had air con but we don't have it here.

OK OK OK rant now over.

Really need ure advice ladies.
So sorry for the very very long post

Aww hun :) I think you're totally going about things the right way. You are listening to your body and the doctors and I'm sure you'll have some answers (and /or a BFP) soon!

I was TTC originally for over 4 years for my first and I finally went for some tests (they weren't forthcoming and I was desperate to get PG). The tests revealed not very much but then I pushed again for someone to check for endo and I did have that! To this day, I'm not sure why they didn't investigate that first, being on of the chief causes of unexplianed infertility, but I suspect it had something to do with money :(

On your side is the fact you have aleady had children and you CAN get pregnant unassisted - this is BIG! Your body is able to conceive naturally and carry to term. I'm so sorry that you had three CPs in a row (I had one back in January too) - that is certainly going to affect you and your confidence but it is that which has made the doctors focus on you to help figure out if there is any one thing causing them. It could be egg quality, although many women (including myself, to my surprise) get pregnant in their 40s with no issue. I've also had many friends who have overcome even bigger obstacles and had babies (blocked tubes, pre early menopause etc).

So.....I'm waffling here, sorry! You're doing amazingly and you're doing all the right things. My advice would be to try to take things one day at a time; have the tests, try again when you're ready. If, after the tests, you fancy a rest, take one. A month rest here and there isn't going to make a difference but it might help you feel more yourself again.

Lots and lots of love xxx
PicsArt_09-04-10.11.07.png lines I been getting seem to be in the same place every time so I'm guessing it's right. Same test 30mins later. I have some accumed and clear blue on the way. Just to confirm these are indeed positive. Not getting excited just yet. But it's the darkest 1 so far. Keeps getting darker as it dries.. So I'm happy for now.
Just took this one and stupid me over saturated it with pee:dohh:

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Hahahaha:rofl: dont worry we have all done that at some point i know I have lol.
I dropped one down the toilet once lol:dohh:

That line is so easy to see. It looks like that brand has the lines more closer together than other brands.
But I can see that line easily.
I hope they do get darker.

I've ordered some pregmate ovulation and pregnancy tests. Like 50 OPKs and 30HPTs.
Never used them b4 but for a few months I've been drawn to them and I dont know why.
So I caved and ordered some of amazon and they shud be here in another week or so.
Dought ill be able to use them this cycle because I prob wud of ovulted by the time they arrive.
My normal Ovulation is around day 13 14 (with exception to the chemicals that made me ovulate very very early on cd8)

But even tho I had pregnancy symptoms last cycle I do not think I was pregnant.
My AF was just normol, no clots or anything and not as heavy as it was with my chemical in July so I really think we just didn't catch last cycle.
So my ovulation this cycle will be day 13 14.
Can't try this cycle tho because of the bloodtests but thinking of maybe trying again next cycle or im gonna hold off untill December.
I'll be able to try out then pregmate tests then.

In a weird way im kind of glad we didn't catch last cycle
Because I now know I have a 28 day cycle and not 26 like I thought.

Anyway keeping it all crossed for u hon.
Im rooting for you and praying this one is a supper extra healthy sticky rainbow beanie.

Ure have to stay in the testing threads so I can see how ure getting on hon.
I hate it when ladies on here get there BFPS and then go off into the pregnancy forums and we don't here from them.
I always like to know how everyone is getting on even in there pregnancy.
I'd miss u as well because u have been nothing but so kind and helpful to me.
So please make sure u keep in touch and keep popping by and let us know how ure doing.
Hahahaha:rofl: dont worry we have all done that at some point i know I have lol.
I dropped one down the toilet once lol:dohh:

That line is so easy to see. It looks like that brand has the lines more closer together than other brands.
But I can see that line easily.
I hope they do get darker.

I've ordered some pregmate ovulation and pregnancy tests. Like 50 OPKs and 30HPTs.
Never used them b4 but for a few months I've been drawn to them and I dont know why.
So I caved and ordered some of amazon and they shud be here in another week or so.
Dought ill be able to use them this cycle because I prob wud of ovulted by the time they arrive.
My normal Ovulation is around day 13 14 (with exception to the chemicals that made me ovulate very very early on cd8)

But even tho I had pregnancy symptoms last cycle I do not think I was pregnant.
My AF was just normol, no clots or anything and not as heavy as it was with my chemical in July so I really think we just didn't catch last cycle.
So my ovulation this cycle will be day 13 14.
Can't try this cycle tho because of the bloodtests but thinking of maybe trying again next cycle or im gonna hold off untill December.
I'll be able to try out then pregmate tests then.

In a weird way im kind of glad we didn't catch last cycle
Because I now know I have a 28 day cycle and not 26 like I thought.

Anyway keeping it all crossed for u hon.
Im rooting for you and praying this one is a supper extra healthy sticky rainbow beanie.

Ure have to stay in the testing threads so I can see how ure getting on hon.
I hate it when ladies on here get there BFPS and then go off into the pregnancy forums and we don't here from them.
I always like to know how everyone is getting on even in there pregnancy.
I'd miss u as well because u have been nothing but so kind and helpful to me.
So please make sure u keep in touch and keep popping by and let us know how ure doing.
Dont you worry I'm not going anywhere !! Think on some of them the testing window seems smaller so maybe that's why some of them are closer together. I'm not really sure lol. I have my hope for you that u will get ur healthy baby soon after you ttc again. Hope getting the blood panels back will give you some answers.
Thanks, but I don't have high hopes anymore. I'm probably not even going to test again and just wait for AF to show up. I wish you and all of you other lovely ladies best of luck! :dust:
Keep me posted friend!!
Aww hun :) I think you're totally going about things the right way. You are listening to your body and the doctors and I'm sure you'll have some answers (and /or a BFP) soon!

I was TTC originally for over 4 years for my first and I finally went for some tests (they weren't forthcoming and I was desperate to get PG). The tests revealed not very much but then I pushed again for someone to check for endo and I did have that! To this day, I'm not sure why they didn't investigate that first, being on of the chief causes of unexplianed infertility, but I suspect it had something to do with money :(

On your side is the fact you have aleady had children and you CAN get pregnant unassisted - this is BIG! Your body is able to conceive naturally and carry to term. I'm so sorry that you had three CPs in a row (I had one back in January too) - that is certainly going to affect you and your confidence but it is that which has made the doctors focus on you to help figure out if there is any one thing causing them. It could be egg quality, although many women (including myself, to my surprise) get pregnant in their 40s with no issue. I've also had many friends who have overcome even bigger obstacles and had babies (blocked tubes, pre early menopause etc).

So.....I'm waffling here, sorry! You're doing amazingly and you're doing all the right things. My advice would be to try to take things one day at a time; have the tests, try again when you're ready. If, after the tests, you fancy a rest, take one. A month rest here and there isn't going to make a difference but it might help you feel more yourself again.

Lots and lots of love xxx

Awwww hi hon thank u so much for replying.
Yeah it is good i can definitely still conceive.
Its just the staying pregnant.
My son is 1 on the 23rd of this month so I didn't think ttc wud be this hard.
We fell with him on the first try, I was 39 years old.
Im now 40 almost 41 and this is by far the longest ive ever had to ttc.
I have had 3 Misscariges in the past but always managed to get pregnant again rite after.
I've never had back to back losses untill now.

I am worried it may be down to bad egg quality because then I guess the chances of me ever having a healthy pregnancy is next to nothing.
That really worries me.

I guess I'm hoping if its anything its just something very simple that they can perscribe medication for.
Or im even more hoping that it was just a case of bad luck.

Its so hard because if everything comes back normol then im going to worry its something to do with DH.

At the same time I'm really worried its gonna be something serious and im gonna be told I can't have any more children.
I hate feeling anxous and worried.

I've always felt in my gut that will have one more.
But as each month has passed that feeling and hope has almost gone.

I really hope and pray that I will get my rainbow baby one day.
I hope its not to late and im to old.
Im definitely ovulating every month so im hoping and praying thats a good sign [-o&lt;

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