@@@ September 2020: Let's Fall Pregnant Y'all** 12 BFPs **

Thanks, but I don't have high hopes anymore. I'm probably not even going to test again and just wait for AF to show up. I wish you and all of you other lovely ladies best of luck! :dust:

Ure definitely not out hon. I wudnt go by cervix because ure cervix will not tell u if u are pregnant or not.
With my son after I Ovulated my cervix stayed low form and closed and I thought I was out because I kept reading that in early pregnancy the cervix goes high and soft.

Guess what my cervix stayed low firm and clossed untill I hit 26 weeks pregnant and then it went high.
So don't u lose that hope just yet hon.

View attachment 1087205 lines I been getting seem to be in the same place every time so I'm guessing it's right. Same test 30mins later. I have some accumed and clear blue on the way. Just to confirm these are indeed positive. Not getting excited just yet. But it's the darkest 1 so far. Keeps getting darker as it dries.. So I'm happy for now.

Ure lines are great hon esp for how early u are. Praying they keep getting darker and darker.
Well, I had an Gyno appt scheduled for the end of October with a new doc. They said they couldn't get me in till then for a basic gyno visit. But if pregnant they would get me in within two weeks for bloods and all.

Sooooo just now I get a call back that they moved me up to September for an appt!! And on 9dpo no less. So I will get a hcg urine test done per usual and ask them to run a beta to see what my true levels are. And of course fill them in on all of my meds to include trigger shot this cycle. The new doc is suppose to be pretty good.

Wouldn't it be some thing if I ended up pregnant??? Man, I would hit the roof. The last time I triggered I had no hcg in my blood at 11dpt. At the appt I will be 10dpt. Not sure how high of a number would mean pregnant but I'm getting ahead of myself. I might test out the trigger and it not even come back on test at all.

Ok, my dd wants me to play minecraft with her...lol. Will be back later.
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Well, I had an Gyno appt scheduled for the end of October with a new doc. They said they couldn't get me in till then for a basic gyno visit. But if pregnant they would get me in within two weeks for bloods and all.

Sooooo just now I get a call back that they moved me up to September for an appt!! And on 9dpo no less. So I will get a hcg urine test done per usual and ask them to run a beta to see what my true levels are. And of course fill them in on all of my meds to include trigger shot this cycle. The new doc is suppose to be pretty good.

Wouldn't it be some thing if I ended up pregnant??? Man, I would hit the roof. The last time I triggered I had no hcg in my blood at 11dpt. At the appt I will be 10dpt. Not sure how high of a number would mean pregnant but I'm getting ahead of myself. I might test out the trigger and it not even come back on test at all.

Ok, my dd wants me to play minecraft with ther...lol. Will be back later.

Thats awesome they have brought ure appointment forward hon. Im wishing u all the very best.
@JessaBear36 lines are so easy to see, fx'd they get darker and darker!

@FTale great news on the rescheduled appointment, let's hope the numbers are high enough to mean baby on board!

@Suggerhoney I can imagine it must be such a hard decision to make and I can understand why you are in two minds about it. You have to do what is right for you, and if it means waiting a little extra time then so be it. Maybe you could take it more "relaxed" if that makes sense (can understand if that's hard to do!) with a goal to try again properly in Dec and if it happens before then it happens before. If it doesn't, then you start in Dec as planned. Either way, everyone will be here waiting for you to cheer you on :)

How is everyone else doing? It's Friday at last, whoop. I've had a busy couple of days with work so that's good at passing time and (almost!) forgetting I'm only 4dpo lol.

Nothing new really to report here (but why would there be, it's too early). Some crampy feeling today in the middle - not like the usual pain I have on lhs. Nips are still very sore - more than usual which is annoying. They're supposed to be fine and then get proper sore in a few days, not from 2dpo! It is unusual though so I wondered if maybe I was a couple of days ahead with O. I'd had some mild pains Saturday which is when I noticed some rusty color in cm so attributed that to ovulation - could I have O'd that day or does ovulation spotting mean not much and it can still happen a day or two later? Urg.

Hope everyone is keeping well otherwise!
@JessaBear36 lines are so easy to see, fx'd they get darker and darker!

@FTale great news on the rescheduled appointment, let's hope the numbers are high enough to mean baby on board!

@Suggerhoney I can imagine it must be such a hard decision to make and I can understand why you are in two minds about it. You have to do what is right for you, and if it means waiting a little extra time then so be it. Maybe you could take it more "relaxed" if that makes sense (can understand if that's hard to do!) with a goal to try again properly in Dec and if it happens before then it happens before. If it doesn't, then you start in Dec as planned. Either way, everyone will be here waiting for you to cheer you on :)

How is everyone else doing? It's Friday at last, whoop. I've had a busy couple of days with work so that's good at passing time and (almost!) forgetting I'm only 4dpo lol.

Nothing new really to report here (but why would there be, it's too early). Some crampy feeling today in the middle - not like the usual pain I have on lhs. Nips are still very sore - more than usual which is annoying. They're supposed to be fine and then get proper sore in a few days, not from 2dpo! It is unusual though so I wondered if maybe I was a couple of days ahead with O. I'd had some mild pains Saturday which is when I noticed some rusty color in cm so attributed that to ovulation - could I have O'd that day or does ovulation spotting mean not much and it can still happen a day or two later? Urg.

Hope everyone is keeping well otherwise!

Thats a really good idea. I think If I do decide to try next cycle it will be more like not trying but preventing either but in December will be full steam ahead trying.
Will see how I feel when I get this cycle and the blood tests out of the way.
Im only on cd7 at the moment so I still jlhave another 3 to 4 weeks to decide on what to do.
I guess even it did happen in Oct or Nov it wud just mean that was when It was supposed to happen all along .

Good luck to you this cycle hon.
I really hope alot of u get ure BFPs this month and won't need to join the October testing thread. I am keeping it all crossed
Thanks :) I had a dream last night that I was clutching a piece of paper with my "TH" levels on (for some reason this equated to HCG levels lol) and it was 1 but then a couple days later it was 3. So...at least it had doubled ha. I like to think it's a good omen!

That's a good space of time to think it through properly, at least you know it won't be a rushed decision :)
@JessaBear36 lines are so easy to see, fx'd they get darker and darker!

@FTale great news on the rescheduled appointment, let's hope the numbers are high enough to mean baby on board!

@Suggerhoney I can imagine it must be such a hard decision to make and I can understand why you are in two minds about it. You have to do what is right for you, and if it means waiting a little extra time then so be it. Maybe you could take it more "relaxed" if that makes sense (can understand if that's hard to do!) with a goal to try again properly in Dec and if it happens before then it happens before. If it doesn't, then you start in Dec as planned. Either way, everyone will be here waiting for you to cheer you on :)

How is everyone else doing? It's Friday at last, whoop. I've had a busy couple of days with work so that's good at passing time and (almost!) forgetting I'm only 4dpo lol.

Nothing new really to report here (but why would there be, it's too early). Some crampy feeling today in the middle - not like the usual pain I have on lhs. Nips are still very sore - more than usual which is annoying. They're supposed to be fine and then get proper sore in a few days, not from 2dpo! It is unusual though so I wondered if maybe I was a couple of days ahead with O. I'd had some mild pains Saturday which is when I noticed some rusty color in cm so attributed that to ovulation - could I have O'd that day or does ovulation spotting mean not much and it can still happen a day or two later? Urg.

Hope everyone is keeping well otherwise!
Thank you!!
Thanks :) I had a dream last night that I was clutching a piece of paper with my "TH" levels on (for some reason this equated to HCG levels lol) and it was 1 but then a couple days later it was 3. So...at least it had doubled ha. I like to think it's a good omen!

That's a good space of time to think it through properly, at least you know it won't be a rushed decision :)

Ooow I wonder if that dream was trying to tell u something.
I had 2 dreams about me getting a BFP, and I did end up getting lines after both those dreams but both were chemical pregnancies sadly.
Ive had 3 since April and that's why I'm having these blood tests done now.

I also had a dream about 2 weeks ago about the vitamins b6 and b12 and when I did some investigating i learnt that these are important when ttc. Esp when u have been trying for quite a long time.
Such a strange dream to have but I was wondering if it was God's way of telling me that is what the problem is.
So I ordered a bottle of B vitamins complex.
I was going to start them this cycle because i wanted to give this cycle one last shot b4 having a wee break, but the nurse doing my bloods said I can't try this cycle because of the blood tests.
So I will start taking the vitamins as soon as we start ttc again.
I cant believe how busy these testing threads have become.
I've been here since February and it was alot quiter back then.
Its so nice to see so many new ladies joining us.
I love it
@JessaBear36 Fx you get a good line on those tests. Have you tried one again to see if dye run doesn't happen?

@aymz1983 thank you. It is some kind of fate. Usually I am always hoping to get in on test day so they can feel around or do a test..lol..I didn't even try this time. 2dpo...oh, its going slow ain't it....I'm 4dpo and its like a super long commercial break while watching a really good show. Sounds like you had a good O. Sore nips still is a good sign your hormones have kicked in right nice. Are you doing anything to distract you while you wait to test? I'm thinking of crocheting. I started a blanket a year ago that I stopped. It would be for my rainbow baby or a good lap warmer. Might as well plug at it while I wait. Sending you babydust!!!
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@JessaBear36 Fx you get a good line on those tests. Have you tried one again to see if dye run doesn't happen?

@aymz1983 thank you. It is some kind of fate. Usually I am always hoping to get in on test day so they can feel around or do a test..lol..I didn't even try this time. 2pdo...oh, its going slow ain't it....I'm 4dpo and its like a super long commercial break while watching a really good show. Sounds like you had a good O. Sore nips still is a good sign your hormones have kicked in right nice. Are you doing anything to distract you while you wait to test? I'm thinking of crocheting. I started a blanket a year ago that I stopped. It would be for my rainbow baby or a good lap warmer. Might as well plug at it while I wait. Sending you babydust!!!

That crochet blanket sounds lush hon.
I've really gotten into reading books and I find that helps distract me.
I've also been watching the vampire diaries on Netflix.
On season 4 now and im so hooked.
But I love my books so much.
If we do decide to hold off until December im gonna be doing alot of reading and will try and get into some tv series to pass the time.
@JessaBear36 Fx you get a good line on those tests. Have you tried one again to see if dye run doesn't happen?

@aymz1983 thank you. It is some kind of fate. Usually I am always hoping to get in on test day so they can feel around or do a test..lol..I didn't even try this time. 2pdo...oh, its going slow ain't it....I'm 4dpo and its like a super long commercial break while watching a really good show. Sounds like you had a good O. Sore nips still is a good sign your hormones have kicked in right nice. Are you doing anything to distract you while you wait to test? I'm thinking of crocheting. I started a blanket a year ago that I stopped. It would be for my rainbow baby or a good lap warmer. Might as well plug at it while I wait. Sending you babydust!!!
I've done many over the past few days all faint lines. This is the only time I had the dye run cuz I dipped it to long. Others tests in my ttc journal.
@Suggerhoney how weird (but good) that you had those dreams, I'm sure that is a way of telling you things and I hope that the vits do their thing for you! It's been my second dream now, dreamt I had my bfp around ovulation so I'm hoping it means something!

@FTale I think working mainly. Been busy the last couple of days and a colleague is now on holiday until Wednesday so I'll be picking up their workload too. Wednesday is the earliest I will allow myself to test so it's a good way to pass the time haha. The blanket sounds fabulous, I wish I could be creative like that. Otherwise I'll just read. I did start watching Supernatural and got into that until they took it off Prime TV so that's a no go atm!
This thread moves so fast. I will catch up properly tomorrow. Omg a kitten & puppy....bit of advice...dont do it :rofl: such hard work my kitten has turned into some sort of hunter lion & the puppy is his prey lol. They fight all day with the puppy losing alot! Seriously thinking newborn quads would be easier :rofl: anyway we have to keep the puppy in our room at night as the cat would actually kill him :dohh: & I swear I havent even touched my partner in a week :( feel a bit needy tbh. Only just stopped af &in all honesty I doubt I will even have sex this month, the puppy is amazing though I will add some pics tomorrow hes just a ball of fluff so cute.
Puppies are such hard work. Give me a newborn ANY day of the week instead!
Cd 5 & still bleeding - thank you CP. anyway no cue of dh will be home for o or not.
Lots of :dust:
@3 girlies / @LuvallmyH OMG...got a kitten a few weeks ago. She turned out to be a HE and HE went from being named Pepper to Cujo, you know that movie where the once nice dog turns evil and starts attacking everyone. He slept with us the first week and cried if we weren't around. Afterwards he got his own room with limited play time with the older cat because he literally tries to bite our older cat's neck in half. The older cat is nice and just hisses, meows loud at him and throws him on the floor then pats at him. :shrug:
We actually wanted a girl kitten to be a friend to our older boy cat but no one knew the dude was a duuuuude....lol He's even angry after being fixed at about 12 or 13 weeks. I have to wear long sleeves and remember not to wiggle my toes when he is around or risk getting kitty teeth under the toenail. :dohh:

Yeah, nope. Tons of work. But nothing like the puppy we tried to rescue. Lets say the puppy won. I returned her and everything we bought. And it took 2 months for my ringer finger to unswell after I slipped in the puppy's pee and fell...hard.

Give me babies anyday

@LuvallmyH FX you are both home at the same time and that you aren't bleeding. HUGS
So sorry I haven't been on more so far this month! This week has just been crazy for me. We snuck away for a night to my BIL and SIL lake house. We got up here right at dinner time and we let the kids stay up late to look at the stars. Going to be out on the water and the boat most of the day tomorrow and then back home tomorrow night (the house is only an hour away from where we live). Virtual/homeschooling starts on Tuesday. Once we get a good routine down, I'll be able to hop back on here more to stay up to date with everyone!

Got CH today on FF but not holding much hope for this cycle. I didn't ovulate until CD17 (on a 26 day cycle). Called and talked to my doctor about getting on progesterone to hopefully keep my period from showing up for a few days to give time for any possible implantation (since my LP would only be 9 days if AF shows up on time). But she recommended against it considering how late into my cycle I am and that the likelihood is that it was a bad egg. I don't know. I tend to agree with her on the bad egg front and will just have to see what next week brings. She did mention that she could bring me in to discuss clomid/femera options but I declined for now. We've only been trying a few cycles. If I have another wonky one, I'll go in and get some testing done but for now am okay to just keep trying on our own. So I'm in with a chance honestly mentally have already moved on.

I hope everyone is doing well. For those that AF has gotten I am so so sorry and hope that your next cycle brings you your beautiful BFP <3

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