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@@@ September 2020: Let's Fall Pregnant Y'all** 12 BFPs **

My texting finger is frozen in the pointing position :laugh2: signaling me to quit poking at my cell. Plus I need it for work later...haha.

Doc appt tomorrow evening. Will let you all know how that goes.:flow::dust:

Good luck for your appointment :)
@FTale thank you! I'm sorry this cycle has gone sideways for you too...it's so frustrating...but what can you do other than to look forward?

I suddenly started having severe cramping this morning. Like early labor/severe period cramps. I had to legitimately breathe through a few of the waves. At one point I thought I was going to throw up. Because of how suddenly it showed up, I thought it could be trapped gas? But nothing passed and eventually it started calming down. Maybe 10-15 minutes of severe and now it's just full aches through the uterus. I'm only 7dpo and have no spotting so I don't think it's early AF. Either it IS trapped gas that is lingering for a long time or maybe a sign of implantation? I don't think I've heard of sudden severe cramping before with implantation though?

Is this your norm?
I hope it was Implantation .
... not to seem happy bout your pain. But I hear thats when most women have pre pregnancy happenings....oooh stalking you!!! Take it easy and have some warm peppemint tea. It will easy any stomach pain and gas if yah have it. Hugs

@Bevziibubble Thank you!!! I am nervous. They actually talked to me a bit ago sayin I would have to do another smear??? I was like 'no thank you' I did that this summer already but you can check me out for pregnancy. So they said they will check me for pregnancy with their urine test. And if I get that cheap thing to say positive they will possibly attack my lady bits for a smear...ugh....Bev you know I am gonna come up positive because of trigger. I told the receptionist about it but I got silence..lol. I dont know if she even knew what it was. Then again, if you aren't ttcing there are alot of things you never heard of.

I will test in the morning and before I go to see if I get an increase in color so far no beans just lingering color.Hugs
@FTale @Alligator Thank you for your encouragement! Definitely out of the norm for me. 2 times I have had this severity of cramping before (well...i mean, 2 times outside of labor lol). But both were while I was on my period, not mid cycle. I never had any type of implantation cramping/bleeding with my boys. Who knows! I had that severe pain 10-15 minutes, mostly concentrated right under my belly button and radiating out. Then for about 30 minutes I had dull aches in my lower abdomen...and now it's fine. No gas passed or anything so I don't really know what to think of it. I'm just going to keep trudging along and hope it was a good sign!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day out there. :hug:
Hi Ladies.
Sorry I've not been in here very much..finding the whole back to school and work routine tiring! I hope we will all get back into the swing of it soon.
I still have not booked to see the doctors..part of me thinks ignorance is bliss and I'm worried the doctor will tell me TTC isn't an option. When I had the recent internal exam the doctor described my uterus as 'bulky' She suspected fibroids but if you Google bulky uterus it was 'infertility' in most searches. :-( OH says we should just keep going and we don't know for sure that I can't conceive so we will keep on.
TMI but we BD at the end of AF (lasted a week this time) and today on CD 11 I had some slight specks of blood when I wiped. Hoping it's just my irritable cervix.
Did an OPK today and it's pale so no signs of approaching ovulation just yet.

Best wishes to you all at whatever stages you are all at and happy Wednesday :flower:
Hi Ladies.
Sorry I've not been in here very much..finding the whole back to school and work routine tiring! I hope we will all get back into the swing of it soon.
I still have not booked to see the doctors..part of me thinks ignorance is bliss and I'm worried the doctor will tell me TTC isn't an option. When I had the recent internal exam the doctor described my uterus as 'bulky' She suspected fibroids but if you Google bulky uterus it was 'infertility' in most searches. :-( OH says we should just keep going and we don't know for sure that I can't conceive so we will keep on.
TMI but we BD at the end of AF (lasted a week this time) and today on CD 11 I had some slight specks of blood when I wiped. Hoping it's just my irritable cervix.
Did an OPK today and it's pale so no signs of approaching ovulation just yet.

Best wishes to you all at whatever stages you are all at and happy Wednesday :flower:

With you on work and back to school. I'm enjoying the silence before signing in to work and monitoring my dd as she does online work with her teacher and class. And like you said its tiring...lol

I agree with your husband on just keep trying. There is this youtube channel where a couple in their 40s got pregnant after 10 years. Just happened. They didnt want to do ivf or anything else then just as Covid hit...bfp. So, miracles happen.

Thank you for the well wishes.:hugs:
Other than the 6 cycles of letrozole I took the only other thing I changed was my daily supplement. I used conceive plus pills for the last 2 cycles so who knows if they helped. I have taken coq10 for around 8 months this time did pineapple 1-3 dpo. Could have been a single change or all could have contributed. Today I am 9 dpo and this am I got a slightly darker test and also a 1-2 on a digi. Had a wave of nausea last night had to take bucket to bed with me and still have slight aches in lower abdomen and back. Still not out of the woods just have to keep praying this sticks.

Other than the 6 cycles of letrozole I took the only other thing I changed was my daily supplement. I used conceive plus pills for the last 2 cycles so who knows if they helped. I have taken coq10 for around 8 months this time did pineapple 1-3 dpo. Could have been a single change or all could have contributed. Today I am 9 dpo and this am I got a slightly darker test and also a 1-2 on a digi. Had a wave of nausea last night had to take bucket to bed with me and still have slight aches in lower abdomen and back. Still not out of the woods just have to keep praying this sticks.

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Congratulations to you.
Had an awful dye run this morning. Ugh. I'll test again tomorrow.

@mme Thank you for sharing what you did dif for this cycle. I've seen conceive plus but never bought it. Bought something similar to the name though and it gave me headaches. I might try it.

Well, hey, no matter what did it, you are preggers!!! Sending out so much sticky dust your way. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Do you have a first doc visit scheduled yet?
Had an awful dye run this morning. Ugh. I'll test again tomorrow.

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Rats. I hate when that happens. Do you notice if it happens more with fmu or any other time of day? I have found as I get closer to AF time like 3 days out, my test start dye running on me. I don't know if its because I'm anxiously dipping for too long or there is some thing in my wee...lol..ugh. Well, praying your next tests have no runs just a straight second line soon. :hugs2:
@mme Thank you for sharing what you did dif for this cycle. I've seen conceive plus but never bought it. Bought something similar to the name though and it gave me headaches. I might try it.

Well, hey, no matter what did it, you are preggers!!! Sending out so much sticky dust your way. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Do you have a first doc visit scheduled yet?

No doc visit as I am under a gynaecologist at hospital. Had tests and I have low egg reserve so this last cycle was my last on letrozole and I am on the waiting list for ivf. Gynaecologist gave me progesterone suppositories to take from the day I got a positive which I have started and she mentioned booking me for an early scan but I’ve not rang them yet. It really messed me up the chemical and I feel like it could easily happen again. I said to dh if I get a 2-3 next week on a digi I will ring gynaecologist as I never got more than a 1-2 with my chemical.
Good morning everyone!

Feeling a bit run down this week - work is busy, I am very unmotivated/unexcited about the project I'm currently on and life just feels very heavy. I've figured out (I think) a debt repayment plan but it'll be tough to swing on maternity leave pay whenever we get pregnant. It may mean putting it on pause which I know won't go over well with family who are assisting us (I mean, who knows...it's only a temporary pause and I plan to try to pay it off even faster given some time to save a bit more). But, I also don't want to give up TTC or the dream of another babe!! Time will tell, we aren't even pregnant yet so it's no use worrying about problems we don't have but can't help but feel conflicted. Sorry I sound like a broken record I'm sure!

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