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@@@ September 2020: Let's Fall Pregnant Y'all** 12 BFPs **

Hi everyone, I have been ttc for over a year now, I had a miscarriage in December, haven’t been able to get pregnant since, using my ovulation monitor to track my ovulation I noticed I haven’t been ovulating for the pass 3 months now. My ovulation is suppose to be tomorrow and I have been tracking my ovulation for 6 day, I am getting low fertile results. I have the feeling that am not going to ovulate this month. Am worried and heartbroken. Really don’t know what to do at this point. Any tips pleaseee
No doc visit as I am under a gynaecologist at hospital. Had tests and I have low egg reserve so this last cycle was my last on letrozole and I am on the waiting list for ivf. Gynaecologist gave me progesterone suppositories to take from the day I got a positive which I have started and she mentioned booking me for an early scan but I’ve not rang them yet. It really messed me up the chemical and I feel like it could easily happen again. I said to dh if I get a 2-3 next week on a digi I will ring gynaecologist as I never got more than a 1-2 with my chemical.

2 - 3 wks....and onto a HH9 months. That's my prayer for you. :dance:

Good morning everyone!

Feeling a bit run down this week - work is busy, I am very unmotivated/unexcited about the project I'm currently on and life just feels very heavy. I've figured out (I think) a debt repayment plan but it'll be tough to swing on maternity leave pay whenever we get pregnant. It may mean putting it on pause which I know won't go over well with family who are assisting us (I mean, who knows...it's only a temporary pause and I plan to try to pay it off even faster given some time to save a bit more). But, I also don't want to give up TTC or the dream of another babe!! Time will tell, we aren't even pregnant yet so it's no use worrying about problems we don't have but can't help but feel conflicted. Sorry I sound like a broken record I'm sure!

:hug: If you sound like a broken record then I'm a broken record too, I think we all can be with ttc issues. It affects everyone from the rich to the poor. I wish I had a magic wand to make that part of our lives perfect. You do what is easiest for you to do and take everything else in and you can. You don't have to give up your baby dreams. Just know when baby comes along more will have to be set a side for them. A Penny at a time goes a long way. You will get there. Rooting for you :hugs2:
Hi everyone, I have been ttc for over a year now, I had a miscarriage in December, haven’t been able to get pregnant since, using my ovulation monitor to track my ovulation I noticed I haven’t been ovulating for the pass 3 months now. My ovulation is suppose to be tomorrow and I have been tracking my ovulation for 6 day, I am getting low fertile results. I have the feeling that am not going to ovulate this month. Am worried and heartbroken. Really don’t know what to do at this point. Any tips pleaseee

Hi there :flow:

I am sorry about your loss in December. I and many others have tips I'm sure that worked for our individual needs. I am not a doctor but after secondary infertility and the research that goes along with it...I feel like one some times.:blush:

The best thing for you to do is look at your body and what you know should normally be happening. Like, do you get your period every 25 to 28 day? Is it heavy? Is it light? Or just supper Clotty? Do you have painful periods?? Age? Do you think the age of your ages might be any issue?

I'd try and answer those questions for myself then take them to my Gyno to see what they think. There are lots of natural remedies out there that may help but you could also hurt yourself by trying any and everything (been there). The one thing I do know works and has been constently reommended to me by doctors is Ubiquinol 600mg a day and D3 vitamin 5000iu along with good blood circulation for your lower half...simple walking. And cut out caffiene.

That's just my take.

I hope others chime in as I know they have awesome advice. We have a good support group here. FX for finding that combination that helps you get and stay pregnant. Big Hugs
Hi everyone, I have been ttc for over a year now, I had a miscarriage in December, haven’t been able to get pregnant since, using my ovulation monitor to track my ovulation I noticed I haven’t been ovulating for the pass 3 months now. My ovulation is suppose to be tomorrow and I have been tracking my ovulation for 6 day, I am getting low fertile results. I have the feeling that am not going to ovulate this month. Am worried and heartbroken. Really don’t know what to do at this point. Any tips pleaseee
I'm sorry for your loss :hugs:
I'm really not sure how you can guarantee ovulation but as I understand being hydrated is super important for both good CM and ovulation...make sure you drink plenty of water!
Good luck to you.
I’m back at work full time and I’m so tired. I have no time to track my ovulation but I had ovulation pain earlier so I’m going to DTD tonight, I’m hoping that I’ll be more fertile after my chemical. I’ve lost half a stone in 2 weeks so I’m hoping that might help too.
Ladies I just wanted to update you all so none of you would wonder. I'm currently going through an early MC. I'll read up on how everyone is doing once I calm down with what's happening.
Ladies I just wanted to update you all so none of you would wonder. I'm currently going through an early MC. I'll read up on how everyone is doing once I calm down with what's happening.
I'm so sorry to hear that...take your time to grieve and be very kind to yourself.
Ladies I just wanted to update you all so none of you would wonder. I'm currently going through an early MC. I'll read up on how everyone is doing once I calm down with what's happening.
Hey everyone. Still nothing to report here not ovulated or even tried yet this month. Puppy is settling in so well. Hating school run very tired lol
@Deethehippy @NennaKay @FTale Thanks ladies :cry:. Really sad & depressed about it. I was so excited. I am so thankful for my 3 babies I do have right now though.

Hugs. It hurts. And you take all the time you need to grieve. I still am and its been years. I had a doc appt today where they asked how many live children I birthed. I tried to explain my first pregnancy and loss but broke down crying. Which is hard to do with a mask on....

Expressing the sadness we feel about losing a pregnancy is just as important as the celebrating or excitement when we find out about that bfp. I am devastated you are going thru this but you have a big support group right along side you. Gonna get thru this.:hugs2:
Thank you. @JessaBear36

I was very hapoy and then sad after my doc appt today. Their urine test said negative for pregnancy but my frer, osom, and every other test I've been weeing on say positive still.

I got home and went again on my Osom only and I feel like its darker but testing out a trigger I want to see it get way darker before I get excited.

BUT the new doc was amazing! He said he will do everything in his power to help us get pregnant if we didnt do it this month.

I was floored! He is just a regular Gyno I thought. Nope he does IUI too and he doesn't care that I am old and fluffy...lol.

The best part is he lives sooooo much closer. The other place is 2 and a half hours away. and tons more expensive. He is even cheaper. I about passed out.

I hope you are feeling better. I was coincidentally having nausea while reading your journal earlier. The nausea is real - like I am peppemint teaing every chance I get. Helps settle my tummy.

If I aint pregnant, I got a really cruel stomach bug.

But seriously hope you are feeling better. HUGS
Thank you. @JessaBear36

I was very hapoy and then sad after my doc appt today. Their urine test said negative for pregnancy but my frer, osom, and every other test I've been weeing on say positive still.

I got home and went again on my Osom only and I feel like its darker but testing out a trigger I want to see it get way darker before I get excited.

BUT the new doc was amazing! He said he will do everything in his power to help us get pregnant if we didnt do it this month.

I was floored! He is just a regular Gyno I thought. Nope he does IUI too and he doesn't care that I am old and fluffy...lol.

The best part is he lives sooooo much closer. The other place is 2 and a half hours away. and tons more expensive. He is even cheaper. I about passed out.

I hope you are feeling better. I was coincidentally having nausea while reading your journal earlier. The nausea is real - like I am peppemint teaing every chance I get. Helps settle my tummy.

If I aint pregnant, I got a really cruel stomach bug.

But seriously hope you are feeling better. HUGS
Oh how cool. He seems nice!! I was wondering how your testing was going. I'll be watching and looking for updates from you. Feeling a little better now have had a upset stomach all day and feeling bloated. OH wants to dtd.tonight now I'm nervous don't want to irritate my cervix. Have to get over that fear afraid it will make me start spotting...I haven't told him that I'm pregnant yet.
Cd 10 for me. Dh came home Sunday and leaves tomorrow. Been able to bd every day. Maybe I might have a shot. FX. My cycle is all over the place so I can’t depend on a regular o date. I do have ewcm so that’s good. I know I’m gearing up, but not sure if I will O in time.
Fix for everyone testing! Congrats to the bfps. Sorry for the bfn & af. That’s the worst feeling.
:dust:All around!
@FTale FX for yoh <3. Your new Gyno sounds so sweet. Makes me so happy to hear you have his support behind you. I feel like my OB could care less tbh.
Ladies I just wanted to update you all so none of you would wonder. I'm currently going through an early MC. I'll read up on how everyone is doing once I calm down with what's happening.

I'm so sorry hun :hugs:

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