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@@@ September 2020: Let's Fall Pregnant Y'all** 12 BFPs **

To whomever asked about cheapies... I buy mine from Amazon. I buy the 50 pack of Clinical Guard.

Congratulations to those who have gotten a BFP over the last week!

As for me, I'm 7dpo and still symptom spotting. Had tender breasts for 3 days between 2-4dpo. Cervix is soft and low, but it's almost always low since I had kids. Today I had 5 episodes of lightning crotch.... Ugh. POAS this evening, but I believe it's too early even if it was gonna be positive. My period is not due to arrive until September 13th so fingers crossed!

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@JoBanana @NennaKay Good luck ladies!! FX for you!!! :dust:

My son will be 2 in January, he's still nursing as well. My other 2 babies self weaned (one at 18 months & the other at 7 months). So far my son is giving no indication he will self wean anytime soon lol.
@JoBanana @NennaKay Good luck ladies!! FX for you!!! :dust:

My son will be 2 in January, he's still nursing as well. My other 2 babies self wea ed (one at 18 months & the other a 7). So far my son is giving no indication he will self wean anytime soon lol.

My oldest, who is now seven, self weaned at about a year, but also took formula bottles starting at 4 months and self weaned off the pacifier...

My second, who is now four, I think would still be on the breast if I had let her... One week before she turned two, I cut her off because she would only nurse for 3 minutes or less at a time and be back every 10-15 minutes for more. She refused any and all bottles and pacifiers... Wouldn't even drink expressed milk unless she was starving. I used to work 10 hour days with an hour each way drive time and she would drink 2.5 oz tops the entire day and then attack me like a rabid bear when I got home.
Hi. I am 32 years old. I have 1 DS who is 2 years old and still nurses. My cycles fluctuate a lot. According to my tracker, this cycle is estimated to be 35 days long. Although it was 33 and 34 days the last 2 cycles. Due for the witch on the 17th. I am currently on CD26. Estimated Ovulation was on CD22. Only DTD on CD21. Fingers crossed.

Good luck :)
Hi ladies! I took the long weekend off but back this week (it’s late Monday night here).

AF arrived this am for me but expected as we didn’t even DTD last month lol! A rough month as you all know with issues with dh. Hoping this month is better! My pms was out of control I was so cranky this weekend. Hopefully dh is on board to try this month. I think he will be as we’ve decided to be relaxed about it and see what happens! I’ll probably do OPK because I have to know, but won’t tell dh or temp!
Hi ladies! I took the long weekend off but back this week (it’s late Monday night here).

AF arrived this am for me but expected as we didn’t even DTD last month lol! A rough month as you all know with issues with dh. Hoping this month is better! My pms was out of control I was so cranky this weekend. Hopefully dh is on board to try this month. I think he will be as we’ve decided to be relaxed about it and see what happens! I’ll probably do OPK because I have to know, but won’t tell dh or temp!

Last month did sound like a rough month for you guys :hugs:
Wishing you all the best for this month :dust:
@NennaKay your 4yo sounded just like my son is now. He nurses for 20 minutes a lot but sometimes I'm just a snack pack to him when he's running around playing. He sleeps with me and nurses through the night too. He does like sippy cups but prefers nursing if he has the choice. Sometimes he does both at the same time lol.

@Alligator Sorry the :witch: is so rough this cycle :hugs:. Good luck this coming cycle hun :dust:.
@NennaKay it was me, thank you :) I had a dream last night (3rd pregnancy test dream in the last 2 weeks!) I bought a load of cheapies, got a blazing bfp at 8dpo. Which is today lol. So far nothing out of the ordinary symptoms wise so won't be testing early.
@monroea definitely see those lines!!! Can't wait to see them continue to progress!

So sorry I've been off- virtual school starts tomorrow and I've just been enjoying the last week of summer break before jumping into a whole new adventure!

I'm 6dpo right now. I don't hold a lot of hope for this month with the late ovulation but you never know! Today had some breast fullness/sensitive nipples but I don't really think it means anything yet. Otherwise I haven't had symptoms (would b too early anyway but always fun to symptoms spot!) AF is due Friday but hoping if it is coming that it holds off to Sunday so I would still have an 11 day LP. Honestly, just want to get there so I can leave this cycle behind and move on!

Good luck to everyone! I'm trying to stay caught up reading, even if I'm not posting a lot!
Hi ladies
So been TTC #2 for 2 yrs 9months. Had a chemical in Feb and watched the lines get lighter. In Feb I didn’t get a faint positive till 12 dpo And I was spotting a lot of old blood. This time round after 6 cycles of letrozole I got a positive this am at 8dpo. Of course I won’t be able to stop myself from testing progression from what happened in Feb. Here are my fmu and smu tests. For anyone that’s interested the symptoms I had were 1-5dpo nothing, I had sharp and dull pains in the evening of 6dpo for around 30 mins and increased creamy cm. The morning of 7dpo I had a pain in my bottom For a few hours and my cm Still creamy and more than usual was tinged Brown. Headache all day too. Today 8dpo I have very very mild aches in my lower abdomen, smallest Tinge to my cm. Trying not to worry and feel I can’t call myself pg just yet. Please fingers crossed ladies this is a sticky bean [-o<[-o<

@monroea Hi there! I can see that line develop! Woohoo Praying it gets darker for you. So scary when they are faint but I would call it bfp it they were my tests. CONGRATS!!! FX for a sticky bean.

@JoBanana Welcome!! Thank you for joing us and sharing your ttc journey. Hope this is your month :hugs:

@mme Thank you for posting your bfp and sharing a bit of your journey as well. Pouring prayers over you for a very sticky bean.:flow:

@Suggerhoney Hope your tests go well!!

@Alligator FX for next cycle!

Sorry if I didnt mention everyone, my short term memory bites. Typing on my cell is easier but I can't go back pages...ugh.

But I did read it all and my heart goes out to the lot of us wading thru the some times treacherous waters of ttcing. Most times I get so tired of the tww that I welcome af just so the 'what ifs' will stop. The thought just occurred to me that its like mining for a rare gem.

Well, God heard our prayers before we even spoke them on these boards. The last say will always be his in my mind as I know not all are Christian. So please do not beat your self up with worry. As ttcers, we do all we know how to do and God will see to it that which is meant to be. Hope this brings comfort to anyone reading. And by comfort I mean happiness and true thankfulness for all the positive things surrounding us in life right now.

AFM: That break was needed so badly. It was hard at first but I leaned into it to the fullest. My only regret is not having one more day...lol Soooo I have been comically testing out my trigger just to learn us Fluffy girls hold on to it longer. My metabolism is slow as a turtle. Was wondering what was going on...lol. I will post all my trigger test out photos once I know the outcome of this cycle. And if you are wondering, no, I do not think I am pregnant but I sure as day want to be :lol::dust:
@NennaKay FX!!!

@Becomeamum :( sorry for the bfn. Hoping for a surprise bfp. But if not I like your plan for school and taking your mind off ttc for a smidgen till you two want to address it again.:hugs:

@Deethehippy Your plan is right on though frustrating to tell more of what you are going through ttc wise. But the docs can help. I know I am thankful for a doc who refused me a hysterectomy at age 37. Said you may want to have more children. I was mad at her...ooooh so mad. Now....happy for her insight. She made sure my uterus was ok by doing uterine biopsy and since age 38 I have been trying to put one in the oven. So, the short of it is they are there to help you get to where you want. And taking everything in to consideration too. You are not out. There are ways to help get you a healthy pregnancy. Hugs for finding the courage to speak up more.
@aymz1983 I vote Easy@Home. Testing out my trigger and they are super sensitive. FX

@kksy9b Hugs!!!! I feel you!! Really want this cycle to pan out as bfp but it went so wrong...ovulated early took meds on wrong days :dohh:.lol..I found myself scouting out my fertile days for next cycle....goodness :coffee:

We are still early though, you more so, lets tune in to that positive station and cross everything for second line. :hugs:
My texting finger is frozen in the pointing position :laugh2: signaling me to quit poking at my cell. Plus I need it for work later...haha.

Doc appt tomorrow evening. Will let you all know how that goes.:flow::dust:
Back...lol..needed to update post title for our group

@Mrs. MaBrEy What date should I change you to for testing?

Well, was going back to sleep but not I'm hungry for Belgian waffles. But I don't feel like making the batter...:hissy:
I think I need to change my test date from the 18th to the 14th because I've ovulated early. X
@FTale thank you! I'm sorry this cycle has gone sideways for you too...it's so frustrating...but what can you do other than to look forward?

I suddenly started having severe cramping this morning. Like early labor/severe period cramps. I had to legitimately breathe through a few of the waves. At one point I thought I was going to throw up. Because of how suddenly it showed up, I thought it could be trapped gas? But nothing passed and eventually it started calming down. Maybe 10-15 minutes of severe and now it's just full aches through the uterus. I'm only 7dpo and have no spotting so I don't think it's early AF. Either it IS trapped gas that is lingering for a long time or maybe a sign of implantation? I don't think I've heard of sudden severe cramping before with implantation though?

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