September&October 2022 babies

I literally log in to check in how you are doing! Really really have everything crossed that this is a little sticky bean!
Very sweet for checking in on me, I appreciate it.
I love that I have this forum to talk to people who understand
Yes it’s such a nice place! Think you can tell it by how all of us were so shocked and repulsed by that attack on the testing thread the other day. So nice to see how we all looked out for each other
It was shocking, everyone is so lovely on here!

I will respond properly later on today.

I have my scan and appointment with Dr and midwifes today about ore eclampsia etc. Suddenly I have woken up today with awful dizzy spells, I can’t even stand as vision blurs, also have protein in my wee. It seems like my body knows I’m going to see them! Hopefully it is just me panicking and all will be fine!

il respond to everyone later once my vision can focus for longer xxx

@ehjmorris your tests progression is just amazing!!!! There’s no denying your hcg is progressing! Xx
It was shocking, everyone is so lovely on here!

I will respond properly later on today.

I have my scan and appointment with Dr and midwifes today about ore eclampsia etc. Suddenly I have woken up today with awful dizzy spells, I can’t even stand as vision blurs, also have protein in my wee. It seems like my body knows I’m going to see them! Hopefully it is just me panicking and all will be fine!

il respond to everyone later once my vision can focus for longer xxx

@ehjmorris your tests progression is just amazing!!!! There’s no denying your hcg is progressing! Xx

Hope you feel better lovely!! Good you are seeing the doctor today though so can raise the concerns. Maybe get them to run a baseline protein for you? As I understand it you cannot develop preeclampsia until 20weeks. There is a great Facebook group I’m a part of called Preeclampsia, Eclampsia and HELLP survivors network that often says symptoms before 20 weeks should be watched but is not a sign of PreE but worth getting baseline numbers before 20 weeks. If you’re not apart of it- it’s a great resource! They guided me through my last pregnancy and told me things to ask my doctor!
Thank you! I’m hoping still good news
Tests are definitely dye stealers still even easy@home \\:D/ I love seeing it

I will find out numbers tomorrow afternoon
This is the tests from this morning and tonight because I’m obsessed - separate ones are from this morning

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I can’t get over those tests! Beautiful! Its amazing how you can get your levels checked and scans! I dont see anyone till 8 weeks and that is a midwife appointment scans wont be till 12 weeks! Im paying private for a scan next weekend ill be 7 weeks to just check everything is on track xxx
@swedengirl i am hungry all the time too! i was told to snack continuously and avoid eating too many big meals, otherwise itll cause heatburn, constipation issues and blood sugar problems so ive been tying my best lol
@JAM1611 welcome and congrats!!!

@ehjmorris still keeping my fx for you! Your tests keep looking great so thats good news!

Afm, felt like taking my first bump pic. I think it's mostly bloat lol

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yay to bump pic! Looking lovely!

got my 3+ on clear blue. No idea why but just makes me more confident everything is as it should. Im 5+5. Also. Few more ‘gags’ this morning!! I had alot of morning sickness with my little boy that lasted till at least 19 weeks. Any hints or tips from experience? I have a toddler this time round :lol:

how is everyone? Xxx

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My only tip is to eat eat eat. Even when you don’t feel like it do not allow yourself to get hungry. Eat something just before bed and eat something as soon as you wake. Hunger triggers the nausea in my experience and it’s easy to get into a spiral hunger- nausea- not wanting to eat cycle
Hope you feel better lovely!! Good you are seeing the doctor today though so can raise the concerns. Maybe get them to run a baseline protein for you? As I understand it you cannot develop preeclampsia until 20weeks. There is a great Facebook group I’m a part of called Preeclampsia, Eclampsia and HELLP survivors network that often says symptoms before 20 weeks should be watched but is not a sign of PreE but worth getting baseline numbers before 20 weeks. If you’re not apart of it- it’s a great resource! They guided me through my last pregnancy and told me things to ask my doctor!

Thank you, the same happened to me last pregnancy before 20 weeks again, they were very confused. It was 16 weeks that time, they did the blood tests that time for pre E and HELP and it showed that I was progressing into Pre E, so I was put on meds which kept it at bay the entire time which was very lucky.

I will join them groups as they will be very helpful for me, thank you so much xx
I’m starting to feel like poop. 6 weeks 4 days. I started unisom and b6 last night because I couldn’t take the all day nausea.

Today I feel less nauseous, but hungry with extreme food aversion. I just snuck down fo school cafeteria to grab saltines and water. I feel very lightheaded too.

I know this is all part of the experience but I don’t think nausea hit this soon in my first two pregnancies.
@amantila only thing that helped was Vitamin b6 and unisom at night. Helped immediately and kept me sane til the morning sickness went away! I didnt do B6 with my last 2 pregnancies and the morning sickness lasted much longer. So give it a try!
@Becca_89 that all sounds scary! I never had to worry about Pre E as i normally have the opposite problem of low BP and have to religiously take iron and chug water to not constantly feel like passing out. But i was never in the danger zone so i feel blessed. Hopefully you will get by this time around unscathed! I agree with @swedengirl about joining Facebook support groups. Ive always found them extremely helpful and informative!
@ehjmorris so happy to see your tests! This seems to be a sticky tough bean!!
I can’t get over those tests! Beautiful! Its amazing how you can get your levels checked and scans! I dont see anyone till 8 weeks and that is a midwife appointment scans wont be till 12 weeks! Im paying private for a scan next weekend ill be 7 weeks to just check everything is on track xxx
I did exactly with paying for early, I didn’t see my midwife at 8 weeks though, I had to do this over the phone.
Hope your scan goes ok next week!
I agree with the eating to keep the sickness away, I usually found salty crisps helped me, also apples were my go to!

I had my scan and app today, all went well and my BP was fine and no protein when there. I am back in at 16 weeks to see my consultant, so that is now 3 weeks away as I was put forward to 01/09, which makes me 13 weeks today.

The lady also showed me what she says is likely the sex and there was a lil what might be a penis there. She said that sometimes there is swelling there so she can’t confirm it, but it looked like it was definitely something prominent. she said that they would be able to tell from 14 weeks but so easy to get it wrong, so I’m excited to see if this is correct or not. Baby was being very well bechaved and the scan was so clear!

hope you have all had a good day.

@ehjmorris did your results come in? X
@amantila only thing that helped was Vitamin b6 and unisom at night. Helped immediately and kept me sane til the morning sickness went away! I didnt do B6 with my last 2 pregnancies and the morning sickness lasted much longer. So give it a try!
@Becca_89 that all sounds scary! I never had to worry about Pre E as i normally have the opposite problem of low BP and have to religiously take iron and chug water to not constantly feel like passing out. But i was never in the danger zone so i feel blessed. Hopefully you will get by this time around unscathed! I agree with @swedengirl about joining Facebook support groups. Ive always found them extremely helpful and informative!
@ehjmorris so happy to see your tests! This seems to be a sticky tough bean!!

Ahh no is this the case when pregnant or all of the time? Hope you stay with a nice BP this time! Xx
I agree with the eating to keep the sickness away, I usually found salty crisps helped me, also apples were my go to!

I had my scan and app today, all went well and my BP was fine and no protein when there. I am back in at 16 weeks to see my consultant, so that is now 3 weeks away as I was put forward to 01/09, which makes me 13 weeks today.

The lady also showed me what she says is likely the sex and there was a lil what might be a penis there. She said that sometimes there is swelling there so she can’t confirm it, but it looked like it was definitely something prominent. she said that they would be able to tell from 14 weeks but so easy to get it wrong, so I’m excited to see if this is correct or not. Baby was being very well bechaved and the scan was so clear!

hope you have all had a good day.

@ehjmorris did your results come in? X
Yes ready salted crisps was my go too last time. Im trying to think of things that may be a bit more SlimmingWorld friendly though this time round haha!
Ooooo exciting! You hopeful for a boy? Xx
I agree with the eating to keep the sickness away, I usually found salty crisps helped me, also apples were my go to!

I had my scan and app today, all went well and my BP was fine and no protein when there. I am back in at 16 weeks to see my consultant, so that is now 3 weeks away as I was put forward to 01/09, which makes me 13 weeks today.

The lady also showed me what she says is likely the sex and there was a lil what might be a penis there. She said that sometimes there is swelling there so she can’t confirm it, but it looked like it was definitely something prominent. she said that they would be able to tell from 14 weeks but so easy to get it wrong, so I’m excited to see if this is correct or not. Baby was being very well bechaved and the scan was so clear!

hope you have all had a good day.

@ehjmorris did your results come in? X

Yay to a good scan! And so exciting that you already have an indication of gender!
Also great news on the BP!
@Becca_89 glad your scan went well! And they will monitor the protein, I’ve never experienced pre-e or something similar but in two of my pregnancies I was borderline for cholestasis, which drove me insane with the itchiness
Do you have a pic to share? I love scans

speaking of nausea, i woke up feeling nauseous which I’m smiling about lol I’ve never really been one to vomit except a few times with the twins.
I will find out results this afternoon at 2
But here’s todays test - I’ve run out of frer so easy@home will do

yes I’ve got to say where I live is lucky to be able to have access to blood tests and scans, definitely can put mind at ease

Ahh no is this the case when pregnant or all of the time? Hope you stay with a nice BP this time! Xx
I have low BP on a normal basis. Veins that are hard to find, usually colder than most, poor circulation. Gets worse when I have another life to supply blood to lol but it so far hasn't been an issue with pregnancy, first trimester is usually bed rest. Which thankfully I'm almost out of!
I'm feeling good today! Had an appointment to draw bloods and go over some things. I'll be doing progesterone shots coming up in a few weeks and it's a lot more involved than I realized! I have thyroid issues so i need blood drawn every couple weeks to monitor. Sucks.
Hopefully the house selling and buying goes well! It's such a headache and I'm not looking forward to it in a few years!

That's exciting! Shouldn't take you too long to get your cycle back on track. Hope to see you in one of these boards soon!

Thanks hon. I really hope I do get to be in another due date group.

This is so exciting! I’m so happy for you! Look forward to seeing your tests!

I saw you asked previously about my babies age, she is now 9 months, so working it out she was 7 months when we conceived. Which is crazy to think back on now!

I have just caught up on the horrid messages on the testing thread!!

what an evil person, whoever it was! This site is amazing and so much support! Everyone, who can be a good parent, deserves a baby, no matter age or how many losses! Hope you are ok! Xxx

Thanks lovely.
Definitely gonna be very careful for March so and April too but if I fell in April then Harley will be 7 months.

My AF showed up so I'm on cd3 now. It's gone midnight so officially cd3.
It feels so weird being able to say cd 3. I haven't been able to do any of that because I was bleeding all the time on the pill and didn't know if I was coming or going.
I know this bleed is only a withdrawal bleed tho and my next AF will be the real deal.
I'm gonna start opks cd6 and we're just using them as a form of contraception at the moment.
When I came off the mini pill last time I remembered only having a 24 day cycle so expecting something similar this time around.

I'm OK hon. Tbh she did really upset me when she said about womon in there 40s don't deserve to have babies at our age because by the time that kid will be 20 we will be dead. I wud actually only be in my early 60s so I found that comment very hurtful. She also said about all my chemicals in 2020 and that also upset me..
Tbh tho I was way more upset and angry at what she said to others. Esp poor Sally and Dee. Also also the things she said to poor @ehjmorris. That's why I attacked back because of what she said to her. I just don't understand how anyone can be so evil and nasty.
I've never seen anything like that on here.
Then to post a scan pic and say she never has had a miscarriage or a still Birth or ever struggled ttc was just a kick in the teeth. Esp to those that have been ttc for ages now.
I don't know if her account got hacked or she had some mental melt down.
I think she's gone now tho.

got my 3+ on clear blue. No idea why but just makes me more confident everything is as it should. Im 5+5. Also. Few more ‘gags’ this morning!! I had alot of morning sickness with my little boy that lasted till at least 19 weeks. Any hints or tips from experience? I have a toddler this time round :lol:

how is everyone? Xxx

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Massive congratulations hon

@Becca_89 glad your scan went well! And they will monitor the protein, I’ve never experienced pre-e or something similar but in two of my pregnancies I was borderline for cholestasis, which drove me insane with the itchiness
Do you have a pic to share? I love scans

speaking of nausea, i woke up feeling nauseous which I’m smiling about lol I’ve never really been one to vomit except a few times with the twins.
I will find out results this afternoon at 2
But here’s todays test - I’ve run out of frer so easy@home will do

yes I’ve got to say where I live is lucky to be able to have access to blood tests and scans, definitely can put mind at ease

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Look at all them line stealers hon. This is great

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