AmbiguousHope, loved your dream! Lol! Well after talking about the sex dreams I had one last night and it caused an orgasam! My DH was peacefully sleeping, but it woke me up and I was embarrassed! Lol! Then it caused cramping. Lovely! I couldn't believe it. I blame you guys for talking about it! Lol!
I take 81mg of low dose/baby aspirin once a day. I have my mild blood clotting thing so that's why. But I've heard it's great for blood flow for women regardless if you have clotting issues or not.
As for my symptoms I get cramping randomly or if I over do it, sore boobs especially as the day goes by, exhausted today, aches here and there in my pelvis and lower belly, don't feel like doing anything but laying on the couch. I'm at 5 weeks 5 days today so I'm right in between my last 2 miscarriages.

feel like it might make me feel a tad better once I get over this hump. 6 weeks 1 day was the longest. That's Tuesday. Praying and praying. Then I have to be positive and patient until my follow up ultrasound on the 21st. That's going to be hard for me. I pray with everything I have that we see a heartbeat at that time. We should, I'll be 7 weeks 2 days but was measuring 4 days ahead, so if that stays the same I could be closer to 7 weeks 6 days. We'll see. For now I'm going from my lmp and sticking with the lesser of the two. Fingers crossed.