So I guess this is my first Two Week Wait...

I think you may have hit the nail on the head with the mood thing.....back to normal today :yipee:.....almost celebrating the fact that my nipples are feeling a lil bit stinging :dohh:
We weren't going to be trying again until June/July time after the mc but I done opks this month and continued charting as my cycles are a bit irregular and I wanted to find out when is the norm for me to O. Well I had my first ever true positive opk and both DH and I decided we couldn't let lil eggy go without trying to catch it....I guess that's when you know you're ready. I can't wait to see :bfp: but at the same time I'm really not relishing the thought of the weeks waiting to know that all is ok.

I hadn't realised about smears either hun until I was expecting Callum and the GP told me it was fine to still have them done.

What has everyone got planned for today? I'm on-call til 1pm then taking Callum to go and get some frog spawn for the pond.....he's excited about it, bless him.

:hug: PMA and sticky :dust: to all

Good to hear that your nipples are stinging today!! :rofl::rofl: (Where else but B&B would you hear a comment like that?) Seriously though, I'm glad to hear yesterday was just a blip. I really hope you get your well-deserved :bfp:. I hear what you're saying about the long wait to know that things are OK, a bit like the 2WW but longer and even more stressful. Will they scan you early after a loss to put your mind at rest?

I'm going to go to my yoga class this morning, and have arranged to go to the theatre with a friend this evening, so I have a nice day planned.

Enjoy the frog-spawn hunting with Callum - I have fond memories of collecting frog-spawn and hatching tadpoles as a child!
Hayley your chart is looking great! Maybe yesterday was a little implantation dip??

Good luck to anyone who is testing this morning. Can't wait to see some :bfp:s for this group as I think we are a lovely group of girls who would make really good mummys and so we really deserve it!!!

Lilaala, how are you doing? Any more symptoms?
Hayley your chart is looking great! Maybe yesterday was a little implantation dip??

Thanks hun. Still just not feeling it tho :happydance: i wish i knew for sure now, then i could just forget about it and wait for :witch:. Then i get my highest temp so far this morning and now i'm back to uuummm maybe!! :rofl:
OMG i didnt even last a day without coming on here!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ive taken the laptop to mums:blush:

I just had to make sure everyone is ok!

No more symptoms for me nothing not sausage.. oh well only 8days po so still Early days i guess :)

When i test with you all on the 25th i'll be 12dpo so thats still early days to.. so im trying to stay positive for :bfp:
Can I join? new to all this so will probably get things wrong lol

I am TTC :witch: due 1st of March also getting prob imaginery symptoms of cramping and sore boobies!!!

I love reading the site so decided to join in!!

:hug: to all x
Hi all,

Still no AF, had cramps this morning but not a sign of her. Am getting a little it optimistic again. If there is nothing by Monday I will be very optimistic. Hope my body isn't playing tricks.

How is everyone else?
I am very grumpy :blush: and if I dont stop eating I will be the size of a house end!! probably :witch: coming :cry:

anyone else the same?
I am very grumpy :blush: and if I dont stop eating I will be the size of a house end!! probably :witch: coming :cry:

anyone else the same?

Hiya and welcome!

If your AF is due on the 1st March then you probably wouldn't be so hungry yet, so it might be a symptom!

I am very very grumpy too. My AF is due so that defo is PMS for me I'd say!

Best of luck and hope you get a BFP
Hi bumpty. Welcome!! hope you get your BFP soon. Have you just stopped BCP?

leelee you seem to be doing really well with no witch yet!!!!! how many dpo are you now? are you going to test on mon?
I've got AF style cramps and a backache now....not due to start spotting until wed then i shld be in full AF flow by fri :-(
I've got AF style cramps and a backache now....not due to start spotting until wed then i shld be in full AF flow by fri :-(

Cramps and backache can be signs! Don't give up!! :hugs: PMA remember! :hugs:
Welcome Bumpity! Fingers crossed and some extra baby:dust: for you!

Polaris: You do Yoga? So do I! I'm not in a class though currently, due to finances (not in dire straights but when income lowers we try to cut out expenses that aren't essential) but I do have my DVD and mat to do it at home! Thanks for asking, I'm actually excessively nauseous right now, even though I DID make a point of eating some cheese and crackers to quell this morning's hunger. I want to get the bathroom cleaned and wash my floors as it's the weekend, (yay!) but I think I might just lie down for a bit instead and hope the nausea lets up enough for some serious house cleaning! What about you, any symptoms making themselves particularly well known today?
Hi bumpty. Welcome!! hope you get your BFP soon. Have you just stopped BCP?

leelee you seem to be doing really well with no witch yet!!!!! how many dpo are you now? are you going to test on mon?

Thanks Hayley. I was doing well but :witch: got me this afternoon. I am not feeling as bad as I thought but slightly worried about my vivid imagination as I had every symptom under the sun, including metallic taste.

I think I will have to calm down a bit next month. I am happy I had a 28 day cycle as this is what I can go by next month so it takes the pressure off a bit.

I really hope you get a :bfp: this month!
So sorry to hear she got you, leelee! :hug:

Thanks Lilaala,

Hope you get your :bfp: on the 25th with the others! I am okay, I thought I might be devastated but not too bad. I think for me getting the :witch: is worse than a :bfn:. At least with a :bfn: there is still some hope! Next month I won't be testing until a few days after AF is late though.
Hi bumpty. Welcome!! hope you get your BFP soon. Have you just stopped BCP?

leelee you seem to be doing really well with no witch yet!!!!! how many dpo are you now? are you going to test on mon?

Thanks Hayley. I was doing well but :witch: got me this afternoon. I am not feeling as bad as I thought but slightly worried about my vivid imagination as I had every symptom under the sun, including metallic taste.

I think I will have to calm down a bit next month. I am happy I had a 28 day cycle as this is what I can go by next month so it takes the pressure off a bit.

I really hope you get a :bfp: this month!

Sorry she got you hun :hugs: I must admit i wasn't disappointed last month as it was my first month of BCP and it was just a relief to have a normal cycle unlike some ladie on here who have to wait months. Fx'd for next month!!!!!

I'm sitting here typing wrapped up in a blanket as feel really sorry for myself. i have a dull constant ache in my stomach that keeps going into the top of my right leg, a lower backache and really tired. Could go to bed now! Keep thinking its too soon for the :witch: and i don't really get pain until the day she comes normally (but that is going by BCP). Also i think i'm going mad - i noticed yesterday i have a little sun kiss under my left eye and i swear black as white that it wasn't there the day before, i mean i'd surely notice it when i do my make up every day! i think i'm seriously losing it :hissy:
Evening girls. Been a mad day at work and didn't get a chance to come on here - work really gets in the way :rofl:

Butterfly i really hope you get your :bfp: soon especially after seeing your loss. I would just like to say that i think you must be sooooo brave and a wonderfully strong person. Hope you don't mind me saying and i haven't upset you :hugs:

Welshrose there is still time to "feel" pg but i do no what you mean. Maybe you'll have tons of symptoms tomorrow hun.

leelee don't give up hope yet, some people take ages to a pos pg test PMA!!!

Polaris how you doing today? Any symptoms? I think we feel exactly the same about the poas thing. i really think i'm not and will get my AF next week. Maybe march will be our month!!!!!! We can be cycle buddies!!!

p.s. wonder if lou is having withdrawal symptoms from B&B yet :rofl:

Hi Hayley. I was feeling strong but now I'm not....... those BFN don't help. I think I'm gonna stick with you and Polaris and next cycle I'm gonna wait to POAS. You haven't upset me by mentioning my loss. Mollie was and still is the most precious person in my life and I would just like her to have a brother or sister.

I did a clearblue digital yesterday and got BFN. It was DH suggestion as he was sick of me holding the sticks up at the window desperately searching for a line. I really wish I hadn't spent £6 on that test just seeing those words - not pregnant. :cry:

Sorry - having a bad day today. :hug:
Evening girls. Been a mad day at work and didn't get a chance to come on here - work really gets in the way :rofl:

Butterfly i really hope you get your :bfp: soon especially after seeing your loss. I would just like to say that i think you must be sooooo brave and a wonderfully strong person. Hope you don't mind me saying and i haven't upset you :hugs:

Welshrose there is still time to "feel" pg but i do no what you mean. Maybe you'll have tons of symptoms tomorrow hun.

leelee don't give up hope yet, some people take ages to a pos pg test PMA!!!

Polaris how you doing today? Any symptoms? I think we feel exactly the same about the poas thing. i really think i'm not and will get my AF next week. Maybe march will be our month!!!!!! We can be cycle buddies!!!

p.s. wonder if lou is having withdrawal symptoms from B&B yet :rofl:

Hi Hayley. I was feeling strong but now I'm not....... those BFN don't help. I think I'm gonna stick with you and Polaris and next cycle I'm gonna wait to POAS. You haven't upset me by mentioning my loss. Mollie was and still is the most precious person in my life and I would just like her to have a brother or sister.

I did a clearblue digital yesterday and got BFN. It was DH suggestion as he was sick of me holding the sticks up at the window desperately searching for a line. I really wish I hadn't spent £6 on that test just seeing those words - not pregnant. :cry:

Sorry - having a bad day today. :hug:

Oh hunni i wish i could say something to make you feel better. Out of all the ladies here trying for there BFP i would be so pleased for it to be you. If i could give up my chance and give it to you i would :hugs: Please try and keep going, maybe you are but its to early to show yet? I know the digis can be brutal! I'm sure Mollie will send you her little brother or sister when she knows are ready :hugs::hugs:

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