Anababe! I have a good feeling girl! Your symptoms sound almost exactly how mine began this time around. Heartburn, sore boobs, headaches, not sleeping well. I'm telling you girl! VERY PROMISING! How many dpo are you today and when do you plan to start testing?Morning!
Tesh I can see the shadow on that but this is why I don’t like to test too early I get so fed up of seeing these shadows! But I really think you have a good chance this time I can’t wait to see your tests over the weekend see how they progress. I’d be quite excited about the possible implantation, especially if the spotting at 5/6 dpo isn’t normal for you.
I’ve not had the best night sleep, I’m so tired this morning, I was awake at 1:30am with heartburn, took ages to get back to sleep. There was a time I only ever got heartburn during pregnancy but I have had it occasionally in the 2ww on previous cycles, just not usually woken up by it. Boobs still very sore I can’t even lie on my front in bed and I keep getting very sudden sharp headaches, you know like a stress headache, only lasts a few mins at a time.
Another quiet day today, I may pick up a test later to do in the morning, I just feel a bit silly symptom spotting and testing early knowing I’m only in with a small chance this cycle.
Tesh huni, don't give up! It's still super early for you for testing. I got a BFN literally until the night of 9dpo and even then it was very faint. I really think the line started to gain strength around 10-12dpo. you are 8dpo today, right? I still have a feeling it's your month. You have had such different symptoms this time around and they have been very positive ones! Keep your head up girly! I truly think between 5 and 8dpo, we start to give up because the symptoms canbe very spotty. You're definitely still in the game, so don't give up! I'm rooting that this is your monthThanks Ana, def not getting my hopes up this cycle because all my symptoms seem to have disappeared today - typical after Ov progesterone symptoms and disappearing mid LP. The implantation spotting last two days 5dpo then nothing then 6dpo even less then just yellow ewcm now, but yellow creamy earlier lol. I’m really beginning to think it was just a secondary estrogen surge symptom even though that’s the first time I’ve ever had it- could be because of the soy or RLT.
Your symptoms sound verrry promising, as they say all it really takes is one right! The sore boobs I def remember starting around 6dpo it so my last pregnancy and by the time I was 12/13dpo they were excruciating. Fingers crossed for you, can’t wait to see your test Tom!
This was one of my very first noticeable symptoms this time around. And same scent, coffee! LOL I love it, but every time I tried to make it or walk by it, it would make me feel queezy. I actually made the decision to give up caffeine with this pregnancy. I am drinking decaf which I know has a little bit of caffeine in it, but I am trying to ween myself completely away from my morning cup of joe.Yay for symptoms Sweden. Sense of smell was first thing I noticed with my first pregnancy, was 12 years ago but I’ll never forget being at work and the coffee machine smell being so strong making me feel sick, I am a big coffee drinker but I couldn’t drink it right through that pregnancy and then with my youngest I was in the hospital restaurant, I’d had an appt for something and all I could smell was vinegar on everyone’s food haha
Your so organised with tests Tesh, i always wait til last min to buy them and end up spending a fortune, I’m really getting tempted now though I might even do one tonight!
Anababe! I have a good feeling girl! Your symptoms sound almost exactly how mine began this time around. Heartburn, sore boobs, headaches, not sleeping well. I'm telling you girl! VERY PROMISING! How many dpo are you today and when do you plan to start testing?![]()
ahhhh~!! Get to testing girl! I am going to be stalking the page for your results! LOLI’m either 8 or 9dpo, because of my issues with my thermometer I don’t know for certain, FF put me as CD10 but I’ve taken all my temps off there now as it was annoying me only having a few inaccurate temps and I’ve manually put CD11 as thats when I felt ov seemed most likely according to everything else. I’m going to test tonight I think. I’ll nip out soon and pick a couple up so I can do one tomorrow with fmu