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Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

Kimmie, the twinges you are feeling are normal. It's your body gearing up to ovulate. You will feel more twinges than normal during ovulation while taking SI because it is essentially causing hyperovulation. And the headaches are also normal. I get them on and off during the days i take the SI and i take them at night before bed. I usually wake up with a headache those mornings. Nothing to severe though. I got my BFP my first cycle using SI. Unfortunately it was a chemical pregnancy and didn't stick. I'm on my 2nd cycle of SI right now so we'll see how it goes! Good luck!

I have a ? are u still supposed to feel the twinges in you ovaries after you ovulate??? I gave up taking my opks, but still where i've researched cm and stuff i know what is going on with my body...my husband and I bd and that night i was curious and took an opk and it was positive, but i still feel the twinges??? did that happen to you too???

I usually get twinges before and during ovulation but not usually after ovulation is complete.
Kimmie, the twinges you are feeling are normal. It's your body gearing up to ovulate. You will feel more twinges than normal during ovulation while taking SI because it is essentially causing hyperovulation. And the headaches are also normal. I get them on and off during the days i take the SI and i take them at night before bed. I usually wake up with a headache those mornings. Nothing to severe though. I got my BFP my first cycle using SI. Unfortunately it was a chemical pregnancy and didn't stick. I'm on my 2nd cycle of SI right now so we'll see how it goes! Good luck!

I have a ? are u still supposed to feel the twinges in you ovaries after you ovulate??? I gave up taking my opks, but still where i've researched cm and stuff i know what is going on with my body...my husband and I bd and that night i was curious and took an opk and it was positive, but i still feel the twinges??? did that happen to you too???

I usually get twinges before and during ovulation but not usually after ovulation is complete.

thanks, it stopped I guess i was worried and thinking too much about it, and also I was hungry at the time lol so i ate and it went away
can I join you I've decided to try soya this month I've gone for the gradually increasing dose over the 5 days. Fingers crossed it works :)

what cd r u on && how many mg????

I'm on cd10 I took soya cd 5 - 9 50mg, 100mg, 125mg, 150mg & 200mg

did taking them make you get any headaches or anything????

no but I did take them about an hour before bed, most of the research I read recommended taking them then to avoid side effects. Did you get many?
can I join you I've decided to try soya this month I've gone for the gradually increasing dose over the 5 days. Fingers crossed it works :)

what cd r u on && how many mg????

I'm on cd10 I took soya cd 5 - 9 50mg, 100mg, 125mg, 150mg & 200mg

did taking them make you get any headaches or anything????

no but I did take them about an hour before bed, most of the research I read recommended taking them then to avoid side effects. Did you get many?

yeah but im headache prone anyway...i took mine right before bed too....
cycle day 21 only 9 more days til AF's due
the day of truth to see if soy isoflavones really worked!!!!
this 2ww is killing me
Alright, i got a BFP today! I'm trying to stay calm and not get my hopes up too much cause i got a BFP last month and it wound up being a chemical pregnancy. But i can say this, i had been TTC for 11 months and was unsuccessful until i began using soy. I've used soy for two months now and became pregnant both cycles. Hopefully this one sticks! Everyone cross your fingers for me!
Alright, i got a BFP today! I'm trying to stay calm and not get my hopes up too much cause i got a BFP last month and it wound up being a chemical pregnancy. But i can say this, i had been TTC for 11 months and was unsuccessful until i began using soy. I've used soy for two months now and became pregnant both cycles. Hopefully this one sticks! Everyone cross your fingers for me!

I'll be praying for you.....Congrats
hope its works for me...
how many dpo are you????

Has anyone used soy to fix a luteal phase defect? Been tracking my cycle for 3 months and I ov around day 20-21 and have a 6 day luteal phase. I am feeling pretty hopeless. Do you think soy could help?
Alright, i got a BFP today! I'm trying to stay calm and not get my hopes up too much cause i got a BFP last month and it wound up being a chemical pregnancy. But i can say this, i had been TTC for 11 months and was unsuccessful until i began using soy. I've used soy for two months now and became pregnant both cycles. Hopefully this one sticks! Everyone cross your fingers for me!


have you in my prayers
Hi ladies, been following this thread with big eyes and hope you don't mind me joining. Wonderful news RhiannonBaby and FX for you.

I'm taking agnus castus to help regulate my cycle after coming off BC (Implanon). If no luck with this cycle I'd like to try SI for the next cycle. Does anyone know if you can take the two together? (ie AC from CD1 to Ov as well as SI on clomid days)

Has anyone taken the two together? Would love to hear your stories xx
Good afternoon ladies...

I took SI too this month...AF came on Sept 1st....took it on CD3-cd7 (200mgs each day), but I'm also taking EPO (3x a day) , and Vitex (3x a day)....

Today is CD 13 for me.....DH and I BD'd yesterday and will BD every other day until CD19....and then begin the 2ww journey...

Crossing my fingers that SI did its magic!

Congrats to RhiannonBaby and FX!

Baby Dust to all! :)
Congrats to RhiannonBaby fingers crossed for a stick bean :)

As for ac & SI they cancel each other out so you should only take one depends what your taking them for to which to try
Thanks Sienna. I'm new in my research so when you say they cancel each other out is this because:

SI blocks your oestrogen receptors to trick your body into thinking you need more FSH which stimulates your follicles. Then as your follicles mature they release oestrogen. Once oestrogen reaches a certain point, your body will release LH which triggers ovulation.


AC increases the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen by balancing excess oestrogen.


SI is needed for a good strong egg in the follicular phase


AC is needed to balance out excess oestrogen in the luteal phase and encourage progesterone needed for successful implantation/lining

so the anti-oestrogen effect of AC 'cancels' the oestrogen produced by the maturing follicles (thanks to SI) which is needed for the release of LH which triggers ovulation?

Is that right?? I'm a newbie so prone to nerding it out for a while...

But if that is the case how does AC work on its own?- doesn't it work just by harmonising the ratio between oestrogen and progesterone? So you could SI on your clomid days and then take AC after your clomid days till ovulation??:shrug::shrug::dohh:

Anyone tried this?? Or is it a complete NO NO in the world of TTC? :dohh:
Thanks for the prayers kimmie and mrs.evans! Kimmie, i think i ovulated around CD17. I'm now on CD34, so i have definitely missed my regular period by now. I have taken 3 HPT's in the past two days and have gotten faint but definitely there positives. I am hoping for a dark, solid positive line soon so i can be sure my HCG is increasing. Last month when i had a chemical pregnancy i got faint lines (fainter than i am having now) and then they faded to nothing by the time the pregnancy failed and my period came. Argh. Trying not to stress and obsess but its hard not to!

MRS.F, soy usually helps you ovulate sooner, which can also shorten your cycle. It could possibly give you a longer luteal phase if you ovulate sooner but it may also just make you ovulate sooner and you will still have a short luteal phase. My advice would be to try it and see. It will not hurt anything and if it helps you it will be well worth it! I have read of taking b6 i think to lengthen your luteal phase. Let me read up on it and get back to you. :)
MRS.F: Ok, i did some research and B6, chasteberry (vitex) and progesterone cream are recommended to help lengthen your luteal phase. Most women that have tried one or all of these has had luck lengthening their LP's by 2 or more days. Good luck!
So, I read most of this thread and soy-iso sounds very interesting.. maybe just what I need. My last 2 cycles were about 60 days. And I'm on CD9 now. Do you think I can start soy now, since my cycles are long? Or do I have to wait 60 days till my next cycle starts?
Ooooh okay. I have suffered from cysts in the past but not PCOS. Just on my left side.

I get pains on my left some months and on my right others. So could I not be ovulating from both sides but my egg will never get anywhere because of my blockage.

Thanks for your help girls...

Appreciate the replys... Last thing I want to do it make things worse thats why I asked.


I thought my left tube was blocked as well before I had my lap in July but my doctor told me that as long as one of the ovaries is ovulating, sometimes the fallopian tube from the other side will actually reach over and grab the egg. Weird huh?

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