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Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

Ok so I've just about read through this entire thread and it's gotten me, for the first time ever, both excited in a good way and relaxed about possibly getting pg and it really truly working out.
I'm currently on cd 3 (full force af from i'm pretty sure an extremely early chemical)
i read this and got so excited, I ran out to wal-mart and picked up some iso flavs tonight and took my first dose (i didn't want to miss the 3-7 window lol)
I'm just going to do 100mg for 5 days and see how that works. I'm still waiting for that sticky bean but I just have a good feeling about this month. I had a lap in july to remove a cyst from my left tube and some endo and i think the surgery caused my cycle to run 60 days. My cycles usually run longer anyways and I'm hoping to shorten them up a bit. I think my luteal phase is ok but not sure. I've also been tested a few times for pcos, some dr's said I had it, other's didn't ? So who knows. All I know is that the endo is gone, my thyroid is completely regulated, I'm also taking a prenatal vitamin which has the B vitamin complex in it and I got Vitamin C/Zinc Gummi's for the dh so he'll actually take them lol (I heard vit C and Zinc is good for sperm production and motility)
Here's hoping and keeping my finger's crossed!
PMA LADIES!!!!!!!!!
Wow that is amazing MindyB85, I guess the fallopian tubes 'absorb' the eggs rather than a straight 'tunnel' action, your body can still come up with ways to help you 4Magpie xx:hugs:
Do you think this soy stuff is good for those to try if they ov regularly- or will it mess up their cycle?
Alright, i got a BFP today! I'm trying to stay calm and not get my hopes up too much cause i got a BFP last month and it wound up being a chemical pregnancy. But i can say this, i had been TTC for 11 months and was unsuccessful until i began using soy. I've used soy for two months now and became pregnant both cycles. Hopefully this one sticks! Everyone cross your fingers for me!

What brand were you using? thnx
thanks so much ladies
I think I have the highest PMA that I ever had in regards to ttc :)
I told my dh that I was so happy and relieved today while I made him lunch and did the dishes and he just smiled. I think this PMA is doing our relationship a world of good as well and he took the vitamins and joked that they seemed pretty "specific" and that I probably got them for his sperm health LOL
Boy did he hit the nail on the head. I'm also going to do some light to moderate exercise taking the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood every day. I think this will help get the blood flowing.
I'm not going to do opk's this month, just check for mucus and hopefully bd a few times around then and will confirm o with a temp spike.
I think we will be more likely to bd more if I stay positive. It's a lot more attractive than crying and bitching nonstop lol
RhiannonBaby , Congratulations hun and really hope this one sticks for a h & h 9 months xx
Hi ladies, hope you don't mind me jumping in. I started my SI tablets today and I'm very excited about it. My plan is CD3 50mg, CD4 100mg, CD5&6 150mg and CD7 200mg. Then spend the rest of the month hoping and praying for that BFP :happydance: I'm so determined this month.

Good luck to you all x
I thought my left tube was blocked as well before I had my lap in July but my doctor told me that as long as one of the ovaries is ovulating, sometimes the fallopian tube from the other side will actually reach over and grab the egg. Weird huh?

My first RE said that the fallopian tube can reach over and sometimes grab at the ovary that is producing......


My most recent and different RE said that that IS NOT possible. In all the years of him being in practice, he has NEVER heard of such a thing....

So honestly? I don't know if that is true or not....because he said that our tubes are no bigger than like 1mm (2mm at most)....which is super tiny and the tubes aren't made to function like that...and that he's never seen any clinical proof of such a thing happening....

Because when I was first told that....it really gave me hope (seeing as I have only one tube)....but after recently being told that that's not so....I was sooo sad. :(
gotta ?
thursday i HAVE to go to the doc and get a pap smear since i aint had one in a year and my doc said it was time for one.... when i go I'll be 8 dpo... there gonna do all the blood tests and everything that comes with a complete physical....
if soy did work for me would they be able to tell with a blood test without me specifically asking for a blood pregnancy test????
and will the pap smear hurt my baby if I am....
well, i would just ask before you get the pap and make sure it wont hurt anything
also i'm on cd 5 and not any side effects yet. I've been having some bad cramps but I'm also on AF
However it's getting lighter like it might end tomorrow. This would be a FIRST for me :)
A 5-6 days period versus 7-10 YES!!!! hopefully this also means O will be sooner too!!!
Kimmie tell them when you go that you are actively trying and that you are 9dpo when you are there and tell them you are worried they will understand hun xx
well, i would just ask before you get the pap and make sure it wont hurt anything
also i'm on cd 5 and not any side effects yet. I've been having some bad cramps but I'm also on AF
However it's getting lighter like it might end tomorrow. This would be a FIRST for me :)
A 5-6 days period versus 7-10 YES!!!! hopefully this also means O will be sooner too!!!

hope it works for you keep us posted
just bumping this up cause it seems like soy is the new clomid and there has been a lot of success : )
Interesting thread!
well i went for my pap test &&&&
i chickened out
the doc did say my cervix was soft && when she stuck that thing up there it was so sensitive that it bleed (not bad)
i didn't ask for a blood test cause i couldn't hear another :bfn:
my resulats will be back within 48 hours
Do u think that even tho they specifically didnt do a BPT
if i was could they figure it out
they did take blood but not for that purpose
i think they can use the blood for up to five days
couldn't resist and took an e.p.t digital today at 9dpo && sure enough :bfn:

after my pap yesterday i started spotting brown (not a lot) but lasted all day && app. was at 10:45 a.m.

i feel something kinda like cramps under my belly button but i guess it could be where i had my pap yesterday....
also it seems different this time i feel in other words "pregnant" but got a :bfn:

i know im only 9dpo
i felt so for sure though :cry:

&& i have never had spotting after a pap before..... :cry:
ooo idk

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