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Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

Congrats XShell79!

I'm in my TWW right now.....I'm on CD 21....Hoping that I don't get AF at the end of the month...

I did feel weird twinges around CD15.....O'd on the CD17....hoping to have Implantation on CD25 or CD26......and again, just praying that I get a BFP on CD32.....

This TWW is killin' me though! ::sighs::

I also have been reading.....about pets....my Shih-Tzu....she's been VERY "clingy" to me......and in everything I've researched....it says that dogs have a weird sense also......and I'm hoping that that's so....because if her "clingy-ness" means something, maybe she (my dog) can sense I am pregnant? ::crossing my fingers::
Hi all, I am new to this. I am on CD3 and am going to take my first soy iso tonight. Fingers crossed

Hello all, I did my soy iso cd3-6 at 100 mg and then 150mg on day 7. Im on cd 13 and yesterday I had some clear watery like cm??? could o be right around the corner???? that would be AMAZING!!!!
I hope getting rid of the endo in july and the so will help regulate my cycles and possible get that bfp :)
im so excited i am going to be taking soy isoflavones from tomorrow night so hoping that it works for us good luck to all taking it, has anyone had any bad effects from it so far please, i would love to know before i take it
forgot to ask, i read something the other day on soy isoflavones and it said something about making the bleeds shorter is that right anyone ?
forgot to ask, i read something the other day on soy isoflavones and it said something about making the bleeds shorter is that right anyone ?

do u mean from the cycle u've started them on now hun?x
forgot to ask, i read something the other day on soy isoflavones and it said something about making the bleeds shorter is that right anyone ?

when i took it last cycle i still bled the same and still started AF just like I normally would have without it......
also i read about headaches when you take them soo I just took a tylenol with em just in case lol......
Fist of all I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK to everyone
hope we all get our :bfp: this time

Imma try soy again today..... CD 3-7 200 mg

keep us updated.....

I'm on my last day of soy today! Taken them since CD3 so trying to remain optimistic and hope for the best x
Kimmie, i did CD2-6 both times and gradually increased the dosage each night till i maxed out at 200mg. I did 50, 100, 150,150 and 200 the last night. Apparently gradually increasing the dosage helps...not sure how or why...just what i've heard. Good luck this month!

I'm doing okay. I'm 6 weeks today. I'm wondering when the severe nausea and stuff is gonna set in...just sore boobs so far.
Okay I have taken my first lot of soy so we will see if it does anything...
Hello Ladies!! I'm new to these boards and just wanted pop in and say HI!!

I've been reading up on this thread and would like to join you all. I'm on CD4 and started taking the soy pills last night so i'll be doing CD3 - CD7. I'm curious to know what doses are you all taking? I've seen one post where it started low and increased over the days, has anyone taken one set dose through all 5 day?

Also for those that have used the pills for more than 1 cycle what did you find where the most common side effects of taking them? The only thing i've noticed from symptoms that I've read on the net was that it could give you a headache and hot flashes so take them at night. Well last night about a half hour after I took them I did feel like I was on fire.


Kelly :)
I did Hun I took 160mg my second cycle cd3-7 and got my bfp. Good luck and hope u get urs soon xxx
Hi, I started taking Soy for the first time this month. Took it cd3-7, 70mg then 100mg for the last 2 days. If doesn't work think I will up it next month as many seem to be taking a lot more!! I took it at night so as to not experience any side effects but I still woke up with hot flashes in the middle of the night a few times.

Cd9 i started experiencing twinges in ovary area started OPK's Cd10 and CM has increased a lot over the last few days.

FX'd for everybody :bfp:
I just started yesterday CD4 and will take until CD8...taking 120 mg...hope it works! I am just off BC and seem to be ovulating normally, but I got a:bfn: last month and would like to change that....
I did it last month cycle 3-7 did 160 & last 2 days at 240. Did the BD 36 hours after my lh surge. I got AF. So this cycle I upped the dosage. I did soy from CD 5-9 started at 240 & last two days did 320. I could feel myself ovulate first time ever. I had planned to BD more but couldn't anyway it only takes one time. We bd 24 hours after my lh surge and this was the first month doing bbt so I ovulated on the day so if it was going to happen it was perfect time. I will be sure to post if I get a bfp this is 10th cycle trying 2 on soy. If AF comes I will repeat same from this month plus I think I going to try softcops.
Good luck to everyone!
Hi all I am taking soy as well. This is my third cycle on it. The first cycle I took it cycle days 2-6 80mg of it. Second cycle I took it cycle days 2-6 120mg and this cycle i took it cd 1-6 at 200mg. I forgot and took one extra day. I am now on cd9 and I am having a lot of watery CM TMI sorry. I hope this is good news. I increased it cause I didn't notice any differences other then my periods being shorter which is good and it came on time. I have PCOS.
Hi all, I'm a newbie. So excited that a few members here have gotten BFP by trying Soy Iso. Congrats to those lucky ones! :) I've finished mine a couple of days ago. It's a C#2 with Soy Iso.

I had a chemical miscarriage end of Feb 2009. So I had 6 months break (on pill) since Dr said I've had low blood count. She also diagnosed me with PCOS. I stopped taking the pills on end of June 2009 because DH and I secretly wanted to give it a try again. Unfortunately my cycles went wacky. I mean before, my cycle was like 30 - 45 days but now it's so irregular that sometimes it is 70 - 80+ days. So I tried Chlomid 50mg for 3 cycles from another Dr. Still no BFP!

I have a question about Soy Iso usage. Can I take Royal Jelly after Soy Iso?

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