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Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

I am not sure about the royal jelly and soy combo you might be able to google it.
I'm on cd16 and I have EWCM!!!
I can't believe it!!!
My cycles have been soooo long and irregular and this is my first cycle of soy iso 100mg cd3-6 and 150mg on cd 7 and on cd 16 EWCM!!
This makes me so happy that I might actually have a normal cycle and maybe even that bfp this month. I have been having some twinges and little sharp pains in my left ovary and I thought for a lil bit maybe even my right???
We will just have to wait and see lol
: )
Well im really hoping that it works for us i started to take it two days ago and tonight will be my third day two more to go and really really hoping that its all good.
Good Luck to you hun its sounding as tho its all going to be good xx
thank you soo much
another thing, if there are any chart checker's out there,
I think I might have had an ovulation dip today???
What do you ladies think?
thank you soo much
another thing, if there are any chart checker's out there,
I think I might have had an ovulation dip today???
What do you ladies think?

In looking at your chart I myself would say you better be BD's today and the next couple of days for good measure!! Have you taken an OPK to see if you get an LH surge??

To the Soy Iso ladies did you find that you had very vivid dreams while taking it?!? All I can say is holy cow they are unreal and in a good way :winkwink:
i was not doing the opk's just because i've had such long cycles in the past
For example, I tried to do it last cycle and had 20 sticks and i don't think i ever got a "true" positive so I figured I would just look for natural signs instead this cycle and not waste the money

We'll see about the bd'ing. My dh has a bunch of tests this week and is super stressed and usually when that happens it's really hard to get him in the mood iykwim
but the fact we did it twice around this time makes me happy
we will see tho, I'll see if I can pull out some charm tonight LOL
Today is going to be my fourth day of soy iso and this morning when I woke up, I noticed my temps were much higher than normal (see my chart) BUT, it's not time for me to O yet...I don't even have egg white cm. Does soy iso cause higher temps? This one is really bothering me!
My cycles have been all over the placeand took soy days 3-7. According to my brand new set up today chart on FF I O'd on day 25 of my cycle (currently on CD36 so looks like it's a longone again.

Hmmm not sure I entirley believe it but am happy it didn't mention the word anovulatory.

I would post my chart but wouldn't know where to start !
I took day four last night and i woke up this morning feeling a little sick, but feel a bit better now just have some grumbling aches low down so presumably this is the soy doing its thing, but i am curious to know what this is going to do to my cycle as i am normally anywhere between cd24 and cd27 so that means i normally OV around cd10/12 so does this mean i will ov early or later , oh and to answer the question about the dreams yes they have been more vivd and seem very real especially last nights creepy and a little unnerving for me as mine involved a man who somehow got into the house and just sat there all offical like and i woke this morning expecting him to be sitting there, good job OH wasnt here and at work at 5am this morning he would have thought i was nuts !!! LMAO !
Hi Ladies,

Inkdchick i have the same length cycles as you, i did soy this cycle and ovulated on the normal day i just had stronger ovulation pain
Hi Ladies,

Inkdchick i have the same length cycles as you, i did soy this cycle and ovulated on the normal day i just had stronger ovulation pain

O fantastic i have got what feels like a bit of uncomfortable aching today but my period is only now finishing. Did it play up with yours as mine was a bit weird this month and its now all brown stuff so will hopefully be trying to bd tonight as see if we can every other day from today to see if we catch it right to be on the safe side.
Do you ov early like me too then?
I know the soy must be doing its thing...woke up with pain in my ovaries today (I know I'm not O'ing yet though) and I've got high temperatures, but no egg white cm yet. Today is my final day and I'm kind of glad...I've had headaches, nausea and ovary pain quite a bit....hopefully I'll have a strong O later. Oh, and my cycles are between 24-27 days normally...hopefully I won't get a 30 day cycle or anything weird like that!
May I join this thread? Seems like everyone has good things to say here! I'm trying soy isoflavones for the first time this cycle days 4-8. I was going to do 3-7, but couldn't get to the store after I made my decision to try them! I typically ovulate pretty late, so I'm hoping the soy changes that! I, too, have definitely been feeling some ovary pain (unusual for this time in my cycle). Any advice is welcome. Love and baby dust to everyone : )
I know the soy must be doing its thing...woke up with pain in my ovaries today (I know I'm not O'ing yet though) and I've got high temperatures, but no egg white cm yet. Today is my final day and I'm kind of glad...I've had headaches, nausea and ovary pain quite a bit....hopefully I'll have a strong O later. Oh, and my cycles are between 24-27 days normally...hopefully I won't get a 30 day cycle or anything weird like that!

Me too, im the same cycle as you, and i was glad to take the last one last night as i have had a mild headache and that ov pain too but no egg white either so maybe is soon apparantly it will arrive up to 6 days after last pills so im hoping its still on its way good luck hun xx
what mg level are you supposed to take?

A few ladies took a consistant amount of mg for the 5 days but i'm not 100% sure what mg they took. I myself did CD 3,4 100mg CD 5,6 150mg and CD7 200mg.

Yesterday the 1st day after the last day of Soy I definately felt aches and twinges on both ovaries and my lower back was aching. I normally O on CD14 - 16 so we'll see if the pains get any stronger.

Fx'd and lots of :dust: to everyone.
I'm confused,
I took 100mg on days 3-6 and 150mg on cd7, well I was having ALL the signs for ovulation
EWCM and temps were pretty steady until they took a HUGE plunge, I figured this was Ovulation, but now the temps haven't really gone back up. I woke up in the middle of the night and also took my temp an hour and a half earlier, but I don't think it would be this low.
I started feeling a little sick yesterday, like a scratchy throat and a little runny nose, maybe that is throwing the temps off.
I really don't know, maybe the soy finally faded and now my estrogen is finally kicking into overdrive???? and that's why I'm having super low temps and my body will gear up and actually Ovulate soon???
Any advice at all ladies, please take a look.
Keep in mind that I have a history of ling and irregular cycles and just had endo removed last cycle (which turned out to be 60 days!)
I know the soy must be doing its thing...woke up with pain in my ovaries today (I know I'm not O'ing yet though) and I've got high temperatures, but no egg white cm yet. Today is my final day and I'm kind of glad...I've had headaches, nausea and ovary pain quite a bit....hopefully I'll have a strong O later. Oh, and my cycles are between 24-27 days normally...hopefully I won't get a 30 day cycle or anything weird like that!

Me too, im the same cycle as you, and i was glad to take the last one last night as i have had a mild headache and that ov pain too but no egg white either so maybe is soon apparantly it will arrive up to 6 days after last pills so im hoping its still on its way good luck hun xx

I've been having aches in the ovary area when I wake up each day-thank goodness last night was the final night of soy right?! Headaches and ovary pain were my biggest complaints. I'm supposed to O this weekend, so let's see if I get it on both sides and how strong the pain is....fingers crossed for you hun!
Hi ladies! Can I join? :hi:

This was my first month using the soy, I did 160mg CD3-7... It definitely worked it's magic, last month I OV'd on CD24... Today on CD15 I got my Peak on my fertility monitor, I should OV tomorrow! :happydance: EWCM and pains match the peak reading on the monitor!

Was just wondering if anyone is having or had extremely INTENSE ovulation pain while on the soy?? I normally have fairly strong pains during ovulation, but these are ridiculous! Very strong on the right side and I'm also feeling some pain on the far left as well!

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